TÜBA-KED Journal is a periodical international refereed journal of the Turkish Academy of Sciences. Articles written in Turkish and English can be published in the journal. The number of pages of articles to be published in TÜBA-KED should not exceed 25 pages, including text and images. However, the editorial board or advisory board may express an opinion on the page limit, provided that the quality of the work is not lost.
Similarity reports of all articles submitted to TÜBA-KED are created with the iThenticate program and can be taken into the referee process after being evaluated by the relevant committees in terms of publication ethics and plagiarism.
Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the descriptions in the headings below.
The application to be made to TÜBA-KED should be prepared in a way to include Letter of Application, Title Page, Abstract, Main Text, Images and Appendices. The identity of the author(s) in the main text and abstract files will be kept confidential in accordance with the blind review process. However, authors are expected to avoid any information, documents and statements that may reveal their identity in their manuscripts prior to the refereeing process and, if necessary, to add such information at the end of the refereeing process.
In the preparation of manuscripts to be published in TÜBA-KED Journal, except for the following rules, the common rules (APA 7) recommended by the American Psychological Association (APA), which are widely used in the field of social sciences, apply.
In the letter addressed to TÜBA-KED Editorial Board, it should be clearly stated that the study has not been published before, is not in the evaluation process elsewhere, is an original work, and has been prepared in accordance with scientific norms and ethical rules, and should be signed by the author(s).
The title should clearly and understandably reflect the content of the study and should be written in capital letters in Turkish and English Times New Roman, bold, 20-point font size. The title page should include the name, surname, title, institution and contact information of the authors. If the support received by the study is derived from graduate theses, the information of the thesis and the author responsible for the correspondence should be given.
Turkish and English abstracts should be prepared in Times New Roman, 10.5 font size. There should be no author names in the abstract file. The abstract should not exceed 250 words, reflecting the purpose, scope, method, results, highlights and original value of the study. At least 5 and at most 7 keywords reflecting the content of the study should be identified.
The main text should be prepared in Times New Roman, 10.5 font size and in accordance with the features listed below under the heading “Physical Characteristics of the Article”. The author's name and/or author ID should not appear in the main text.
In reference citations, the following arrangement scheme is applied in order to comply with the in-text display technique and to access the source more easily. The author's name and date of publication should appear on the first line, and (respectively) the name of the publication, the place of publication (book, gift, journal, etc., with volume and issue information, if any), the place of publication, the publishing house (if any) and the page information should appear on the second line. Please refer to the published issues of the journal for sample applications.
All visual materials such as tables, figures, photographs in the article should be sent in a separate file in accordance with the order in the article. It is obligatory to give the sources of all visuals in the article and show them in the bibliography. Authorization for use belongs to the author(s). Permission to use images that do not belong to the authors should be declared by the author when the article is accepted for publication.
In-text citations should be in the language of the full text and in accordance with the referencing procedures and principles of that language. TÜBA-KED uses in-text citation management in accordance with the APA 7th version citation system. Accordingly, the citation should be given only to the publication or to the page or pages in the publication, at the end of the relevant line or paragraph, before the period and in parentheses. The footnote citation system should not be used, but in cases requiring explanation, additional explanation can be given at the bottom of the relevant page in the classical footnote layout by giving a footnote number in the text. The source information of the annotated footnote should be given at the end of the footnote in accordance with the in-text citation technique.
1. In-text citation:
In-text citations are given where necessary (between lines, at the end of a sentence or at the end of a paragraph) with the surname, year of publication and page number, if any, in parentheses. For example: (Kafadar, 2017, p. 101). If the source has two authors, a comma is placed between the surnames. If the pages are consecutive pages, a hyphen (18-25) should be placed between them; if they are not consecutive pages, a comma (3,6,45) should be placed between them. In English texts, if there are two authors, an & sign is added between the surnames; if there are more than two authors, “et al.” is added in English texts. Ex: (Duralı et al., 2020). In cases where the author is given at the beginning of the sentence, the surname of the author is written first, followed by the year of the cited work in parentheses. At the end of the sentence or paragraph, the page number/interval is shown in parentheses. Ex: Genç (1998) underlined it as follows; “...” (p. 199).
