Writing Rules

The Article Submission Files Should Prepared by using the followings: to reach the submission file templates please go to Submit a Manuscript link
Submission Files
  • 1. Copyright Agreement
    Must include all authors' names and contact details be signed by the corresponding author. (Download)

  • 2. Ethics Committee Approval and Research Permits
    Ethics Committee Approval Certificate: For researches and practices on humans, it is mandatory that the ethics committees of the relevant units are approved. In this context, scientific researches and studies conducted by researchers in face-to-face or computer-based environments by means of data collection methods such as questionnaire, test, scale, interview, observation, painting, drawing, video film and voice recording are among the applications that require approval of the ethics committee. Ethics Committee Approval Certificate is mandatory for human researches. If there is no Ethics Committee Approval Certificate the authors must give the reason as supporting file. Research Permit (if required) Permissions for the conduct of the research. Please! Upload all documents as a single PDF document. (Download)

  • 3. Similarity Report
    SIMILARITY REPORT: Please upload the originality report of the manuscript. Originality report is a plagiarism test report. Our Authors needs to provide fulltext originality report as a pdf file. Originality report must be prepared by following the rules below; EXCLUDE QUOTES: OFF EXCLUDE BIBLIOGRAPHY: ON EXCLUDE MATCHES: OFF The acceptable originality report percentage for TURJE is <=10%. After examining the originality report (<=10%), the editorial team will decide whether the manuscript will be directed to pre-review session. (Download)

  • 4. Full Text File 
    When preparing your manuscript, please use and follow our template and upload it as Full Text File (Download)

  • 5. Cover Letter
    Please explain in your own words the significance and novelty of the study, the problem that is being addressed, and why the manuscript belongs in this journal. Do not simply insert your abstract into your cover letter! Briefly describe the research you are reporting in your paper, why it is important, and why you think the readership of the journal would be interested in it. (Download)

  • 6. Title Page
    Title Page should include: Paper Title; Running Head; Author Name Surname; Affiliation, Address, City, Country, email address and ORCID and if necessary Acknowledgement. (Download)



For manuscript submission


In taking a step toward expediting the publication process, the Turkish Journal of Education uses a web-based submission and peer review. If you have not already created an account, go to www.turje.org and create an account (register) for yourself in the system on the left side of the website.

To monitor the progress of your manuscript throughout the review process, just log in to our system periodically and check the status of the paper.

 Preparing Manuscript

When preparing your manuscript, please use and follow our template.

TURJE employs an anonymous review policy (i.e., masked review). Therefore, the author's (authors’) name(s) and affiliation should not appear on any part of the article.

Prepare your manuscript and illustrations in the appropriate format, according to the instructions given below. Please also be sure that your paper conforms to the scientific and style instructions of the Journal, given below here.


The article title should be intriguing for readers and max. 12 words. The title should be written in sentence order. Make sure that only the first letter of your article's name is capitalized.


Each manuscript should include an informative, comprehensive abstract of 150 to 170 words with 10 pts. The abstract should explain the critical information related to the paper's aim, method, findings, results, and conclusions.

Keywords: Three - five keywords should also be given after the abstract. Keywords should be given in order according to their initials A to Z. Also, your keywords should be written in sentence order. Make sure only the first keyword starts with a capital word.


ÖZ (It is not mandatory for non-Turkish authors)

Her yazının 150-170 sözcük arasında bir ÖZ’ünün bulunması gerekir, ÖZ ve ABSTRACT’ın tamamen uyumlu olması beklenir. Yazının ÖZ’ü amacı, yöntemi, bulguları ve sonuçları hakkındaki kritik bilgileri vermelidir.

Anahtar Sözcükler: Her yazının keyword’lerinin Türkçeleri verilmelidir.

ÖZ Türkiye adresli çalışmalarda zorunludur.


General Rules:

The manuscript should be typed in using MS Word (6.0 or latest versions), A4 (21x29,7 cm.) paper size, Times New Roman (Font) and 11 pts (excludes, Title and abstract), single spaced with 2,5 cm margins on all sides and align full.


