Aim & Scope

The journal is published in print and publishes both full-text and individual articles at the global network address. However, the objectives of the journal are stated below; While the journal published in print form is delivered to interested people and libraries, in addition, the journal is scanned in more databases through the open access journal system through the park global network infrastructure to provide scientific material that academics will access more easily. Based on the idea that the educational sciences and social sciences are related to each other, to provide the services of the scientific world by subjecting the work done in these fields to scientific criteria and evaluation criteria without demanding any response.

It covers the original articles that appeared as a result of the work of researchers who chose interdisciplinary studies as a field of study in the disciplines of education and social sciences and interdisciplinary studies within these disciplines. dec. In addition, our journal also allows you to promote works and activities published in these areas.

Period Months
April August December

It publishes articles in Turkish in the fields of Educational Sciences and Social Sciences. The journal reaches libraries in Türkiye and abroad in printed form, and its electronic copy is scanned by many indexes.