2. Display of Direct Quotations:
Quotations of less than 40 words are indicated with quotation marks in the text and written in normal writing style. Direct quotations of 40 or more words should be written as a block from the bottom line and indented from the left, right aligned, in normal writing style and in normal text spacing. Quotation marks are not used in such long quotations. Unlike other citations, a full stop is placed after the quotation paragraph and then the in-text citation is shown.
3. Tables and Figures:
A table shows numerical values (e.g. means and standard deviations) and/or textual information (e.g. responses from participants), usually organized in columns and rows. A figure can be a chart, graph, photograph, drawing, plot, infographic or other non-tabular image.
The Table heading is placed above the table and aligned to the left, preceded by the Table in bold, with a sequence number. Below this, the title of the table is italicized with the first letter of each word capitalized, except for conjunctions. After the title, a slash sign should be placed and the English version of the title should also be italicized. If an explanation is desired, a Note is written under the table in italics, left aligned, a full stop is placed at the end and an explanation is given. The same spelling is used for Figure.
The sources of the references given in the text are added to the bibliography section at the end of the article in alphabetical order in accordance with APA 7 version.
All sources used and cited during the study (except classical texts and personal interviews) are added to the References section. Works that are not cited are not included in the references. References should be listed alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors. If an author has more than one publication, they are listed according to the date of publication. If there is more than one work published in the same year, they should be indicated as (1995a, 1995b). Quotation marks and bold font style are not used in the bibliography.
If the original dates of classical works are known, they are indicated at the end of the reference as follows: (The original work is dated 1846).
If the cited source has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, this number is added at the end with the source information.
Sample References:
If you have created your citations using programs such as Microsoft Word, Endnote, Zotero, etc., the system will automatically create references in APA format. However, make sure that the source information coming to the citation program is correct, otherwise it will appear incorrectly in the references. In other cases, sample references are summarized below.
1. Single Authored Book
Book titles should only be capitalized with the first letter and the first letter of the word following the punctuation mark, and other words should be lowercase and italicized. When writing the publishing house, the first letter of all words should be capitalized and no location information should be given.
Surname, First Letter of the Name (year). Book title. Publishing House.
Eyüce, A. (2005). Geleneksel yapılar ve mekanlar. Birsen Yayınevi.
2. Multi-author Book
When references with two authors are written in the bibliography, the "&" symbol is added between them. According to APA 7 citation system, information of all authors up to 20 authors should be given in the bibliography of multi-authored books. If there are more than 20 authors, the first 19 authors are written by placing a comma between them, and after the 19th author, the 20th author is added by placing a comma and an ellipsis and the symbol "&". This system is similar for articles, symposiums, reports, etc.
Surname, First Letter of the Name, Surname, First Letter of the Name, ... & Surname, First Letter of the Name (2015). Book title. Publisher.
Piaget, J. & Inhelder, B. (1956). The child conception of space. Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Ljungqvist, F.C., Seim, A., Tegel, W., Krusic, P.J., Baittinger, C., Belingard, C., Bernabei, M., Bonde, N., Borghaerts, P., Couturier, Y., Crone, A., van Daalen, S., Daly, A., Doeve, P., Domínguez-Delmas, M., Edouard, J.-L., Frank, T., Ginzler, C., Grabner, M., … & Büntgen, U. (2022). Regional patterns of late medieval and early modern European building activity revealed by felling dates. Frontier in Ecology and Evolution, 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.825751
3. Edited Book
In addition to the above spelling style, for editors, after the surname and first name, (Ed.) is added after (Ed.) if there is a single editor, and (Eds.) is added if there are multiple editors.
Sezgin, F., Genç, M. & Heper, M. (Eds.). (2017). Book title. Publisher.