The headings should be prepared according to the Turkish Journal of Education Manuscript Template.

HEADING 1 (Centered, Boldface, Title Case Heading)

Heading 2 (Flush Left, Boldface, Title Case Heading)

The text starts a new paragraph.

Heading 3 (Flush Left, Boldface, Italic, Title Case Heading)

The text starts a new paragraph.

        Heading 4 Indented, Boldface, Title Case Heading Ending With a Period: Paragraph text continues on the same line as the same paragraph. 

        Heading 5 Indented, Boldface Italic, Title Case Heading Ending With a Period: Paragraph text continues on the same line as the same paragraph.

Number all figures with Arabic numerals sequentially. The figure names should be given below the Figure and the name “figure” should be italicized. An example is presented below:
Figure 1. (10 pt. Bold)
The model fit of Abortion dimension (10 pt. Italic)

Number all tables with Arabic numerals sequentially. The table names should be placed above the table. In the first line, there should be the word “Table”. In the second line, the brief explanation of the title should be found and italicized. The tables should be prepared in Times New Roman font, in 10 pts., and should not have background colors.

Table 1 (Regular and Bold)
The Name of Table (Italic and Title Case)

Item no

Item Description








Item 1







Item 2







Item 3






Note: SD= strongly disagree; D=disagree; U=undecided; A=agree; SA=strongly agree (Notes should be double spaced)

Correct Use of Hyphenation
The most important principle for writing temporary compounds, such as non-vulnerable, best-selling, is to use hyphens to prevent misreading.
Words with prefixes and suffixes are written without hyphens according to APA rules. (ex. covariate, preexisting)
Correct Use of Numbers
When using numbers from 0-9 in your manuscript, spell these numbers out in letters. If you are using numbers 10 or higher, use digits to write them on your manuscript, but there are some exceptions:
Do not use numerals at the beginning of the sentence.
Common fractions, such as ¼ or ½ should be spelled out.
For other fractions, functions, percentages, etc., use numerals in your manuscript.
Important Punctuation Rules
If you use decimals, use full stop.
Do not use any bullet-points on your manuscript.
Unless the abbreviations that you aim to use are common, such as, e.g., AIDS or IQ, the abbreviations should be written with their full definitions right next to them in the first use.
Here are some common abbreviations:
c.f.; compare
e.g.; for example
etc.; and so forth
i.e.; that is
viz.; namely
vs.; versus or against
et al.; and others

Note; ibid. (idibem, the same place) cannot be used in APA.

This section of the manuscript should be about the techniques and methods you used in your study. Here are some questions that can help you form your methodology.
How did you collect the data, or how did you generate the data?
Which research methods did you use?
Why did you choose these methods and techniques?
How did you use these methods for analyzing the research question or problem?
In addition to these, add details of the ethics committee in the methodology.

Please use APA 7th edition (American Psychological Association, 2020) for in-text and end-text citations. 
This section of the document aims to explain and remind the authors of some of the rules of APA style citation. For more information, you can check the website provided below;

