Editorial Board

Owner: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mesut Ertan GÜNEŞ - BUÜ TBMYO Faculty Member - Bursa

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Erhan MUTLUGÜN - BUÜ TBMYO Graphic Design Program - Bursa

Secretary: Lecturer Evrim SIRMALI - BUÜ TBMYO Graphic Design Program - Bursa

Publication Editor: Lecturer Gültekin ERDAL - BUÜ TBMYO Graphic Design Program - Bursa

Education Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Levent Ali ÇANAKLI- BUÜ Faculty of Education Turkish Education Department - Bursa

Art and Design Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aydın Zor - Akdeniz University – Antalya

Performing Arts and Dramatic Writing Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Artu MUTLUGÜN - BUÜ. Faculty of Fine Arts Writing Department - Bursa

Plastic Arts Editor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail TETİKÇİ - BUÜ Faculty of Education Department of Painting and Crafts Education - Bursa

Photography Editor: Prof. Dr. Ali Muhammed BAYARAKTAROĞLU - Trakya University - GSF, Head of Graphics Department - Edirne

Cinema Editor: Dr. Lecturer Kakan ÇİĞDEM - Atatürk University - Faculty of Communication - Department of Radio and Cinema - Erzurum

Music Education Editor: Prof. Dr. Ayhan HELVACI - BUÜ Faculty of Fine Arts - Bursa

Traditional Arts Editor: Dr. Lecturer Latife Aktan ÖZEL - Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University - İstanbul

Language and Writing Editor: Kerem Avcı - BUÜ - ULUTÖMER Instructor - Bursa

Technical Editor: Lecturer Alper ÇETİN - BUÜ TBMYO Graphic Design Program - Bursa

Layout Editor: Lecturer Evrim SIRMALI - BUÜ TBMYO Graphic Design Program - Bursa

Last Update Time: 2/18/25, 9:47:46 PM

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Uluslararası Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi USTAD Creative Commons Atıf 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır. © USTAD 2020 / ustad@uludag.edu.tr / eISSN: 2979-9775