Aim & Scope

Aim and Scope


Journal of İçtimaiyat aims to contribute to the literature in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities. In this context, the journal publishes research articles, review articles, translations, case calendars, case reports and book reviews in the fields of History, Sociology, Political Science/International Relations. İçtimaiyat, which aims to bring original and new perspectives to the literature in these fields, helps to facilitate access to information with its open access policy. Our journal also aims to contribute to the world of academia by publishing special issues on a topic that it has determined every year.


Journal of İçtimaiyat publishes in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities. The general issues of the journal, published twice a year, accept studies in the fields of History, Sociology, Political Science/International Relations. The scope of the special issues, on the other hand, accepts studies in other branches of Social Sciences and Humanities within the framework of the determined subject title.

Publication Category-Science Fields
Political Science/International Relations
History, Ancient, Medieval, Modern, Contemporary, Nationalism, Military History, Balkan History, European History, Ottoman History, Asian History, Colonialism, Urban History, Press History, Maritime History…
Political Science/International Relations
Sociology, Body Sociology, Migration Sociology, Sociology of Sexuality, Sociology of Work, Urban Sociology, Rural Sociology, Sociology of Culture, Economy Sociology, Sociology of Social Change…

Publication Periods
Journal of İçtimaiyat is published twice a year in May and November. Special issues are published in September, although it is not mandatory within the publication period.

Target Audience
The target audience of İçtimaiyat Journal is the academic community, researchers, students, readers and institutions engaged in professional studies and readings in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities.

The copyrights of the works published in İçtimaiyat Journal belong to their authors. The authors of the intellectual works published in İçtimaiyat Journal give permission to publish their works under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY NC 4.0) license.

Fee Policy
İçtimaiyat Journal charges a fee for its process and publication expenses. The fee policy is detailed on the web page under the title “Fee Policy”. Please visit our policies page.

Period Months
May November
Last Update Time: 2/11/25, 10:09:49 AM

Içtimaiyat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).


Instagram: @tvictimaiyat