Research Article
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Year 2023, , 807 - 817, 29.12.2023



  • AACC, I. (2000). Approved Methods of the AACC. Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul.
  • Adebowale, K.O., Lawal, OS 2004. Comparative study of the functional properties of bambarragroundnut (Voandzeia subterranean), jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis)and mucuna bean (Mucuna pruriens) flours. Food Research International, 37 (4), 355-365.
  • Afoakwah, N. A., Dong, Y., Zhao, Y., Xiong, Z., Owusu, J., Wang, Y., Zhang, J. (2015). Characterization of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) powder and its application in emulsion-type sausage. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 64, 74–81.
  • Alejandre, M., Poyato, C., Ansorena, D., Astiasarán, I. (2016). Linseed oil gelled emulsion: A successful fat replacer in dry fermented sausages. Meat Science, 121, 107-113.
  • Ayadi, M. A., Kechaou, A., Makni, I., Attia, H. (2009). Influence of carrageenan addition on turkey meat sausages properties. Journal of Food Engineering, 93(3), 278–283.
  • Bhupathi, V., Mazariegos, M., Cruz Rodriguez, J. B., Deoker, A. (2020). Dairy intake and risk of cardiovascular disease. Current Cardiology Reports, 22(3), 10–15.
  • Bitik, A., Sumnu, G., Oztop, M. (2019). Physicochemical and structural characterization of microfluidized and sonicated legume starches. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 12:1144–1156.
  • Bowker, B., Zhuang, H. (2015). Relationship between water-holding capacity and protein denaturation in broiler breast meat. Poultry Science, 94(7), 1657–1664.
  • Câmara, A., K., F., I., Okuro, P., K., Santos, M., Paglarini, C. S., Cunha, R., L., Ruiz‑Capillas, C., Herrero, A., M., Pollonio, M., A., R. (2020). Understanding the role of chia (Salvia Hispanica L.) mucilage on olive oil‑based emulsion gels as a new fat substitute in emulsifed meat products. European Food Research and Technology, 246, 909–922.
  • Claver, I. P., Zhang, H., Li, Q., Zhu, K., & Zhou, H. (2010). Impact of the soak and the malt on the physicochemical properties of the sorghum starches. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 11(8), 3002–3015.
  • Cofrades, S., Antoniou, I., Solas, M. T., Herrero, A. M., Jiménez-Colmenero, F. (2013). Preparation and impact of multiple (water-in-oil-in-water) emulsions in meat systems. Food Chemistry, 141, 338-346.
  • de Souza Paglarini, C., de Figueiredo Furtado, G., Honório, A. R., Mokarzel, L., da Silva Vidal, V. A., Ribeiro, A. P. B., … Pollonio, M. A. R. (2019). Functional emulsion gels as pork back fat replacers in Bologna sausage. Food Structure, 20, 100105.
  • Delgado-Pando, G., Cofrades, S., Ruiz-Capillas, C., Solas, M. T., Jiménez-Colmenero, F. (2010). Healthier lipid combination oil-in-water emulsions prepared with various protein systems: An approach for development of functional meat products. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 112(7), 791–801.
  • Dickinson, E. (2013). Stabilising emulsion-based colloidal structures with mixed food ingredients. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93(4), 710–721.
  • FAO. (2010). Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. In FAO food and nutrition paper (Vol. 91).
  • Gao, X., Zhang, W., Zhou, G. (2015). Emulsion stability, thermo-rheology and quality characteristics of ground pork patties prepared with soy protein isolate and carrageenan. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95(14), 2832–2837.
  • Gray, J., Griffin, B. (2009). Eggs and dietary cholesterol - dispelling the myth. Nutrition Bulletin, 34(1), 66–70.
  • Han, M., Bertram, H. C. (2017). Designing healthier comminuted meat products: Effect of dietary fibers on water distribution and texture of a fat-reduced meat model syste. Meat Science, 133, 159-165.
