Policy - Special and Supplemental Issue Policy

Special issues or Supplemental issues are evaluated with the same criteria as the regular issues of the journal. Additionally, the following rules apply.

  • Journal of Metaverse editors or the editorial board may decide to publish a special issue or supplemental issue on the current and determined basis to contribute to the literature when deemed necessary.
  • Supplemental and Special issues are published on the journal website, and the editors, editorial board, scientific board, issue descriptions, aim and scope, and special policies other than the general policies of the journal, if any, are shared clearly on the web page of the journal.
  • Supplemental and Special issues are evaluated according to the Peer-Review Process principles shared on https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/jmv/page/14606.
  • The number of articles published in Supplemental and Special issues cannot exceed the average number of articles published in the regular issues of the journal.
  • Page numbers in a Supplemental or Special issue are numbered differently than in the regular issues of the year.
  • The number of Supplemental or Special issues that can be published in a year; cannot be more than 1/3 of the number of regular issues published in a year.
  • For policies not stated on this page, the general policies of the journal apply.
  • It is mandatory to publish at least 5 articles in special and Supplemental issues. If 5 articles are not accepted for the relevant special or Supplemental issue, the Supplemental issue/special issue will not be published. The decision to publish or return the articles whose evaluation has been completed is determined as a result of consultation between the editorial board and the authors.

Last Update Time: 4/24/24, 5:44:19 PM

Journal of Metaverse
is indexed and abstracted by
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Izmir Academy Association