Open Citations I4OC

International Journal of Art, Design, and Education (USTAD) shares citations and bibliography by I4OC standards. You can access the 140C Citation policy, of which USTAD is a member, here.

Open Citations Initiative I4OC is a collaboration between scholarly publishers, researchers, and other interested parties to promote unrestricted availability of scholarly citation data.
This initiative promotes data availability on structured, separable, and open citations.

Structured means that the data representing each publication and each citation instance is expressed in standard, machine-readable formats and can be accessed programmatically.

Separability means that citation samples can be accessed and analyzed without needing to access the source bibliographic products (such as journal articles and books) from which the citations were created. Open means that data can be freely accessed and reused.

The key benefits of achieving this goal are:

1. It enables establishing a global public network of linked scholarly citation data to increase the discoverability of published content, both as subscription access and open access. This will particularly benefit non-members of academic institutions with subscriptions to commercial citation databases.

2. It provides the opportunity to create new services and improve existing services for the benefit of publishers, researchers, funding agencies, academic institutions, and the general public through open citation data.
3. A publicly available citation graph is created to explore connections between fields of knowledge and track the development of ideas and scientific disciplines.


They are the links that connect our scientific and cultural knowledge.

These primary data provide both sources and explanations for how we know facts. It allows us to cite and credit scientific contributions and enables the evaluation of research and its impacts. In summary, citations are essential for discovering, disseminating, and evaluating all scientific knowledge.

Since the number of scientific publications is estimated to double every nine years, citations and the computational systems that track them inform researchers and the public about significant developments in any field. For this to be possible, it is essential to have unrestricted access to bibliographic and citation data in a machine-readable format.

Last Update Time: 3/13/24, 10:27:05 PM

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Uluslararası Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi USTAD Creative Commons Atıf 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır. © USTAD 2020 / / eISSN: 2979-9775