  • Hera, E., Ruiz-París, E., Oliete, B., Gómez, M. (2012). Studies of the quality of cakes made with wheat-lentil composite flours. LWT, 49 (1), 48-54.
  • Herrero, A. M., Ruiz-Capillas, C., Pintado, T., Carmona, P., Jimenez-Colmenero, F. (2017). Infrared spectroscopy used to determine effects of chia and olive oil incorporation strategies on lipid structure of reduced-fat frankfurters. Food Chemistry, 221, 1333–1339.
  • Hjelm, L., Mielby, L. A., Gregersen, S., Eggers, N., Bertram, H. C. (2019). Partial substitution of fat with rye bran fibre in Frankfurter sausages –Bridging technological and sensory attributes through inclusion of collagenous protein. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 101, 607-617.
  • Hooper, L., Abdelhamid, A., Bunn, D., Brown, T., Summerbell, C. D., Skeaff, C. M. (2015). Effects of total fat intake on body weight. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (8), CD011834.
  • Ilhan, E., Pocan, P., Ogawa, M., Oztop, M. H. (2020). Role of `D-allulose’ in a starch based composite gel matrix. Carbohydrate Polymers, 228, 115373.
  • Jiao, L., Chen, L., White, D. L., Tinker, L., Chlebowski, R. T., Van Horn, L. V., … El-Serag, H. B. (2018). Low-fat dietary pattern and pancreatic cancer risk in the women’s health initiative dietary modification randomized controlled trial. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 110(1), 49–56.
  • Jiménez-Colmenero, F., Cofrades, S., Herrero, A. M., Fernández-Martín, F., Rodríguez-Salas, L., Ruiz-Capillas, C. (2012). Konjac gel fat analogue for use in meat products: Comparison with pork fats. Food Hydrocolloids, 26(1), 63–72.
  • Joris, P. J., Mensink, R. P. (2016). Role of cis-monounsaturated fatty acids in the prevention of coronary heart disease. Current Atherosclerosis Reports, 18(7), 38.
  • Korkeala, H. J., Johanna Björkroth, K. (1997). Microbiological spoilage and contamination of vacuum-packaged cooked sausages. Journal of Food Protection, 60(6), 724–731.
  • Matsumura, Y., Kang, I. J., Sakamoto, H., Motoki, M., Mori, T. (1993). Filler effects of oil droplets on the viscoelastic properties of emulsion gels. Food Hydrocolloids, 7(3), 227–240.
  • Mcclements, D. J., Monahan, F. J., Kinsella, J. E. (1993). Effect of emulsion droplets on the rheology of whey protein isolate gels. Journal of Texture Studies, 24(4), 411–422.
  • Mensink, R. P., Zock, P. L., Kester, A. D. M., Katan, M. B. (2003). Effects of dietary fatty acids and carbohydrates on the ratio of serum total to HDL cholesterol and on serum lipids and apolipoproteins: a meta-analysis of 60 controlled trials. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77(5), 1146–1155.
  • Nacak, B., Öztürk-Kerimoğlu, B., Yıldız, D., Çağındı, Ö., Serdaroğlu, M. (2021). Peanut and linseed oil emulsion gels as potential fat replacer in emulsified sausages. Meat Science, 176, 108464.
  • Öztürk-Kerimoğlu, B., Kara, A., Urgu-Oztürk, M., Serdaroğlu, M. (2021). A new inverse olive oil emulsion plus carrot powder to replace animal fat in model meat batters. LWT, 135, 110044.
  • Phillips, C. M., Kesse-Guyot, E., Mcmanus, R., Hercberg, S., Lairon, D., Planells, R., Roche, H. M. (2012). High dietary saturated fat intake accentuates obesity risk associated with the fat mass and obesity-associated gene in adults. Journal of Nutrition, 142(5), 824–831.
  • Pietrasik, Z., Janz, J. A. M. (2010). Utilization of pea flour, starch-rich and fiber-rich fractions in low fat bologna. Food Research International, 43(2), 602–608.
