Aim & Scope

Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Faculty of Law Journal (HBV-FLJ) is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes studies that include in-depth theoretical analyses and critical evaluations of current practices in the field of law, strictly adhering to the principles of scientific research ethics and academic publishing. HBV-FLJ aims to contribute not only to the discipline of law, but also to pioneer the development of legal thought by preparing the ground for scientific production from different perspectives such as legal methodology, normative theories and sociology of law. The journal aims to encourage interdisciplinary interaction in the academic field and to make qualified contributions to the international legal literature by including studies related to global legal systems such as international law, comparative law and European Union law, as well as studies on the Turkish legal system. In this direction, HBV-FLJ follows a publication policy that prioritizes scientific quality and academic integrity in the national and international academic community and hosts innovative and original research in legal science.

The journal publishes articles and translations. These may be in either Turkish, English, German or French. The journal's content encompasses studies in the fields of law and law-related disciplines. It is divided into two sections: private law and public law. It is published four times a year (January-April-July-October).

Period Months
January April July October
Last Update Time: 3/6/25, 1:56:23 PM