Publication Process

The manuscript submission process is transparent through the Dergipark system. Authors are automatically informed about each step of the publication process.
The field editors generally evaluate the articles submitted to the journal in terms of quality, content and contribution to the field and decide whether the article should enter the publication process or not. At this stage, the article may be rejected without entering the process.
Associate Editors check that article files are complete and that articles conform to the journal's spelling rules, and ensure that authors make the necessary arrangements.
Assistant Editors forward articles that have been through the preliminary review process to the appropriate Field Editor for refereeing.
Manuscripts are sent for double-blind anonymous peer review by the editors.
Reviewers are appointed according to the subject of the study.
It is essential that the referees have studied or are competent in the field of the article.
Referees cannot be from the same institution as the author.
If the authors have an academic degree, the referees will be chosen, if possible, from academics with a higher title.
It is essential that the referees respond to the invitation sent to them by e-mail via Dergipark with the article abstract attached within 10 days. If necessary, this deadline will be extended twice by 5 days. If the referee does not accept or decline the invitation within the deadline, the field editor can cancel the invitation via the system and send a referee invitation to another person.
For manuscripts to be accepted for publication, at least two referees must consider them suitable for publication. The referees may request minor or major revisions to the article. In this case, the author will be asked to revise the article in accordance with the referees' opinions. In the case of minor revisions, the revised article will be reviewed by the appropriate Assistant Editor. In the case of major revision, the article will be resubmitted to the same referee and asked to decide on the suitability of the revised version for publication.
Articles that are not deemed suitable for publication by both reviewers will not be published. If one of the referees does not consider the article suitable for publication, the article may be rejected by the Editorial Board or sent to a third referee, taking into account the other referee's comments on the article.
As a result of the peer review process, the Editorial Board evaluates the peer review reports. The Editorial Board meets and decides whether to accept the article, send it to a third referee, or reject it. The reasons for the rejection decision and the referee reports are sent to the author.
Normally, articles that have completed the editorial process and have been accepted are published in the next issue. However, the Editorial Board may decide to publish some articles in the next issue, taking into account the number of articles or the topics of the articles. In this case, the authors will be informed.

For details please see the link: Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Last Update Time: 3/6/25, 1:48:26 PM