Writing Rules
1. Turkey is the Turkish language of the journal.
2. At least 200 words of Turkish abstract at the beginning of the texts followed by a title in English and at least 3 key words (The key word should be selected from the words
that will meet the content and essence of your essay and will be interesting to your essay while researching international and national studies) The words in English should have
keywords in English,
3. Note: When you complete the Makaleniz evaluation process, you will be asked for an expanded English summary of 750 to 1250 words from the publication stage.
This is important in that your essay will allow you to reach more readers and get more references.
4. The manuscript should be written in Arial font with 12 points. Entries must be written in windows 95 and 1 line between programs. If you have a special font you have
used, you need to send this font with a separate file.
5. For the articles to be rearranged from the professional formatting team in the broadcasting process; The margins of the work should be three inches, At the beginning of a paragraph, tab key should not be used between paragraphs, The spacebar key should never be used to scroll lines or related words,
6. Compliance with the writing rules of the Turkish Language Association is a prerequisite in the texts. Abbreviations to be included in the article should comply with the
abbreviation index of the Turkish Language Association.
7. Submissions within the text must be indicated in brackets as name and date and / or page. Example: (Tanpinar 1985) or (Tanpinar 1985: 316). Less than three lines should be quoted with a line between the lines and quotes, and lines longer than three lines should be given with 10 lines and a single line within a centimeter of the left and right of the line.
8. Footnotes must be numbered on the bottom of the page and must be used for descriptions only.
9. Books (dark and italic) and books (magazine titles, bold, volume in Roman numerals, numbers, top two points, page numbers) should be arranged in alphabetical order,
ELÇİN, Şükrü, (1998), “Yeşil Abdal’ın Bir Şiiri”, Folkloristik: Prof. Dr. Dursun Yıldırım Armağanı, (Ed. M. Özarslan-Ö.Çobanoğlu), Ankara: Feryal Matbaacılık, 216-231.
STOELTJE, J. Beverly, (1983), “Festival in America”, Handbook of American Folklore, (ed R. M. Dorson.), Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 239-246.
TANPINAR, Ahmet Hamdi, (1985), XIX. Asır Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi, İstanbul: Çağlayan Basımevi.
ÜLKEN, Hilmi Ziya, (1952), “Milli Destan ve Folklor”, Türk Folklor Araştırmaları, II, 33: 513-514.
WELLEK, R. ve A. WARREN, (1982), Yazın Kuramı, (Çeviren: Y. Salman ve S. Karantay), İstanbul: Altın Kitaplar Yayınevi.
10. If more than one source of an author is indicated, the publications should be given in the order of date, while the same author's publications in the same year should be given
in the order of (1985a), (1985b).
11. It should be noted at which university the theses are made and for which academic degree (masters / doctoral degree).
12. Writes that do not comply with the writing conditions specified above will not be strictly evaluated.
It publishes articles in Turkish in the fields of Educational Sciences and Social Sciences. The journal reaches libraries in Türkiye and abroad in printed form, and its electronic copy is scanned by many indexes.