Publication Principles

The IHYA International Journal of Islamic Studies is a peer-reviewed journal with no publication fee.
No royalty fees are paid to authors for published articles.
No submission fee is required from authors.
No publication fee is charged to authors.
Only manuscripts that comply with our publication policy and types of articles accepted (research articles and book reviews) are considered for evaluation.
According to the decision made by the Journal Editorial Board on 13/01/2021, each issue is limited to 20 research articles. Any articles exceeding this limit are carried over to the next issue. Additionally, manuscripts submitted in the previous issue but not accepted for various reasons may be included in the current issue. However, among all accepted articles, those with original and unique content will be prioritized, and the Editorial Board reserves the right to select the articles to be included in each issue.
Aims and Scope
IHYA International Journal of Islamic Studies aims to contribute to the accumulation of knowledge in the fields of theology and social sciences by publishing scientifically qualified research at both national and international levels.
Publication Frequency and Submission Deadlines
The journal is published twice a year (July – January).
Submission deadline for the July issue: May 15
Submission deadline for the January issue: November 15
If the number of submitted articles reaches the journal's capacity before these deadlines, the submission process may be closed earlier. Any manuscripts submitted after the deadline will be considered for the next issue.
Peer Review Process
Manuscripts submitted to the journal are subject to a double-blind peer review process. If necessary, the editor may increase the number of reviewers, but no article is reviewed by fewer than two reviewers.
Extended Abstract Requirement
As of the January 2020 issue, the journal requires an extended abstract (minimum 750 words in English) for all accepted articles.
Languages Accepted
The journal publishes articles in Turkish, Arabic, English, German, and French. The Editorial Board determines the allocation of languages for each issue.

Turkish articles must include a Turkish abstract (minimum 250 words), at least five keywords, and an English title, English abstract (minimum 250 words), keywords (at least five concepts), and a summary (minimum 750 words in English).
Book reviews must also include an English title, abstract, and keywords.
Citation and Formatting Guidelines
Manuscripts submitted to the IHYA International Journal of Islamic Studies must adhere to the ISNAD 2 Citation System and include properly formatted references and footnotes.

The Extended Summary (750-word abstract in English) is requested only after a manuscript has been approved for publication.
All manuscripts must be original, academic studies that use appropriate research methods for their respective fields.
Publication Ethics and Plagiarism Policy
Manuscripts must not have been previously published or submitted elsewhere.
If an article is derived from a conference paper, the author must submit a signed declaration stating, “This work has not been published and will not be published elsewhere.”
Duplication (self-plagiarism) and multiple submissions are strictly prohibited. According to TÜBİTAK’s Publication Ethics Committee, duplication refers to submitting or publishing the same research results in more than one journal.
If a manuscript is found to have been previously derived from a thesis or another work without prior disclosure, the Editorial Board reserves the right to return the work to the author. Authors are fully responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their disclosures regarding the origins of their work.
If a manuscript has been derived from an ongoing master's or doctoral thesis, this must be explicitly stated at the time of submission. If this declaration is made after the peer review process is complete, the final decision regarding publication will be at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
If a manuscript relates to an author’s thesis but is not directly derived from it, the author must still submit a declaration stating, “This work was not produced from a thesis and was not prepared based on a thesis.”
If this statement is made after the peer review process, the Editorial Board retains the authority to make the final decision on publication.
Authorship Restrictions
According to the decision made by the Journal Editorial Board on 13/01/2021:

A single author may publish only one article per issue.
If the author is not the primary author but is listed as a second author, they may appear in up to two articles per issue.
As per the decision made on 01/01/2025, an author who has published an article in the journal must wait at least 1.5 years before submitting another article. (Special issues are exempt from this rule.)
Author Responsibilities
The language, style, content, and legal responsibility of all submitted manuscripts rest entirely with the authors and do not bind the Editorial Board in any way.
As per the Editorial Board's decision on 13/01/2021, Arabic-language manuscripts must include both an Arabic reference list and a Latinized reference list.
Publication Timeline
The review and publication process may take up to one year. Authors should consider this before submission. While the IHYA Journal strives to expedite the process, this timeline is not guaranteed.
Once accepted, the publication process takes 2–4 months from the acceptance date.

There is no submission or publication fee for articles.
Plagiarism Detection System (iThenticate)
To ensure academic integrity, the IHYA International Journal of Islamic Studies has implemented iThenticate – Plagiarism Detection Software.

The software compares uploaded manuscripts against a comprehensive academic database, including over 90,000 major newspapers, journals, periodicals, and books, along with more than 17 billion web pages and archives.
iThenticate also checks over 30 million academic documents from 70,000+ scientific journals and 86 million+ articles from 150+ publishers.
Authors who submit manuscripts to the journal are deemed to have declared that they have not committed any ethical violations. If plagiarism is detected, the manuscript will not be published, and a report will be sent to the author.

Last Update Time: 2/20/25, 2:55:16 AM

İhya Uluslararası İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2017'den bu yana TR DİZİN ULAKBİM tarafından taranmaktadır. 

