- “Cover” form,
You have access to the HBV-JLF Article format here.
Font, Size, Line Spacing and Writing of Paragraphs:
o Articles should be written in “Microsoft Word” software. Chapter Titles:
All headings should be written in accordance with the following rules:
¬ Times New Roman font, 12 pt font size, Left alignment, bold,
¬ The following example should be taken into account in titling.
A. Shared Separation of Goods Regime
1. Generally
2. Commencement of Shared Property Separation Regime
3. Rights and Responsibilities of Spouses in the Shared Property Separation Regime
a. Rights of spouses
b. Spouses' debts
B. Asset Tables and the Application of the In-kind Substitution Principle in the Shared Separation of Goods Regime
1. Generally
2. Spouses' Personal Property
3. Family-Specific Goods
a. Goods dedicated to the common use and enjoyment of the family
b. Investments to secure the economic future of the family
c. Values that replace family-specific goods and in-kind substitution practice
(1) Examination of the concept of “substitute values” and the application of the principle of substitution in kind in the regime of participation in acquired goods
(2) Application of the principle of substitution in kind within the scope of family-specific goods
Word Count:
o The text of the academic papers sent to the journal should not exceed 15,000 words.
o Abstracts and bibliography will not be included in the word limit for the text part.
Language to be Used in Articles:
o Articles written in Turkish, English and German languages are accepted to our journal.
Main Title, Abstract and Keywords:
The main title of the academic study should be written in accordance with the following rules:
¬ Times New Roman font, 12 pt font size, bold, Center alignment, 1.15 line spacing,
¬ 6 pt paragraph spacing after the heading, All uppercase,
o Before the text of the article, a summary of at least 100 and maximum 200 words and five keywords, written in the same language with the article, should be added.
o Abstract and Keywords should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 pt font size, Italic, Justify alignment, Single line spacing,
¬ 6 pt paragraph spacing before and after paragraphs and headings,
¬ No paragraph indent should be used for the first line of paragraphs.
o Studies written in Turkish should include the English translations of the main title, abstract and keywords after the abstract and keywords written in the language in which the academic study is written.
o The same rules should be followed in writing the English translation of the main title, abstract and keywords.
o In addition to the English title, abstract and keywords, the author may also include German/French title, abstract and keywords.
Extended abstract:
In order to increase the visibility and citation rate of articles written in Turkish in international circles, an extended abstract of 600-800 words in English should be prepared effective . This should comprehensively summarize the purpose, hypothesis and results of the article. Attention should be paid to English spelling and grammar rules. The extended abstract should be placed after the other abstracts.
Citation Rules and Bibliography:
The following points should be considered in writing the bibliography.
1. The bibliography should start on a new page (separate page with a break).
2. The bibliography should be written in single line spacing, leaving 12 nk space after each bibliography, hanging (just like the beginning of a paragraph, starting from the inside).
3. Court decisions should not be cited in the bibliography.
Materials cited in the bibliography should be styled as such:
1. Books: Surname, Name, Title, Edition, Publisher, Place and Year.
Example: Ayhan, Rıza, Ticarî İşletme Hukuku, 2nd Edition, Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara 2007.
2. Articles: Surname, Name, “Title of the Article”, Title of the Journal, Volume, Number, pp.
Example: Ayhan, Rıza, “Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonunun Hukuki Mahiyeti”, Gazi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi: Prof. Dr. Naci Kınacıoğlu’na Armağan, Vol. I, No. 2, pp. 31-40.
3. Edited Works: Surname, Name, “Title of the Chapter”, Name of the Book, Edition, Publisher, Place and Year, pp., (Editor/Editors: Editor’s Surname, Name / Editor’s Surname, Name).
Example: Şenocak, Kemal, “Adi Ortaklık Sözleşmesi”, Borçlar Hukuku Özel Hükümler, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara 2023, pp. 917-1151 (Editor: Öz, M. Turgut).
The same rule is applied for translated Works: ‘(Translator: Translator's Surname, Name)’ is written instead of the editor.