4. Chapter in a Book
References cited from a chapter within a book are first given in the bibliography, followed by the chapter information (chapter author, year, chapter title) and then the book information (editor, book title). The book title is italicized. Here, the names of the editors are listed in the order of the first letter of the first name, last name. After the title, the edition and the page range of the chapter are written in parentheses. In English articles, the conjunction “In” is written before the book information and the page range is given after pp. Lastly, the publisher and DOI/URL information, if any, are added.
Doğan, M., (2019). Book Title. Editor Information. (Ed.), Chapter name (p. Page range). Publication House.
Özhanlı, M. & Güngör, T. (2014). Mortars of Pisidia Antioch. In B. Duman, E. Konakçı & C. Şimşek (Eds.), A gift to Mustafa Büyükkolancı'ya/Essay in honour of Mustafa Büyükkolancı (pp. 505-513). Ege Publications.
5. Translated Works
It is written in the same way as books are written in the bibliography, but the translator information is given in parentheses after the work.
Sezgin, F. (1982). Name of the work (Name, Surname, Transl.). Publisher.
Horvath, B. (1996). Anatolia 1913 (T. Demirkan, Transl.) Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı.
6. Journal Article
Sezgin, F., Genç, M. & Heper, M., (2003). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), page range.
Dörtlük, K. (1988). İlk Keraitai Yazıtı. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi, 27, 68-71.
7. Official Publication or Press Release
Name of the Institution Printing the Official Publication. (Year). Name of the report (Publication no.). Publisher.
Radt, W. (1990). Report on the Pergamon 1988 Campaign / Zusammenfassender Bericht über dir Kampagne 1988 von Wolfgang Radt. XI. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, II, 135-154.
8. Theses
Author's surname, first letter of first name. (Year). Title of the thesis [Unpublished Master's thesis / Doctoral thesis], Name of the University. Published database / Internet address.
Author's surname, first letter of first name. (Year). Title of the thesis [Published Master's thesis / Doctoral thesis, Name of the University]. Published database / Internet address.
Armağan, M. E. (2010). Kuşadası Kadıkalesi’ndeki Bizans dönemi taş eserleri [Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi] Ege Üniversitesi.
9. Internet Resources
Website name (Date or T. Y. if no date). Title, Access Date: see link, if it works, you can assign today's date)
10. Scientific Meeting and Symposium
Author's surname, first letter of first name (Year, Day, Month). Name of the oral presentation [Oral Presentation]. Name of the Scientific Meeting, City where the meeting took place, Country.
11. Newspaper Article with Author
Author's last name, first initial (date). Title Newspaper Name. Link address
Beattie, E. (2024, October 2). Massive carry trade still lurks in the shadows and looms over markets. The Japan Times. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/business/2024/10/02/markets/carry-trade-focus/
12. Newspaper Article with Author
Title of article: Subtitle. (date). Title of Newspaper. Link adress
13.Sources from Web Pages
Institution/Organization. (Year, month). Page title: Subheading link address
Form of the Document: The documents to be submitted should be Word documents with (.doc or .docx) extension.
Font to be used in the text: Times New Roman
Font size to be used in the main text: 10.5 point
Font size to be used in the footnotes section: 9 point
Page size and margins: On a Din A4 size page, 2.5 cm margins on the left, 2 cm on the right, 2 cm on the top and 2 cm on the bottom.
Line spacing: Single
Paragraph spacing: 0.6 nk
Paragraph head: The entire text is written as in left alignment, the right side is left open.
Title of the main language of the study: Words should be written in all capital letters, Times new roman and it should be 20 pt.
Author names: Under the title of the study, the first name is capitalized and the surname is written in all capital letters in bold 12 pt.
Headings in the text: Headings in the text are distinguished from each other by their font size and qualifications. In general, the order and format of subheadings are as follows.
3rd level headings: Times New Roman, 12-point font, thin/normal, lower case, only the first letters of the words are capitalized.
4th level headings: At the beginning of a paragraph. Times New Roman, 12 font size, thin/normal, lower case, italicized/italicized.
