1. General Principles and Admission Criteria
Articles submitted to our journal must meet the following criteria in order to be considered:
• The article must not have been previously published or under review in another journal.
• It must be approved by all authors.
• It must be prepared in accordance with academic ethical rules and must not contain plagiarism.
After passing through the preliminary review stage, the manuscript is subjected to similarity scanning through plagiarism detection software (iThenticate or Turnitin). Manuscripts with a similarity rate of more than 20% or that do not comply with appropriate citation methods will not be evaluated.
2. Preliminary Review and Editorial Evaluation
The Editor-in-Chief makes a preliminary assessment of the article in terms of the scope of the journal, academic content, methodological soundness and compliance with ethical standards.
At this stage
• Editors evaluate the manuscript for compliance with the journal's editorial guidelines.
• The text is checked for plagiarism.
• An initial assessment is made in terms of content, methodology and innovation.
The preliminary review phase is usually completed within 15 days.
3. Referee Evaluation Process
Our journal adopts a double-blind peer review process.
This process consists of the following steps:
• The manuscript is sent to at least two independent external reviewers.
• The reviewers evaluate the article in terms of its scientific content, methodology, use of resources and academic contribution.
• If one of the referees gives a negative opinion, the article is sent to a third referee.
• When two positive referee opinions are received, the article is considered for publication.
The main criteria that the referees take into account during the evaluation process are as follows:
1. Does the article make a new and important scientific contribution?
2. Does the abstract and introduction explain the content clearly and coherently?
3. Is the methodology used scientifically adequate and understandable?
4. Are the results interpreted logically based on the findings?
5. Is the literature review adequate?
6. Does the language and expression comply with academic writing rules?
The refereeing process takes an average of 110 days.
4. Author and Editor Responsibilities
Authors' Responsibilities
• To ensure that the work complies with academic ethics rules.
• To guarantee that the submitted article has not been published elsewhere and is not under evaluation.
• To cite the sources used in full.
• Responding to reviewer and editor comments in a timely and scientific manner.
Responsibilities of Editors
• To evaluate articles according to objective and scientific criteria.
• Ensuring the confidentiality of the peer review process.
• Preventing conflicts of interest and detecting ethical violations.
• Managing communication between reviewers and authors.
5. Final Evaluation and Preparation for Publication
After the peer review process is completed, the article goes through the following stages:
1. Revision Process: The author makes the necessary corrections according to the referee comments.
2. Language and Format Check: The manuscript is reviewed by language editors in Turkish and English.
3. Editorial Board Approval: At the final control stage, the Editorial Board gives final approval to publish the article.
4. Typesetting and Layout: The articles to be published are drafted and reviewed by the author for the last time.
5. Indexing and Archiving: Published articles are sent to national and international indexes.
After these processes are completed, the article is published in the relevant issue of the journal and introduced to the academic world.
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