  • Pintado, T., Herrero, A. M., Jiménez-Colmenero, F., Pasqualin Cavalheiro, C., Ruiz-Capillas, C. (2018). Chia and oat emulsion gels as new animal fat replacers and healthy bioactive sources in fresh sausage formulation. Meat Science, 135, 6–13.
  • Pintado, T., Herrero, A. M., Jiménez-Colmenero, F., Ruiz-Capillas, C. (2016). Strategies for incorporation of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) in frankfurters as a health-promoting ingredient. Meat Science, 114, 75–84.
  • Pintado, T., Ruiz-Capillas, C., Jiménez-Colmenero, F., Carmona, P., Herrero, A. M. (2015). Oil-in-water emulsion gels stabilized with chia (Salvia hispanica L.) and cold gelling agents: Technological and infrared spectroscopic characterization. Food Chemistry, 185, 470–478.
  • Pintado, T., Cofrades, S. (2020). Quality characteristics of healthy dry fermented sausages formulated with a mixture of olive and chia oil structured in oleogel or emulsion gel as animal fat replacer. Foods, 9(6).
  • Pocan, P., Ilhan, E., Oztop, M.H. (2019). Characterization of emulsion stabilization properties of gum tragacanth, xanthan gum and sucrose monopalmitate: A comparative study. Journal of Food Science, 84(5), 1087-1093.
  • Poyato, C., Ansorena, D., Berasategi, I., Navarro-Blasco, Í., Astiasarán, I. (2014). Optimization of a gelled emulsion intended to supply ω-3 fatty acids into meat products by means of response surface methodology. Meat Science, 98(4), 615–621.
  • Puolanne, E. J., Ruusunen, M. H., Vainionpää, J. I. (2001). Combined effects of NaCl and raw meat pH on water-holding in cooked sausage with and without added phosphate. Meat Science, 58(1), 1–7.
  • Salcedo-Sandoval, L., Cofrades, S., Ruiz-Capillas Pérez, C., Solas, M. T., Jiménez-Colmenero, F. (2013). Healthier oils stabilized in konjac matrix as fat replacers in n-3 PUFA enriched frankfurters. Meat Science, 93(3), 757–766.
  • Sanjeewa, W. G. T., Wanasundara, J. P. D., Pietrasik, Z., Shand, P. J. (2010). Characterization of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L .) flours and application in low-fat pork bologna as a model system. Food Research International, 43(2), 617–626.
  • Scapin, G., Schimdt, M. M., Prestes, R. C., Ferreira, S., Silva, A. F. C., da Rosa, C. S. (2015). Effect of extract of chia seed (Salvia hispanica) as an antioxidant in fresh pork sausage. International Food Research Journal, 22(3), 1195–1202.
  • Schmiele, M., Nucci Mascarenhas, M. C. C., da Silva Barretto, A. C., Rodrigues Pollonio, M. A. (2015). Dietary fiber as fat substitute in emulsified and cooked meat model system. LWT, 61(1), 105–111.
  • Serdaroğlu, M., İpek, G. (2019). Fermente Sosis Formülasyonlarında Uygulanan Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar. Akademik Gıda, 17(2), 281–290.
  • Shahiri Tabarestani, H., Mazaheri Tehrani, M. (2014). Optimization of physicochemical properties of low-fat hamburger formulation using blend of soy flour, split-pea flour and wheat starch as part of fat replacer system. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 38(1), 278–288.
  • Singh, B., Singh, J.P., Kaur, A., Singh, N. (2017). Phenolic composition and antioxidant potential of grain legume seeds: A review. Food Research International, 101, 1-16.
  • Singh, J.P., Singh, B., Kaur, A. (2020). Bioactive compounds of legume seeds. In: Bioactive compounds in underutilized vegetables and legumes, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 645-665.