The appendices (tables, figures, inventory lists, catalogs, etc.) that the author does not want to include between the pages of the study are included after the main text of the report, starting from a new page, as a separate section and numbered as APPENDIX 1, APPENDIX 2. The titles of the appendices are the same as the level 1 titles described above.
The main text of the scientific study and all tables and visuals within the scope of the study should be related, visuals or documents that do not contribute to the text should not be included, and the text should be supported by visual references in the text.
All visual materials (photographs, figures, plates, etc.) related to scientific studies will be evaluated in the relevant field in the text (among them). However, in line with the author's suggestion, it is also possible to evaluate the visuals at the end of the text. In this case, the visuals are included in the visuals section. This section is the last section of the scientific work following the main text, notes, bibliography and appendices (inventory list and charts longer than 1 A4 page, etc.).
All images are numbered consecutively, starting from one and continuing. The photograph, figure or plate number should be listed within itself and should not be confused with other images. If a group of photographs is to be used in a plate, the photographs in the plate should be numbered independently starting from 1 or A, and any image in the plate should be referenced in the text when necessary (Ex: Table. 1, Foto. 5)
Image titles are written aligned to the left above the image. The first letter of each word in the title -except conjunctions- is capitalized. If a reference is to be given, it is given in accordance with in-text citation. Sample title writing is as follows:
Figure 2
Ankara Ethnography Museum Backyard
Author name and contribution rate (%) | Author name and contribution rate (%) | Author name and contribution rate (%) | Author name and contribution rate (%) | ........ | |
1. Idea/Concept, Method and Design (Research idea, research question, assumptions and hypotheses) | 40 | 15 | 15 | 30 | |
2. Literature review (Literature review on the research problem and its evaluation in the context of the research topic) | 10 | 35 | 35 | 20 | |
3. Data Collection and Analysis (Planning and execution of the data collection process, data analysis and interpretation) | Equal | Equal | Equal | Equal | |
4. Writing and Editing (Writing and revisions of the article) | 10 | 5 | 5 | 80 | |
5. Critical Review (Evaluating the work before submission not only in terms of spelling and grammar, but also in terms of intellectual content specific to the field) | 70 | 5 | 5 | 20 | |
6. Research Infrastructure Support and Financial Support (Provision and managing to research facilities, permits and financial support for the project) | 80 | 5 | 5 | 10 | |
7. Publication Process (Managing the publication process of the article) | 60 | 5 | 5 | 30 |
The Statement on Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is intended to ensure transparency and does not in any way excuse or mitigate the responsibility of the author(s) for any consequences that may arise in the work, such as material errors, bias, breach of data privacy, unfair or improper use. All responsibility belongs to the authors within the framework specified in the Author Contribution Table.
In this research, artificial intelligence was used in the following sections and ratios:
Reason to Use Artificial Intelligence | Used Artificial Intelligence Programme | Rate of using artificial intelligence (%) <10 | Rate of using artificial intelligence (%) 11-20 | Rate of using artificial intelligence (%) 21-35 | Rate of using artificial intelligence (%) >35 |
1. Idea/Concept, Method and Design (Research idea, research question, assumptions and hypotheses) | |||||
2. Literature Research (Literature review on the research problem and its evaluation in the context of the research topic) | |||||
3. Data Collection and Analysis (Planning and execution of the data collection process, data analysis and interpretation) | |||||
4. Formation of the text (writing and revisions of the article) | |||||
5. Translation into English (Translation into English of the text submitted for publication, including Abstract, Extended English Abstract) | |||||
6. Translation from Foreign Languages (Translation from foreign language materials used in the formation of the text) | |||||
7. Abstracting from Written Sources Used in Article Writing | |||||
Other (please specify): |
Please disclose any funding support (In-kind or monetary) provided for the conduct of this research in the acknowledgement section. If you do not have any acknowledgement section, please indicate this information as a footnote on the first page of the article. For example: 'This article was supported within the scope of [Project Name or Number] provided by [Institution Name]'.
The author(s) explicitly that there is no personal or financial conflict of interest within the scope of the article.