All publication processes implemented by the ANABIDA Journal are designed to ensure the impartial, transparent, and reliable development and dissemination of scientific knowledge. The journal’s ethical principles and responsibilities are based on the Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive and the principles established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All stakeholders involved in the publication process are expected to adhere to the following ethical responsibilities in accordance with publication ethics standards.
To ensure compliance, programs such as iThenticate or Turnitin may be used to conduct ethical audits and to prevent potential instances of academic misconduct.
The ethical duties and responsibilities outlined below have been prepared in alignment with the guidelines and policies published by COPE, which are accessible as open access. In this context, the ethical obligations of the journal editor, reviewers, and authors are detailed as follows.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
Authors who submit work to the ANABIDA Journal are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
During the evaluation process, authors may be asked to provide the raw data related to their articles; in such cases, authors must present the expected data and information to the editorial board.
According to ethical rules, research that requires ethics committee approval for evaluation in the journal includes:
In this context, in studies to be evaluated in our journal:
Ethical Responsibilities of Editors
The editors of the ANABIDA Journal must adhere to the following ethical duties and responsibilities based on the "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and the "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors," published as open access by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
The ANABIDA Journal employs a double-blind peer review system. Reviewers cannot directly communicate with the authors, and evaluations and comments are conveyed through the journal's management system. Reviewer comments on evaluation forms and full texts are forwarded to the author(s) through the editor. Reviewers evaluating studies are expected to adhere to the following ethical responsibilities:
Research Ethics
The professional ethical principles regarding research ethics outlined below contribute to the objectives of the research, support the values required for collaboration, ensure the researchers' responsibility to the public, build public trust and reliability, and promote various moral and social values. The expected professional ethical principles in research ethics are detailed below:
Publication Policy
All submitted manuscripts are first subjected to a preliminary review in terms of content and format. Any publication outside the journal's aims and scope is rejected without further review.
Manuscripts are sent to at least two reviewers who are experts in the relevant field for evaluation. If one review is positive and the other is negative, the decision is made by the journal editors. If necessary, the manuscript may be sent to a third reviewer for evaluation.
Manuscripts must not be under review by another journal at the same time and must not have been previously accepted for publication or published elsewhere. The responsibility for ensuring compliance with these conditions lies with the author(s) of the manuscript.
No specific deadline is provided for the manuscript evaluation process.
Open Access Policy
ANABIDA Journal is an open-access journal, offering unrestricted access to its content for all users. The journal adopts an open-access policy in line with the principle of increasing the global exchange of knowledge to bring about beneficial outcomes for humanity.
This policy follows the guidelines of the Budapest Open Access Initiative ( Users can read, download, distribute, print, and link to the full texts of the articles in the journal without requiring permission from the publisher or author(s), provided that proper citation is made.
Conflict of Interest
By ANABIDA Journal's publication policy, only individuals who have made a genuine contribution to the article should be listed as authors. The author(s) of the submitted manuscript must declare that there are no personal or financial conflicts of interest related to the study. This declaration must be submitted by the author(s) as a signed PDF form, available in the "Documents" section of the journal's website, before the article is published.
Reviewers must inform the journal's editorial board if they suspect any conflict of interest regarding the manuscript they are evaluating. If necessary, they should decline to review the manuscript. To prevent conflicts of interest, individuals from the same institution as the authors cannot act as reviewers for the article.
Editors must not have any personal or financial conflicts of interest with the manuscripts they handle.
Review Process
The articles submitted to the ANABIDA Journal are evaluated through a double-blind peer review system. Apart from area editors and editorial board members, at least two independent reviewers (holding a PhD in the relevant field) evaluate the manuscript.
If one reviewer provides a positive review and the other a negative one, the Journal's Publication Committee will review the reports and decide whether to assign a third reviewer or return the manuscript to the author. To be accepted for publication, at least two reviewers must provide positive feedback.
Manuscripts submitted to the journal must comply with the journal's formatting rules, must not have been previously published elsewhere, and must not be under review at any other journal at the time of submission.
The responsibility for the content, scientific merit, and language of the published articles rests with the authors, and ANABIDA Journal and its editors cannot be held liable in this regard.
