Cover Artists

Dear People of Science and Art,
In each issue of our magazine, the works of at least one artist are featured on the front and back covers. You can find the brief biographies and work information of our artists here. If you want to publish your works in future magazine issues, please send them to
Shipping Terms:

It must be at 300 dpi resolution.
Delivery and publication are free.
The works must be dated no more than five years ago, and the production dates must be stated.
The artist must have a profile photo and a CV of at least 80 and 150 words.


2024 - Winter Issue, Volume 5, Issue 2

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    Dr. Erhan Mutlugün                                  Uzun Atlama, 17. Akdeniz Olimpiyatları, 2013                                    12 dev Adam, 17. Akdeniz Olimpiyatları, 2013

He was born in Izmir in 1968. He completed his primary, secondary, and high school education in Izmir. He graduated from Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Photography in 1995.
He started working as a research assistant at Ataturk University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Photography in 1998.
He completed his master's degree at Ataturk University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Photography in 2002. He completed his Proficiency in Arts at Kocaeli University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Plastic Arts in 2014.
He was appointed Assistant Professor at Ataturk University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Photography in 2016.
He officially took part in bringing international sports Olympics such as the 2005 Summer Universiade Izmir, the 2011 Winter Universiade Erzurum, and the 2013 17th Mediterranean Games Mersin to our country and in the coordination of the media office's work. He worked as a photo editor for many books and magazines. He directed the Atatürk University 50th Year Documentary. He gave photography lessons at various private and state universities. He participated in many personal and mixed photography exhibitions and served as a jury member in national and international photography competitions. His works were featured in many books, magazines, posters, and printed and digital media. He curated the International Uludağ Art and Design Biennial (2021). He is a Lecturer Dr. at Bursa Uludağ University, Technical Sciences Vocational School, Design Department, Graphic Design Program.

2024 - Spring Issue, Volume 5, Issue 1

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Assoc. Dr. Gökçe Aysun Kılıç                                          Empati, Gravür, 50x70 cm, 2022                                                      Empati, Gravür, 50x50 cm, 2022

He was born in Ankara in 1976. The artist, who graduated from Anadolu University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Printing Arts in 2006, completed his Master's Degree in Printing Arts Department of Anadolu University Fine Arts Institute in 2012 and completed his Proficiency in Art Education at Anadolu University Fine Arts Institute Printing Arts Department in 2022. 2005, he worked at the Quensen Lithography workshop in Hannover, Germany. She participated in many national and international biennials and triennials with her printmaking works. Kılıç is currently an Associate Professor at Balıkesir University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Printing Arts.

2023 - Winter Issue, Volume 4, Issue 2

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Dr. Lecturer Member Barış GENÇLER          Untitled 3. Collage, 40X46 cm. 2023                     Untitled 5. Collage, 40X46 cm. 2023

He was born in Bursa in 1983. He graduated from Private İnal Ertekin Primary School and Bursa Gazi Anatolian High School. He completed his bachelor's degree at Uludağ University, Faculty of Education, Fine Arts Education Department, Painting Teaching Department; his master's degree at Uludağ University, Social Sciences Institute, Painting Department, and Sakarya University Social Sciences Institute, Painting Department, and completed his proficiency in art education. He has worked at Uludağ University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting since 2008.

2023 - Spring Issue, Volume 4, Issue 1

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            Prof. Dr. Sezin Türk KAYA                        Separate Floors, Colography, 60X37 cm, 2020          Enjoyment on the Balcony, Colography, 19 cm, 2020

           You can find more information about the artist at

2022 - Winter Issue, Volume 3, Issue 3

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               Lecturer  Gultekin Erdal             Ballerina, Acrylic+Tulle+Glue on Canvas / 110X70 cm, 2019.   Impression II, Woodcut Print, 25X35 cm. 1996

He was born in Amasya Taşova in 1970. After completing his primary and secondary education in Taşova, he entered the OMU Department of Art Teaching in 1989. He graduated from Graphic ASD in 1992 and worked at the Ministry of Education for 14 years. He completed his master's degree at MU Graphics ASD in 1999. In 2006, he passed the ÇÖMÜ GSF Lecturership exam. He is a lecturer at Bursa Uludağ University TBMYO Graphic Design Program. See. It works as. The artist has awards in international and national logo competitions. The artist, who wrote five books, eight book chapters, and more than 60 articles in his field, also participated in national and international group exhibitions.

Last Update Time: 11/16/24, 4:25:36 PM

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Uluslararası Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi USTAD Creative Commons Atıf 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır. © USTAD 2020 / / eISSN: 2979-9775