- After the manuscript is submitted through the Manuscript Tracking System from the personal page entered with the e-mail address and password, the referee process can be followed from the same system. After this stage, reports from all referees should be waited for the corrections to be made. Because authors can add corrections to the system only once. When a referee makes the correction requested by one referee and the manuscript is added to the system, if a second referee requests a correction at the next stage, the requested corrections will not be made.
- Title: It should be a title that is compatible with the content, best expresses it, and should be written in 12 pt. in bold letters.
- Author name(s) and address: Information such as the author's name, title, institution where he/she works and e-mail address where he/she can be reached should not be included under the title of the article. Since author names can be seen by the system administrator, this information will be added to the manuscript by the editor. When the manuscripts are added to the system, it should be ensured that no information belonging to the author is included in the manuscript. This is important in order to allow the referees who will review the article to move more easily.
- Abstract: At the beginning of the article, there should be an abstract in Turkish and English, which briefly and succinctly expresses the subject and consists of a maximum of 150-200 words. One line space should be left under the abstract and keywords consisting of at least 3 and at most 5 words should be given. Abstract text should be written in 9 pt, single line spacing. Abstract texts should be written 1cm from the right and left.
- For articles submitted in Turkish, a 750-1000 word abstract in English and for articles submitted in English, a 750-1000 word abstract in Turkish should be attached. This abstract should include subheadings (Introduction, Method, Findings (Results), Conclusion and Discussion, etc.). The abstract should be written after the bibliography section, starting from a new page. Manuscripts that do not include an extended abstract will not be evaluated. The abstract should be written in 10 point size, single-spaced, using Calibri font. The extended abstract will also be evaluated according to whether the word count limitations are complied with.
- Main Text: It should be written in MS Word programme, using Calibri font, 10 pt, 1.5 line spacing. The article can be up to 35 pages. Pages should not be numbered.
- Paragraphs should not be started in the text of the article, and paragraph breaks should be marked by leaving 1 line (12 pt) space (Paragraph-Indent and Spacing in Office, Spacing-Before-0; After-12 pt).
- All information in the footnote should be written in 9 pt, single-spaced.
- Section Headings: In the article, main, intermediate and subheadings can be used to provide an organised transfer of information; headings should be numbered.
- Tables and Figures: Tables should be numbered and titled. Tables should be placed where they should be in the text. Figures should be prepared for colour printing. Figure numbers and names should be written centrally just below the figure.
- Illustrations: High resolution, print quality scanned images should be given in their places in the text. The rules for naming pictures should follow the rules for figures and charts.
- Quotations and References: APA standards should be followed in the articles to be sent to our journal (https://apastyle.apa.org). Works that do not comply with these rules will be returned to the author for correction. Quotations exceeding a few sentences in the text should be written 1 cm. from the right and left.
At the end of the text, under the heading REFERENCES, the references cited should be listed by surname.