The duties and responsibilities of the author(s) and the editorial board in retracting a study or article and/or making corrections to the article's content, as per the publication policies of Journal of Metaverse, are provided below.
A.1. Responsibilities of the Authors in the Article Retraction Process
The author(s) must cooperate with the journal editor in the retraction proceedings if they notice an error in the submission, evaluation, early appearance, or published work. The author(s) who want to withdraw the first submission or the work under the evaluation phase must fill out the Withdrawal Form ( . Each author must sign the form, and the signed document must be scanned. The document must be e-mailed to the editorial board via The Editor and the Editorial Board will carry out the processes specified under the heading "B.2. Responsibilities of the Editor and Editorial Board Regarding the Author's Withdrawal Request".
A.2. Authors' Responsibilities for Editing Requests for Published Articles
If the author(s) realizes an error or mistake in their published work, they must cooperate with the journal editor in the content correction process. The author(s) requesting a correction in their article must complete the Correction Request Form ( Each author must sign the form, and the signed document must be scanned. The document must be e-mailed to the editorial board via The Editorial Board and the Editorial Board will carry out the processes specified under the heading "B.3. Responsibilities of the Editor and Editorial Board Regarding the Author's Request for Correction".
B.1. Responsibilities for Copyright and Ethical Violation
Journal of Metaverse editor and editorial board; "Publication Ethics Policy" ( and "Research Ethics" ( has an obligation to initiate an investigation into a paper if the author(s) actions do not comply with the publication and research ethics policies detailed on our pages. Suppose the editorial board detects a copyright breach or plagiarism in the work being evaluated for publication. In that case, the board will withdraw the work from the evaluation and return it to the authors by citing the sources in detail. If the editorial board detects copyright infringement and plagiarism in a published or early-view work, the subsequent withdrawal and notification procedures are carried out within 15 days at the latest. For the work in which an ethical violation is detected;
1. The phrase “Withdrawn:” is added to the beginning of the title in the electronic display.
2. Instead of the Abstract and Full Text contents in the electronic presentation, the reasons for withdrawing the study and, if there are detailed sources of evidence, are published together with the notifications of the institutions and organizations to which the author(s) are affiliated.
3. Notice of withdrawal is announced on the home page of the journal website.
4. As of the date of withdrawal, the electronic and hard copy of the first issue to be published is added to the list of contents as “Withdrawn: Working Title”, the reasons for the withdrawal, and the original citations cited as the source are shared with the public and researchers, starting from the first page.
5. The above withdrawal notices are sent to the organization(s) affiliated with the author(s).
6. The withdrawal notices listed above are sent to the institutions and organizations where the journal is indexed and to the National Library Presidency for registration in index systems and catalogues.
In addition, the editorial board may recommend the publishing houses or editorial boards of the previously published work of the study author(s) whose ethical codes are violated to assure the validity and reliability of the previously published studies.
B.2. Responsibilities of the Editor and Editorial Board Regarding the Author's Withdrawal Request
B.2.1 Responsibilities of the Editor and Editorial Board Regarding the Request for Retraction of the Article Before Publication
The Editorial Board reviews the withdrawal notification sent by the author per the procedure listed under the heading "A.1. Responsibilities of the Authors in the Article Retraction Process". The board returns the paper to the author(s) within 15 days. The authors can only send their work to another journal for evaluation if the request for withdrawal of the works whose copyrights have been transferred to the Journal of Metaverse at the stage of submission by the editorial board is approved.
B.2.2 Responsibilities of the Editor and the Editorial Board Regarding the Request for Retraction of the Published Article
The Editorial Board of Journal of Metaverse initiates an investigation regarding the withdrawal notification submitted by the authors per the procedure listed under the heading "A.1. Responsibilities of the Authors in the Article Retraction Process". Suppose the editorial board finds the grounds for the retraction of the published work due to the evaluation made. In that case, it proceeds to withdraw the work per the following procedures. During the review process of the recall notice, the editorial board may also obtain an expert opinion.
1. The phrase "Withdrawn:" is added before the paper title accessed via electronic media.
2. Instead of the Abstract and Full-Text links on the electronic media, the reasons for withdrawing the study are published together with the notifications of the institutions and organizations to which the authors are affiliated.
3. Notice of withdrawal is announced on the home page of the journal website.
4. The electronic and hard copy of the first issue to be published as of the retraction date is added to the list of contents as "Retracted: Article Title". The reasons for the retraction and the original quotations cited as the source are shared with the public and researchers, starting from the first page.
5. The withdrawal notifications listed above are forwarded to the institutions and organizations where the journal is indexed and to the Presidency of the National Library for recording in index systems and catalogues.
6. The above withdrawal notices are sent to the organization(s) affiliated with the author(s).
B.3. Responsibilities of the Editor and Editorial Board Regarding Author's Correction Request
The online version of an article is considered the final and complete version. While it is possible to correct this version, our policy does not allow corrections to published work except in very limited circumstances.
The Editorial Board of Journal of Metaverse carries out the following procedures by examining the correction request submitted by the authors per the procedure listed under the heading "A.2. Authors' Responsibilities for Editing Requests for Published Articles".
A correction may be published if there is a serious error in the work regarding scientific accuracy or if the author's and journal's reputation is affected.
If the correction is deemed appropriate by the editorial board, the corrected article is published under the "Corrected Articles" section in the following issues.
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