Writing Rules

Writing Principles

  • The articles to be sent to Istem must be written in Microsoft Word and uploaded on the website https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/istem along with the title page and ethical declaration form The name/names of the author should not be included in the main document, due to the double blind referee ethics. All information about the author/authors should be included in the title page. 
  • The main text (including references, pictures, figures, maps, etc.) should be between 3000-9000 words and maximum 30 pages. 10-point Cambria font should be used for the main text with 1,15 nk space. Paragraphs should be justified. Margins of 2,5 cm should be left on top, bottom and sides. Automatic sorting should not be used in article titles or article lists. After the graphics and tables are prepared, they should be converted into jpeg format and placed in the article.
  • Footnotes should be written with 8-point Cambria font with 1 nk space and justified. Citations, Zotero etc. If it is done with automatic referencing programs, before the article is sent, the citations should be automatically unliked and sent to our journal as such.
  • The title of the article should be in Turkish and English.
  • Around 250-300 words abstract of the articles and English translation of the abstract should be submitted for the Turkish articles. Turkish and English abstracts should be submitted for foreign language articles. For the artciles accepted for publication in our journal, a 750-word extended abstract in English will be required.
  • There should be keywords consisting of five both in Turkish and English.
  • Original title of a translated article and its bibliographic information should be stated with a footnote attached to the main title.
  • Editor has got the right to do minor changes in terms of spelling etc. Spelling book of the Turkish Language Council should be the main reference for spelling and punctuation unless there arespecial situations of the article.
  • Author should be consistent in using diacritical letters and words with transcripts.
  • If the dates of death are to be included, they should be as follows: (d. 425/1033)
  • There should be a bibliography at the end of the manuscript.


Reference Principles

Last Update Time: 2/3/25, 4:07:54 PM