  • Tas, O., Ertugrul, U., Grunin, L., Oztop, M. H. (2022). An investigation of functional quality characteristics and water interactions of navy bean, chickpea, pea, and lentil flours. Legume Science, 4, e136.
  • Tharanathan, R.N., Mahadevamma, S. (2003). Grain legumes-a boon to human nutrition. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 14 (12), 507-518.
  • Wang, Y., Wang, W., Jia, H., Gao, G., Wang, X., Zhang, X., Wang, Y. (2018). Using cellulose nanofibers and its palm oil pickering emulsion as fat substitutes in emulsified sausage. Journal of Food Science, 83(6), 1740–1747.
  • WHO. (2003). Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases. World Health Organization - Technical Report Series, (916).
  • Yang, J. J., Yu, D., Takata, Y., Smith-Warner, S. A., Blot, W., White, E., … Shu, X. O. (2017). Dietary fat intake & lung cancer risk: A pooled analysis. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35(26), 3055–3064.

Research on the characteristics of model meat systems with emulsion gels including different legume flours

Year 2023, , 807 - 817, 29.12.2023


In this study, it was aimed to decrease the animal fat content of the meat products without changing the quality of the products. To this end, emulsion gels prepared with sunflower oil and legume (pea, lentil, bean and chickpea) flours were utilized in place of 50% and 75% animal fat in the model meat system. The moisture (%) of the control was 71.28, but in the treatments the values were between 72.84 and 74.27. The protein amounts of the samples containing emulsion gels were in the range of 69.30-72.28 g /100 g dw, whilst the amount of control was 65.63 g /100 g dw. According to these results the moisture and protein amounts of the samples containing emulsion gels were similar to each other (p>0.05), but higher than the control (p<0.05). The fat content lowered in the experimental samples as expected (p<0.05). The pH values of the samples were 6.27-6.41 and similar to control in most of the samples (p>0.05). No significant difference was determined among the color (L * and b *) values and the water holding capacity (WHC) of the samples. The texture values (hardness, binding, flexibility, chewiness) of the products were similar to the control (p>0.05). NMR studies showed that there were differences in T2 relaxation times which is related to free moisture in the product (p<0.05). Morphological images of the treatments were observed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). In general, substitution of animal fat with emulsion gels prepared with vegetable oil and legume flours at these amounts improved the nutritional properties of the products by increasing the protein amount and decreasing the fat content. Moreover, no undesirable effect was observed in the products such as water and oil leakage.


  • AACC, I. (2000). Approved Methods of the AACC. Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul.
  • Adebowale, K.O., Lawal, OS 2004. Comparative study of the functional properties of bambarragroundnut (Voandzeia subterranean), jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis)and mucuna bean (Mucuna pruriens) flours. Food Research International, 37 (4), 355-365.
  • Afoakwah, N. A., Dong, Y., Zhao, Y., Xiong, Z., Owusu, J., Wang, Y., Zhang, J. (2015). Characterization of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) powder and its application in emulsion-type sausage. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 64, 74–81.
  • Alejandre, M., Poyato, C., Ansorena, D., Astiasarán, I. (2016). Linseed oil gelled emulsion: A successful fat replacer in dry fermented sausages. Meat Science, 121, 107-113.
  • Ayadi, M. A., Kechaou, A., Makni, I., Attia, H. (2009). Influence of carrageenan addition on turkey meat sausages properties. Journal of Food Engineering, 93(3), 278–283.
  • Bhupathi, V., Mazariegos, M., Cruz Rodriguez, J. B., Deoker, A. (2020). Dairy intake and risk of cardiovascular disease. Current Cardiology Reports, 22(3), 10–15.
  • Bitik, A., Sumnu, G., Oztop, M. (2019). Physicochemical and structural characterization of microfluidized and sonicated legume starches. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 12:1144–1156.
  • Bowker, B., Zhuang, H. (2015). Relationship between water-holding capacity and protein denaturation in broiler breast meat. Poultry Science, 94(7), 1657–1664.