Plagiarism Policy
All manuscripts submitted to ANABIDA Journal undergo a similarity check using internationally recognized plagiarism detection software by the Editorial Board before publication. During the submission process, authors are required to run their manuscripts through a plagiarism detection program (such as iThenticate, Turnitin, or İntihal Net). After the peer review process is complete, the area editors also run a final plagiarism check on the manuscript's final version (after language editing).
The rules for determining the similarity ratio are as follows:
All authors submitting manuscripts are deemed to have accepted these rules.
Copyright Policy
All publication rights for articles accepted for publication after the peer review process belong to ANABIDA Journal. No copyright fees are paid for published articles.
Authors must submit a Copyright Transfer Form (Commitment Form), signed and completed, to the Journal's Publication Committee. This form confirms that the submitted manuscript has not been previously published or is not currently under review elsewhere and that, upon acceptance, all publication rights of the manuscript will permanently belong to ANABIDA Journal.
Data Policy
ANABIDA Journal adopts a policy of making the data sets used in the analyses of published articles clearly and explicitly documented, ensuring that they are accessible to any researcher. Authors of empirical, experimental, and simulation-based articles are required to provide sufficient data, programs, and other details for replication before the article is published.
For econometric analyses and simulations, authors must clearly describe the data sets, software packages, and tools used in their models.
For experimental articles, the journal has a more detailed policy, with the following additional materials expected from authors (exceptions to this policy may be requested at the time of submission):
Article Retraction and Correction
According to ANABIDA Journal’s publication policies, the responsibilities of the author(s) and the publication board regarding the retraction or correction of an article are detailed below:
Responsibilities of Authors
If the author(s) discover a mistake or error in their work, whether during the initial submission, review, early view, or after publication, they are required to cooperate with the journal editor in the retraction process. Authors who wish to retract their submission during the initial submission or review stages must submit a "Retraction Form" signed by all authors and deliver it to the editorial board. The editor and the publication board will follow the process outlined under "Editor and Publication Board's Responsibilities Regarding Author Retraction Requests."
If the author(s) discover a mistake or error in their published work, they are responsible for cooperating with the journal editor in the correction process. Authors who wish to request a correction must submit a "Correction Request Form," signed by all authors, to the editorial board. The editor and the publication board will follow the process outlined under "Editor and Publication Board's Responsibilities Regarding Author Correction Requests."
Responsibilities of the Editor and Publication Board
The editor and publication board of ANABIDA Journal are responsible for initiating an investigation into any action or situation that violates the "Publication Ethics" and "Research Ethics" policies related to a published, early view, or under-review article.
If the publication board determines that copyright infringement or plagiarism occurred during the review process, the article will be retracted from evaluation, and the identified issues will be returned to the authors with detailed source references. If copyright infringement or plagiarism is detected in a published or early view article, the following retraction and notification actions will be completed within 15 days:
For works identified as containing ethical violations:
Additionally, the publication board may suggest that other publishing houses or editorial boards retract previous publications by authors involved in ethical violations to ensure the validity and reliability of the published works.
The editorial board will review the retraction request submitted by the author(s) according to the procedure outlined under "Author Responsibilities During the Article Retraction Process" and provide feedback to the author(s) within 15 days. Authors cannot submit their work to another journal for evaluation until the retraction request is approved by the editorial board, especially for works where the copyright has already been transferred to ANABIDA Journal.
The ANABIDA Journal’s publication board will initiate a review process for retraction requests following the procedures described under "Author Responsibilities During the Article Retraction Process." If the retraction reasons are deemed valid after evaluation, the publication board will carry out the retraction process in accordance with the specified procedures.
The online version of an article is considered the final and complete version. Although it is possible to correct this version, ANABIDA Journal’s policy permits corrections only in very limited circumstances.
The publication board will review and assess correction requests from authors, as outlined under "Author Responsibilities Regarding Requests for Correction of Published Articles," and, if necessary, seek expert opinion. If the correction is deemed necessary due to a serious scientific error or if it affects the reputation of the author or the journal, a correction may be published. If the correction is approved, the revised article will be published in subsequent issues under the "Corrected Articles" section.
Anadolu Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Journal
Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Türkiye.