• SMAR will be published 4 issues per year, in March, July, October, and December of 2024.
• Accepted studies will be published as online first.
• SMAR Price Policy has been updated, please read our Price Policy.
• The language editing policy of the journal has been updated. Please click here for more information.
SPECIAL ISSUE ANNOUNCEMENT: Dear Prospective Authors, we are planning a special issue titled "Innovative Conceptual Approaches to Social Sciences" within our journal. You are invited to submit your conceptual studies to our special issue by September 20, 2024.
-------------------------------Sosyal Mucit Academic Review is a double-blind peer review international refereed journal published four in a year (March-July-October-December). This journal aims at publishing conceptual, theoretical and qualitative studies related to sociology of economy, work and organization. The main reason for this aim stems from publishing studies that are understood by not only academicians, graduate and PhD students, but also individuals and practitioners in society. In addition, quantitative studies within the scope of the journal have been accepted. The language of this journal is both English and Turkish, and the Turkish articles need to have an extended English abstract.
Research Article
Polikronisiteden Çalışan Yaratıcılığına İşe Adanmışlığın Aracılığıyla Yolculuk: Otel Çalışanlarının Deneyimlerine Dayalı Bir ÇıkarımResearch Article
Exploring the Effects of Psychological Safety, Organization-Based Self-Esteem, and Self-Efficacy on Job PerformanceResearch Article
Kişisel Veri Yönetimi Politikalarının İnsan Kaynakları Departmanı Üzerindeki Etkileri: Nitel Bir AnalizResearch Article
Gender Inequality in Business: A Bibliometric and Qualitative ResearchResearch Article
Determining Avatar Consumers Shopping Behavior in Second LifeResearch Article
Yapay Zekâ Destekli Ürünlerde Müşteri Deneyimi Nasıl Ölçülür? Türkiye’ye Özgü Bir Ölçek UyarlamasıResearch Article
Rethinking the Relationship Between Cognitive Job Crafting and Job Engagement: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital Among Emergency Healthcare Workers
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