  • Câmara, A., K., F., I., Okuro, P., K., Santos, M., Paglarini, C. S., Cunha, R., L., Ruiz‑Capillas, C., Herrero, A., M., Pollonio, M., A., R. (2020). Understanding the role of chia (Salvia Hispanica L.) mucilage on olive oil‑based emulsion gels as a new fat substitute in emulsifed meat products. European Food Research and Technology, 246, 909–922.
  • Claver, I. P., Zhang, H., Li, Q., Zhu, K., & Zhou, H. (2010). Impact of the soak and the malt on the physicochemical properties of the sorghum starches. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 11(8), 3002–3015.
  • Cofrades, S., Antoniou, I., Solas, M. T., Herrero, A. M., Jiménez-Colmenero, F. (2013). Preparation and impact of multiple (water-in-oil-in-water) emulsions in meat systems. Food Chemistry, 141, 338-346.
  • de Souza Paglarini, C., de Figueiredo Furtado, G., Honório, A. R., Mokarzel, L., da Silva Vidal, V. A., Ribeiro, A. P. B., … Pollonio, M. A. R. (2019). Functional emulsion gels as pork back fat replacers in Bologna sausage. Food Structure, 20, 100105.
  • Delgado-Pando, G., Cofrades, S., Ruiz-Capillas, C., Solas, M. T., Jiménez-Colmenero, F. (2010). Healthier lipid combination oil-in-water emulsions prepared with various protein systems: An approach for development of functional meat products. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 112(7), 791–801.
  • Dickinson, E. (2013). Stabilising emulsion-based colloidal structures with mixed food ingredients. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93(4), 710–721.
  • FAO. (2010). Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. In FAO food and nutrition paper (Vol. 91).
  • Gao, X., Zhang, W., Zhou, G. (2015). Emulsion stability, thermo-rheology and quality characteristics of ground pork patties prepared with soy protein isolate and carrageenan. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95(14), 2832–2837.
  • Gray, J., Griffin, B. (2009). Eggs and dietary cholesterol - dispelling the myth. Nutrition Bulletin, 34(1), 66–70.
  • Han, M., Bertram, H. C. (2017). Designing healthier comminuted meat products: Effect of dietary fibers on water distribution and texture of a fat-reduced meat model syste. Meat Science, 133, 159-165.
  • Hera, E., Ruiz-París, E., Oliete, B., Gómez, M. (2012). Studies of the quality of cakes made with wheat-lentil composite flours. LWT, 49 (1), 48-54.
  • Herrero, A. M., Ruiz-Capillas, C., Pintado, T., Carmona, P., Jimenez-Colmenero, F. (2017). Infrared spectroscopy used to determine effects of chia and olive oil incorporation strategies on lipid structure of reduced-fat frankfurters. Food Chemistry, 221, 1333–1339.
  • Hjelm, L., Mielby, L. A., Gregersen, S., Eggers, N., Bertram, H. C. (2019). Partial substitution of fat with rye bran fibre in Frankfurter sausages –Bridging technological and sensory attributes through inclusion of collagenous protein. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 101, 607-617.
  • Hooper, L., Abdelhamid, A., Bunn, D., Brown, T., Summerbell, C. D., Skeaff, C. M. (2015). Effects of total fat intake on body weight. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (8), CD011834.
  • Ilhan, E., Pocan, P., Ogawa, M., Oztop, M. H. (2020). Role of `D-allulose’ in a starch based composite gel matrix. Carbohydrate Polymers, 228, 115373.
  • Jiao, L., Chen, L., White, D. L., Tinker, L., Chlebowski, R. T., Van Horn, L. V., … El-Serag, H. B. (2018). Low-fat dietary pattern and pancreatic cancer risk in the women’s health initiative dietary modification randomized controlled trial. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 110(1), 49–56.
