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Sociological Think is a journal that focuses specifically on sociological research and studies, but also includes research and studies conducted with a multidisciplinary approach from other social sciences. Studies submitted to the journal are submitted to the evaluation of at least two referees with the decision of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board may have more than two referees review the work when deemed necessary. The journal has the right to make corrections in the submitted manuscripts, to publish or not to publish the manuscripts. Authors whose work is published transfer their copyright and publication rights to the journal Sociological Think. Since the journal does not pursue a commercial purpose, is published in electronic media, is freely accessible and does not have any income from advertising, sponsorship, sales, etc., it does not make any payment to the authors. Published works may be quoted or shared in other media provided that the source is cited, but may not be shared without citing the source and may not be published as another/new publication. The legal and intellectual responsibility in case of publication belongs to the authors. Authors who submit their work to the journal for publication are deemed to have accepted all these principles.