- IHYA International Journal of Islamic Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (January – July).
- Submitted manuscripts must either be original articles that fill a gap in the field or review studies that assess previously published works and present new and noteworthy perspectives on the subject.
- Our journal employs a double-blind peer review system, ensuring that the identities of reviewers and authors remain confidential. To maintain this confidentiality, the names of reviewers are not published. Authors and reviewers should make efforts to preserve anonymity. Therefore, authors, editors, and reviewers who submit files to the system must ensure that their text and files comply with the following guidelines. Authors should remove their names and institutional affiliations from the manuscript, including footnotes and any supplementary text. When saving Microsoft documents, personal information is automatically stored in the file properties. Therefore, authors should either delete personal details from the document properties or save the document following the steps outlined below to ensure it does not contain personal information.
- The Editorial Board first reviews all submitted manuscripts for compliance with the journal’s publishing principles, scope, scientific content, and format (See: Preliminary Review Form).
- Manuscripts that pass the initial review are assigned to a Section Editor by the Editor. The Section Editor sends the manuscript to at least two reviewers for evaluation. For a manuscript to be accepted for publication, it must receive favorable evaluations from both reviewers. In some cases, a third reviewer may be consulted to contribute to the review process.
- All submitted manuscripts are also subjected to a plagiarism check using specialized software to confirm that they have not been previously published and do not contain plagiarism.
- The time from submission to publication can take up to one year. Authors should consider this timeline when submitting their work. The IHYA Journal strives to complete the review process as efficiently as possible, but this does not constitute a commitment to faster processing.
- Once accepted, the publication process for a manuscript takes 2 to 4 months from the date of acceptance.
- Article submission to the journal is free of charge. No fee is required for accepted manuscripts either.
- To detect plagiarism in academic works, iThenticate - Plagiarism Detection Software has been implemented in IHYA International Journal of Islamic Studies. The program provides a comprehensive academic content database for evaluating scholarly publications. Each document uploaded to iThenticate is compared against an extensive database containing over 90,000 major newspapers, journals, periodicals, and books, in addition to more than 17 billion web pages and archives. iThenticate also verifies content against over 30 million academic documents from 70,000+ scientific journals and 86 million+ articles from 150+ publishers.
Authors who submit their manuscripts to IHYA International Journal of Islamic Studies are considered to have declared that they have not committed any ethical violations. Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism through iThenticate will not be published in our journal. In such cases, the plagiarism report will be sent to the author.
(See: COPE Guidelines).