
Copyright Transfer

Authors are required to fill in and approve the TÜBA Journal of Cultural Inventory Copyright Transfer Form in order for their articles to be printed.
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Authors are deemed to have transferred the copyright of their work to the Turkish Academy of Sciences with the TÜBA Journal of Cultural Inventory Copyright Transfer Form. TÜBA-KED Editorial Board is authorized to publish the article. However, the authors reserve the following rights;

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All articles published in TÜBA-KED are licensed under the “Creative Commons Citation 4.0 International License”. This license grants the right to reproduce, share, and disseminate all published articles, data sets, graphics, and appendices in data mining applications, search engines, websites, blogs, and all other platforms, provided that the source is cited. Open access is an approach that facilitates interdisciplinary communication and encourages different disciplines to work with each other. In this direction, TÜBA-KED provides added value to its field by providing more access to its articles and a more transparent evaluation process.

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Last Update Time: 3/6/25, 10:17:06 AM

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