Example: Di Marzo, Salvatore, Roma Hukuku, 2. Edition, Sulhi Garan Matbaası, İstanbul 1959 (Translator: Umur, Ziya).
4. Unpublished Thesis: Surname, Name, Title, Unpublished Master’s/Doctoral Thesis, Place and Year.
Example: Türkoğlu, Kamile, İdari Yargılama Usulünde Kesin Hüküm, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Ankara 2010.
5. Online Materials: URLs of online materials should be indicated in brackets along with the date of access.
Example: Ayhan, Rıza, “Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonunun Hukuki Mahiyeti”, Gazi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi: Prof. Dr. Naci Kınacıoğlu’na Armağan, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 31-40. (http://www.hukuk.gazi.edu.tr/editor/dergi/1_2_3.pdf, Date accessed: 13.06.2010)
6. If the material is co-authored; names of each author should be fully provided.
Example: Oğuzman, M. Kemal/Seliçi, Özer/Oktay-Özdemir, Saibe, Eşya Hukuku, Revised 11. Edition, Filiz Kitabevi, İstanbul, 2006.
7. Citations for referred resources should be added as footnotes at the end of each page. Including first citation all citations to same resource material should be as such: Surname, page number. The same rule applies to subsequent citations; abbreviations such as ibid are never used. When referring to more than one page, a comma is inserted between the page numbers. A hyphen is placed between the page numbers to be cited to the following specific pages. The abbreviation ‘ff.’ is used when referring to the following pages. If a reference is to be made by the expression 'see' in the footnote, the abbreviation 'see' is used.
Example: Ayhan, p. 36.
Ayhan, p. 36, 54.
Ayhan, p. 36-38.
Ayhan, p. 36 ff.
8. For references to footnotes, the abbreviation ‘fn.’ is used after the page number and the footnote number is indicated.
Example: Ayhan, p. 36 fn. 5.
9. If more than one material by a single author are referred to and the publication years of these materials differ, year for each material should be indicated after a comma.
Example: Ayhan, 2007, p. 53.
Ayhan, 1997, p. 33.
10. If the years for each material are same, title of the material should be abbreviated to distinguish it from other materials written by the same author.
Example: Ayhan, İşletme, p. 76.
Ayhan, Tasarruf, p. 33.
11. References to Turkish court decisions: Name of the Court, Date of the decision, Basis number, Decision number, (information about access to decision).
Example: YİBK, T. 12.12.2024, E. 2023/34, K. 2024/186 (www.lexpera.com.tr).
YHGK, T. 12.12.2024, E. 2023/34, K. 2024/186 (Yayımlanmamış).
YCGK, T. 12.12.2024, E. 2023/34, K. 2024/186 (https://karararama.yargitay.gov.tr/).
Y. 6. HD, T. 12.12.2024, E. 2023/34, K. 2024/186 (www.corpus.com.tr).
Y. 6. CD, T. 12.12.2024, E. 2023/34, K. 2024/186 (YKD, 2024, C. 50, S. 2, s. 100 vd.).
Ankara BAM 3. HD, T. 12.12.2024, E. 2023/34, K. 2024/186 (www.legalbank.net).
Ankara BAM 3. CD, T. 12.12.2024, E. 2023/34, K. 2024/186 (www.kazanci.com.tr).
Ankara 3. BİM, T. 12.12.2024, E. 2023/34, K. 2024/186 (www.lexpera.com.tr).
D. 6. D, T. 12.12.2024, E. 2023/34, K. 2024/186 (Türkoğlu, s. 52).
DİDDK, T. 16.04.2024, YD İtiraz No 2024/143 (www.lexpera.com.tr).
AYM, T. 12.12.2024, E. 2023/34, K. 2024/186 (Anayurt, s. 65 dn. 12).
AYM, T. 12.12.2024, B. No 2020/333, Ali Kınık Başvurusu (www.anayasa.gov.tr).
12. References to foreign court decisions: Any citation may be made as desired, provided that the same citation procedure is adopted throughout the entire work.
*These rules have been updated as of December 27, 2024.