  • Jiménez-Colmenero, F., Cofrades, S., Herrero, A. M., Fernández-Martín, F., Rodríguez-Salas, L., Ruiz-Capillas, C. (2012). Konjac gel fat analogue for use in meat products: Comparison with pork fats. Food Hydrocolloids, 26(1), 63–72.
  • Joris, P. J., Mensink, R. P. (2016). Role of cis-monounsaturated fatty acids in the prevention of coronary heart disease. Current Atherosclerosis Reports, 18(7), 38.
  • Korkeala, H. J., Johanna Björkroth, K. (1997). Microbiological spoilage and contamination of vacuum-packaged cooked sausages. Journal of Food Protection, 60(6), 724–731.
  • Matsumura, Y., Kang, I. J., Sakamoto, H., Motoki, M., Mori, T. (1993). Filler effects of oil droplets on the viscoelastic properties of emulsion gels. Food Hydrocolloids, 7(3), 227–240.
  • Mcclements, D. J., Monahan, F. J., Kinsella, J. E. (1993). Effect of emulsion droplets on the rheology of whey protein isolate gels. Journal of Texture Studies, 24(4), 411–422.
  • Mensink, R. P., Zock, P. L., Kester, A. D. M., Katan, M. B. (2003). Effects of dietary fatty acids and carbohydrates on the ratio of serum total to HDL cholesterol and on serum lipids and apolipoproteins: a meta-analysis of 60 controlled trials. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77(5), 1146–1155.
  • Nacak, B., Öztürk-Kerimoğlu, B., Yıldız, D., Çağındı, Ö., Serdaroğlu, M. (2021). Peanut and linseed oil emulsion gels as potential fat replacer in emulsified sausages. Meat Science, 176, 108464.
  • Öztürk-Kerimoğlu, B., Kara, A., Urgu-Oztürk, M., Serdaroğlu, M. (2021). A new inverse olive oil emulsion plus carrot powder to replace animal fat in model meat batters. LWT, 135, 110044.
  • Phillips, C. M., Kesse-Guyot, E., Mcmanus, R., Hercberg, S., Lairon, D., Planells, R., Roche, H. M. (2012). High dietary saturated fat intake accentuates obesity risk associated with the fat mass and obesity-associated gene in adults. Journal of Nutrition, 142(5), 824–831.
  • Pietrasik, Z., Janz, J. A. M. (2010). Utilization of pea flour, starch-rich and fiber-rich fractions in low fat bologna. Food Research International, 43(2), 602–608.
  • Pintado, T., Herrero, A. M., Jiménez-Colmenero, F., Pasqualin Cavalheiro, C., Ruiz-Capillas, C. (2018). Chia and oat emulsion gels as new animal fat replacers and healthy bioactive sources in fresh sausage formulation. Meat Science, 135, 6–13.
  • Pintado, T., Herrero, A. M., Jiménez-Colmenero, F., Ruiz-Capillas, C. (2016). Strategies for incorporation of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) in frankfurters as a health-promoting ingredient. Meat Science, 114, 75–84.
  • Pintado, T., Ruiz-Capillas, C., Jiménez-Colmenero, F., Carmona, P., Herrero, A. M. (2015). Oil-in-water emulsion gels stabilized with chia (Salvia hispanica L.) and cold gelling agents: Technological and infrared spectroscopic characterization. Food Chemistry, 185, 470–478.
  • Pintado, T., Cofrades, S. (2020). Quality characteristics of healthy dry fermented sausages formulated with a mixture of olive and chia oil structured in oleogel or emulsion gel as animal fat replacer. Foods, 9(6).
  • Pocan, P., Ilhan, E., Oztop, M.H. (2019). Characterization of emulsion stabilization properties of gum tragacanth, xanthan gum and sucrose monopalmitate: A comparative study. Journal of Food Science, 84(5), 1087-1093.
  • Poyato, C., Ansorena, D., Berasategi, I., Navarro-Blasco, Í., Astiasarán, I. (2014). Optimization of a gelled emulsion intended to supply ω-3 fatty acids into meat products by means of response surface methodology. Meat Science, 98(4), 615–621.