In-text Citations
There are two types of in-text citation: paraphrasing and quoting.
When you paraphrase some other researchers’ studies, use the styles below:
According to Jones (1998), APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners. APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners (Jones, 1998).
If there is more than one author to cite, use the format below:
Research by Cebesoy and Yeniterzi (2016) supports...
Research findings indicated that … (Cebesoy & Yeniterzi, 2016)
If the citation has 3 or more authors, write the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” in the first mention in signal phrase or in parentheses.;
The study by Aykutlu et al. (2021) shows that...
(Aykutlu et al., 2021)
There are some rules you must follow when citing using paraphrasing.
If there are two studies in your paper, both of which abbreviate to the same et al. form, add as many surnames as needed to disambiguate.
If there are multiple references in your paper with the same author(s) and publication dates, append letters to the years.
If there are multiple studies in your paper with the first authors with the same name but have different initials, add initials next to the authors’ name in the in-text citations.
Direct quotation is used when duplicating an exact definition, when the author has said something memorable, or when you want to respond to the exact wording. The quotation should be a maximum of 40 words.
“The decline of American marriage has been a favorite theme of social commentators, politicians, and academics over the past few decades” (Cherlin, 2005, p. 34).
If the quotation has 40 words or more, it is written in block quotation format. Here’s what you need to know about block quotation;
Block quotations start with a new line.
Quotation marks do not surround them.
The entire quotation, just like in a new paragraph, should be indented 1.27 cm (0.5 inch) and the spacing must be 1.5.
The text after the quotation starts with new line, separated from the quotation.
The example of block quotation with a parenthetical citation:
Researchers have studied how people talk to themselves:
Inner speech is a paradoxical phenomenon. It is an experience that is central to many people’s everyday lives, and yet it presents considerable challenges to any effort to study it scientifically. Nevertheless, a wide range of methodologies and approaches have combined to shed light on the subjective experience of inner speech and its cognitive and neural underpinnings. (Alderson-Day & Fernyhough, 2015, p. 957)
The example of block quotation with narrative citation:
Flores et al. (2018) described how they addressed potential researcher bias when working with an intersectional community of transgender people of color:
Everyone on the research team belonged to a stigmatized group but also held privileged identities. Throughout the research process, we attended to the ways in which our privileged and oppressed identities may have influenced the research process, findings, and presentation of results. (p. 311)
Note; When citing a picture or a figure, write its citation under or on the top of the cited material. If that is not possible, then make sure you have written the citation in the next page.
End-Text Citations
Every reference on the reference list must be cited in the text, and every cited reference should appear on the reference list.
Each research material has a different way of writing an end-text reference. Here are some examples of how to write each research material.
Journal Articles
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article.Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), pages. http://dx.doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyyy
Akbana, Y. E., Rathert, S., & Ağçam, R.. (2021). Emergency remote education in foreign and second language teaching. Turkish Journal of Education, 10(2), 97-124. https://doi.org/10.19128/turje.865344
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher.
Kaufman, K. A., Glass, C. R., & Pineau, T. R. (2018). Mindful sport performance enhancement: Mental training for athletes and coaches. American Psychological Association.
Chapter in a Book
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication).Title of chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Publisher.
O'Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men's and women's gender role journeys: A metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation. In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp. 107-123). Springer.
For Thesis/Dissertation
Surname, F. N. (Year). Title of dissertation (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Name of Institution.
Tortop, T. (2011). 7th-Grade students’ typical errors and possible misconceptions in graphs concept before and after the regular mathematics instruction. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Middle East Technical University.
Thesis/Dissertation from a Database
Horvath-Plyman, M. (2018).Social media and the college student journey: An examination of how social media use impacts social capital and affects college choice, access, and transition (Publication No. 10937367) [Doctoral dissertation, New York University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Electronic Sources
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Online Periodical, volume number (issue number if available).http://www.someaddress.com/full/url/
Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A List Apart: For people who make Websites, 149. http://www.alistapart.com/articles/writeliving
Proceedings- Published
Contributor, A. (Year).Title of contribution. Proceedings of the Conference Name, (pp. xxx-xxx). Publisher
Werner, M., Schwanewedel, J., & Mayer, J. (2014). Does the context make a difference? Students’ ability in decision-making and the influence of contexts. In C. P. Constantinou, N. Papadouris& A. Hadjigeorgiou (Eds.), Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. (pp. 81-90). European Science Education Research Association.
Proceedings- Unpublished
Contributor, A. (Year, Month). Title of contribution., Conference Name, Location.
Fowler, S. R., Zeidler, D. L., (2010, March). College students’ use of science content during socio-scientific issues negotiation: Evaluation as a prevailing concept. Paper presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Philadelphia, PA.
Contributor, A. (Year, Month). Title of the poster. Poster, Conference Name, Location.
Cebesoy, Ü. B., & Tekkaya, C. (2012, September).Are in-service science teachers genetically literate? Some preliminary findings. Poster presented at Applied Education Congress (APPED), Ankara, Turkey.
Government Publications
Author, A. A. (Or Government Name).Name of Government Agency.(Year).Title: Subtitle (Report No. xxx [if available]). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Pillsbury, M. (2000). China Debates the future security environment. Report prepared for U. S. Department of Defense. Institute for National Strategic Studies. Washington: National Defense University Press.
Published with missing information
There may be some materials with missing information. Here are what you should do in these situations.
If the name of the author is missing, first write the title, then the date and sources.
If the publication date of the material is missing, first write the author's name, then write “n.d.” for “no date” in the place of the date.
If there is no title provided, first write the author's name and date, then describe the material in square brackets in the place of the title.
If the DOI number is not available, omit this information from the reference.
Citation of Sources of Data
If there are more than 50 sources of data, these references should be written at the end of the references list. If the number of sources is less than 50, add the citation of sources to the references list in alphabetical order, add asterisks at the beginning of every source of data citation, and write the note “References marked with an asterisk indicate studies included in the meta-analysis” at the beginning of the list.
Citing Non-English Sources
When you quote from a non-English text, you MUST write both the translation and the original, or just the translation of the text.
When writing an end-text reference of the text written in a different language, write the English title of the text, if there is an English title and abstract. If there isn’t one, write the original title first, then write the English translation of the non-English title in square brackets. 


