Aim & Scope

Publication Content
Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology contains original scientific articles. All published articles, except editorials, are subjected to a double blind peer review process.

Aim and Scope
Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology aims to make significant contributions to the world of science by publishing high quality studies with academic value.
In line with this purpose;
Studies analysing basic problems and applications in Turkish language, Turkish literature, contemporary Turkish dialects and literatures, Turkish history, Turkish culture, Turkish art and Turkish archaeology,
Actively engaged in teaching/learning Turcology and helping other specialists to develop their skills and strategies,
Studies aiming at the development of Turcology as a more qualified researcher,
Original research articles are published on extensive researches or exemplary studies related to Turcology. In addition to research articles, translated articles, review articles, text publications, publication reviews, news, necrology and research notes can also be included.
Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology is an independent, double-blind peer-reviewed, open access and online journal aiming to publish articles on all subjects related to the field of Turcology.
Articles submitted to our journal must be original works that have not been published before or sent for publication elsewhere. Articles that are found to be in compliance with the submission rules of Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology and the scope of the journal are sent to at least two referees who are experts in their fields for scientific evaluation. The Editorial Board members discuss each article in terms of suitability, taking into account the comments of the referees. The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision for all submitted articles. The Editorial Board of Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology is committed to comply with the criteria of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Restrictions and Applications Not Accepted for Evaluation
The following types of studies are out of the scope of publication of Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology and are not accepted for evaluation:
An author cannot submit more than one article within the same publication period.
Our journal accepts article submissions between January 15-31, May 15-31 and September 15-30. Submissions made outside of these dates are not accepted.
Studies on themes outside the field of Turcology are not accepted.
The works of undergraduate university students are not accepted for publication. However, Turcology studies of master and/or doctoral students can be accepted.
Studies in the form of summary of graduate dissertations are not evaluated.
Studies with a small research group or a small sampling rate are not accepted for publication.
Text publications and/or compilations that do not contain any review cannot be considered as research articles. These articles can be evaluated in the "text publication" or "review article" section.
Studies in the form of bibliographies and/or literature summaries are not evaluated.
Articles consisting of textbook analyses and/or literature reviews are not accepted for evaluation. However, studies on publication evaluation can be accepted in the "publication evaluation" section.

Subject Category: Philology, Social Sciences and Humanities
Field of Science: Turcology
Keywords: Turkish Language, Turkish Literature, Contemporary Turkish Dialects and Literatures, Turkish History, Turkish Art, Turkish Culture, Turkish Archaeology

Publication Language
Full Text Publication Language
• Primary Language: Turkish
• Secondary Language: English
Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology accepts articles written in German and Russian as well as Turkish and English.
Regardless of the language in which they are written, the following points should be observed in all articles:
Article Title: All articles must have a title in Turkish and English.
Author Name(s): Must be written in Turkish in Latin alphabet.
Author Address(es): Must be written in Turkish with Latin alphabet.
Abstract: All articles must include both Turkish and English abstracts.
Keywords: Turkish and English keywords must be included in all articles.
Bibliography: In all articles, the bibliography section must be organised according to the Latin alphabet.
Full Text: The full text section should be written in Latin alphabet. However, Cyrillic alphabet may be used for articles written in Russian.

Article Submissions
Submitted articles must be appropriate to the aim and scope of the journal. Original, unpublished articles or articles that have not been submitted to another journal for publication and whose content and submission have been approved by each author are accepted for evaluation.

Experts and researchers working in the fields of Turkish Language, Turkish Literature, Contemporary Turkish Dialects and Literatures, Turkish History, Turkish Art, Turkish Culture and Turkish Archaeology are among the target readership. Apart from these, every individual who is interested in the field of Turcology and who wants to improve himself/herself in this field is included in the reader audience.

Price Policy
No fee is charged for the evaluation and publication of the articles submitted to Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology for publication. Articles accepted for publication are also free of charge. Our journal does not accept sponsorship and advertisement in accordance with its publication policies. All expenses of our journal are covered by Selçuk University.

The copyrights of the works published in Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology belong to their authors. Authors give permission for their intellectual work to be published by Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence.

Originality of Articles
Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology does not accept articles that have been published elsewhere before. However, translations of articles published in a foreign language that are important for the field of Turcology can be taken into consideration.


Period Months
April August December
Last Update Time: 2/25/25, 1:18:09 PM

Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).