  • Puolanne, E. J., Ruusunen, M. H., Vainionpää, J. I. (2001). Combined effects of NaCl and raw meat pH on water-holding in cooked sausage with and without added phosphate. Meat Science, 58(1), 1–7.
  • Salcedo-Sandoval, L., Cofrades, S., Ruiz-Capillas Pérez, C., Solas, M. T., Jiménez-Colmenero, F. (2013). Healthier oils stabilized in konjac matrix as fat replacers in n-3 PUFA enriched frankfurters. Meat Science, 93(3), 757–766.
  • Sanjeewa, W. G. T., Wanasundara, J. P. D., Pietrasik, Z., Shand, P. J. (2010). Characterization of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L .) flours and application in low-fat pork bologna as a model system. Food Research International, 43(2), 617–626.
  • Scapin, G., Schimdt, M. M., Prestes, R. C., Ferreira, S., Silva, A. F. C., da Rosa, C. S. (2015). Effect of extract of chia seed (Salvia hispanica) as an antioxidant in fresh pork sausage. International Food Research Journal, 22(3), 1195–1202.
  • Schmiele, M., Nucci Mascarenhas, M. C. C., da Silva Barretto, A. C., Rodrigues Pollonio, M. A. (2015). Dietary fiber as fat substitute in emulsified and cooked meat model system. LWT, 61(1), 105–111.
  • Serdaroğlu, M., İpek, G. (2019). Fermente Sosis Formülasyonlarında Uygulanan Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar. Akademik Gıda, 17(2), 281–290.
  • Shahiri Tabarestani, H., Mazaheri Tehrani, M. (2014). Optimization of physicochemical properties of low-fat hamburger formulation using blend of soy flour, split-pea flour and wheat starch as part of fat replacer system. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 38(1), 278–288.
  • Singh, B., Singh, J.P., Kaur, A., Singh, N. (2017). Phenolic composition and antioxidant potential of grain legume seeds: A review. Food Research International, 101, 1-16.
  • Singh, J.P., Singh, B., Kaur, A. (2020). Bioactive compounds of legume seeds. In: Bioactive compounds in underutilized vegetables and legumes, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 645-665.
  • Tas, O., Ertugrul, U., Grunin, L., Oztop, M. H. (2022). An investigation of functional quality characteristics and water interactions of navy bean, chickpea, pea, and lentil flours. Legume Science, 4, e136.
  • Tharanathan, R.N., Mahadevamma, S. (2003). Grain legumes-a boon to human nutrition. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 14 (12), 507-518.
  • Wang, Y., Wang, W., Jia, H., Gao, G., Wang, X., Zhang, X., Wang, Y. (2018). Using cellulose nanofibers and its palm oil pickering emulsion as fat substitutes in emulsified sausage. Journal of Food Science, 83(6), 1740–1747.
  • WHO. (2003). Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases. World Health Organization - Technical Report Series, (916).
  • Yang, J. J., Yu, D., Takata, Y., Smith-Warner, S. A., Blot, W., White, E., … Shu, X. O. (2017). Dietary fat intake & lung cancer risk: A pooled analysis. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35(26), 3055–3064.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Meat Technology
Journal Section Research Articles

Damla Demir 0000-0001-5763-3819

Emin Burçin Özvural 0000-0001-7919-2567

Ülkü Ertuğrul This is me 0000-0003-0142-5054

Ozan Taş 0000-0001-6421-5092

Mecit Halil Öztop 0000-0001-6414-8942

Publication Date December 29, 2023
Submission Date August 25, 2023
Acceptance Date November 8, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Demir, D., Özvural, E. B., Ertuğrul, Ü., Taş, O., et al. (2023). Research on the characteristics of model meat systems with emulsion gels including different legume flours. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 7(4), 807-817.

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