If the Manuscript has APPENDIXES Should Be Given After Reference List

TÜRKÇE GENİŞLETİLMİŞ ÖZET (It is not mandatory for non-Turkish authors.)

Çalışmanın son sayfasında, en az 750 sözcükten oluşan Türkçe bir özet bulunmalıdır.

Türkçe Genişletilmiş özette metin, 11 punto büyüklüğünde, “Times New Roman” karakteri kullanılarak hazırlanmış olmalıdır. Türkçe Genişletilmiş Özet alt başlıklar içermemeli ve genel olarak;

Çalışmanın kapsamını,

Problem durumunu,

Hipotezleri (varsa) ve amacını verebilmeli,

Yöntemini açıklamalı,

Öne çıkan bulgular ve sonuçları hakkında tatmin edici bilgiler sunabilmelidir.

TÜRKÇE GENİŞLETİLMİŞ ÖZET Türkiye adresli çalışmalarda zorunludur.

Please check these points before you submit your manuscript:

  • Make sure that the heading does not exceed 12 words.
  • Please add a running head to your manuscript (The running head is an abbreviated version of the title of your paper (or the full title if the title is already short).
  • Please delete “Turkish Journal of Education Manuscript Template, 2021” from the footer.
  • The manuscript should be prepared in single-spaced with 2.5 cm margins on all sides and justified.
  • The “Abstract” and the “Öz” should be on the same page.
  • The ‘Abstract’ and the ‘Öz’ should not exceed the second page.
  • Three or five keywords should be given after the abstract. Keywords should be given in order according to their initials A to Z. Also, the keywords should be written in sentence order. Make sure that only the first letter of your keyword is capitalized.
  • Please mention the details of your ethics committee approval in your methodology part. (The number and date are enough for review. The institution name should be anonymized for blind review)
  • All the figures and tables should be cited within the text.
  • The self-citations should be anonymized for blind review both in-text and in reference (e.g., It could be stated that ….. (Author A, 2020; Cebesoy & Öztekin, 2018)
  • If the citation has 3 or more authors, write the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” in the first mention in a single phrase or in parentheses.
  • Make sure that you have searched every resource possible to find these DOI numbers.
  • You should indicate the thesis as Master's or Doctoral Dissertation.
  • For the authors with double surnames, do not put hyphens between surnames.
  • Please do not cite multiple works parenthetically in your manuscript in order to show the studies made about the sentence you have mentioned.
  • Please use Turkish characters when you write authors' names.
  • The tables and figures should not extend to the next page.

Last Update Time: 2/21/25, 7:14:43 PM

Turkish Journal of Education is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0