One of the most important premises of scientific publishing is the scientific evaluation of the works entered into the journal system. The evaluations made by independent scholars serve as a recommendation to the editorial board of İçtimaiyat to select and publish the best papers. In accordance with the blind peer-reviewed system, authors and referees are determined in such a way that they have no contact with each other and the evaluation process is carried out in a completely confidential manner.
Both the editorial staff and the readership of İçtimaiyat are international, and the referees who evaluate the articles are carefully selected from the worldwide academic community according to the subject of the work to be evaluated. The names of the referees are kept confidential and known only to the editors. All submissions for publication are evaluated impartially, regardless of the authors' race, gender, religious affiliation, ethnicity, citizenship, political orientation, age or reputation.
System Login
The steps that reviewers should follow to evaluate an article submitted through the system:
- Login with your username and password.
- Log in by selecting the journal İçtimaiyat in the top menu.
- Click on the "Articles in Process" button on the left side.
- On the page that opens, click on the name of the article you are asked to evaluate.
- On the new page that opens, click on one of the options to accept/reject to evaluate the candidate article.
- After accepting the evaluation, you can download the article file by clicking on the "Evaluation Version" title in the dialog section. You can evaluate the article by clicking on the "Fill and Submit Form" link on the same page.
- After completing the entire form, you must click the "Save and Finish" button.
- If there is an additional file that you have made corrections on, please upload it to the system from the add/send file section.
Considerations for Referees
Selection and Duties of the Reviewers
The referees of the journal İçtimaiyat are selected among the experts of the subjects mentioned in the candidate article. The reason for their selection is that the subject of the candidate article and the referee's field of study are similar/close. Reviewers are informed about what is expected of them by the journal İçtimaiyat. In this context, a detailed form is sent to the referees.
- The points to be considered in the answers to the questions in the referees' evaluation form are indicated under each question. The reviewers' comments and scores should be compatible with the "minor revision, major revision, acceptance, rejection" suggestions about the manuscript. (For example, it is not appropriate to give a "minor" revision for an article with an originality value of 1-2).
- Persons who have a difference of opinion on the subject matter of the manuscript cannot review the manuscript (e.g. people who have contributed to or collaborated with one of the authors, or who are unable to offer an objective opinion on the manuscript, or who are employees of, or competitors to, an institution whose work is being reviewed, or who hold particular political or ideological views). These reviewers are required to contact the relevant editor and indicate any potential difference of opinion/conflict of interest. It is expected that the reviews should be in accordance with academic courtesy and contribute to the scientific field.
- The reviewers should explain their thoughts on whether the study has a content that may raise ethical concerns or whether it has low standards in scientific terms. (Regarding the studies that they score low in the evaluation form: they should make a "major revision" decision for candidate articles that they think will contribute to the academic world, otherwise they should make a "rejection" decision).
- The evaluation should be based on objective and objective criteria, with a clear recommendation to the relevant editor on whether or not to publish the study.
- The reviewers' criticism of the candidate paper should be constructive and professional towards the author.
- Reviewers should provide useful advice to the authors to improve the work.
- Reviewers should indicate the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate article. In this context: they should pay attention to the author's treatment of the data, the organization, methodology, results and organization of the candidate article.
- Reviewers may not make any professional or personal use of, or edit or comment on, the manuscript before it is published.
- If reviewers are unable to review a work, or can only do so with some delay, they should inform the journal İçtimaiyat.
- Reviewers should inform the editor if they suspect any violation. They should not disclose the situation to others unless they have been informed by the journal İçtimaiyat that they may do so.
- During the review process, a referee will keep information and ideas about the candidate article confidential. Under no circumstances may the information and ideas in the candidate paper be used as an advantage. Since the submission is a privileged communication, it is kept completely confidential. In addition, reviewers may not share the manuscript with colleagues without the written permission of the editor. In case of any difference of opinion/conflict of interest, reviewers should inform the editorial board.