Prof. Chang is Professor for the Medical Informatics School, Chung Shan Medical
University; Department of Information Management, Ming Chuan University, and
president of Medical Decision Science Association of Taiwan. He recently joined the
International Advisory Board of Karadeniz Technical University and Süleyman
Demirel University to support their internationalization mission in 2023.
His research contributions are focuses on clinical studies of specific diseases,
including predicting cancer recurrence and Second Primary Cancer, diagnosing
glaucoma and early chronic kidney disease, and analyzing posttraumatic growth and
health behavior in clinical psychology. For practice issue, his team apply several
innovative information technologies and collaborate across disciplines and countries
around the world. He has published more than 150 peer-reviewed articles in reputed
international journals and conferences.
Prof. Chang have co-founded three international conferences, two AI forums, and
the Medical Decision Science Association of Taiwan with his team members. There are
the International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI) in 2017 [1],
the International Conference on Healthcare Service Management (ICHSM) in 2018 [2],
the Health Big Data, Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Forum (HBAAI) in 2017 [3],
the Joint Executive Board on Medical Informatics Taiwan (JEBMI) in 2018 [4] and the
Medical Decision Science Association of Taiwan (MEDSAT) in 2022 [5], the
International Symposium on Medical Decision Science (ISMDS) in 2023 [6], 2024 [7]
and the Medical Decision Science Association of Mongolia (MEDSAM) [8].
He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Decision Science in Medicine. He also an
editor for some interdisciplinary journals, including those in the fields of medicine,
computer science, and management science, include Intl Journal of Medical Sciences,
Open Medicine, Therapeutics & Clinical Risk Management, Intl Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health, Frontiers in Genetics, Journal of Universal
Computer Science, Intl Journal of Computers and Applications, Journal of Quality,
Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, Intl Journal of Business and Systems
Research, ACM, Intl Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences and
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology etc. Details at
João Leitão is an economist and associate professor (with habilitation/ Agregação) of economics at the UBI – University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal and a researcher at the NECE – Research Centre for Business Sciences. He is an external researcher at the CEGIST – Centre for Management Studies of the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), and associate researcher of the ICS – Instituto de Ciências Sociais, University of Lisbon. He is a visiting professor at the Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy. He was a visiting scholar at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany. He was an external research fellow at the Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena, Germany.
He is the President of the APDR - Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional. He is a member of the ERSAC and the RIS Policy Council, EIT Food. He was the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship director for the Policy area.
He is a member of the Council of the College of Economics and Business Management of the Portuguese Order of Economists (2025-2028).
He is the Director of the UBIExecutive Business School. He was the UBI's Head of University Management & Administration (2009-2012). He also served as the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre (2000) administrator.
He coordinates the ESG – MBA (UBI) and the Acceleration Programme in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (UBI). He coordinated the Master in Economics (UBI), the Master in Business Administration (UBI), the Executive Master on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Bio-Sector (UBI, Universidad de Granada, and Università Politecnica delle Marche), the Master in Entrepreneurship and Management of SMEs (IPPortalegre), and the Master in Engineering and Industrial Management (IST, University of Lisbon).
He was a manager of the LIDL&Ca (1997). He is the CFO of a knowledge-based startup devoted to neuroscience and degenerative diseases. He joined the council of the ‘Observatório: Serviços, Competitividade Urbana e Coesão Territorial’, of the Confederação do Comércio e Serviços de Portugal. He is a member of the Strategic Council of the Ordem dos Economistas. He is an external expert evaluator of the European Commission (Horizon, H2020-MSCA-COFUND and COST), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the Ministero dell'Istruzione e del Merito, the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, the Asociación Colombiana para el Avance de la Ciencia, the Agência Nacional de Inovação, and the Tribunal Administrativo de Castelo Branco.
He participated in drafting the Local Development Strategy (LDS) for RUDE - Associação de Desenvolvimento Rural (2001), the National Sports Charter (2012), and the Serra da Estrela Revitalization Plan (2023-2024). Evaluated the Strategy of ADERES - Associação de Desenvolvimento Rural Estrela-Sul (2019). He coordinated the preparation of the Strategic Plan of Comurbeiras - Intermunicipal Community (2008-2009), the Strategic Plan of the Intermunicipal Community of Beiras and Serra da Estrela (2021-2022), and the Strategy of ADERES - Estrela-Sul Rural Development Association (2024).
Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship / Researcher, Public and Nonprofit Management University of Central Florida, Center for Public and Nonprofit Management, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2009-2010
Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Urban and Public Affairs, School of Urban and Public Affairs (SUPA), University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), Arlington, Texas, USA, 1994-1998
Doctorate (return after a long break) (Ph.D.) in Public Administration (PA), Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi / University, Graduate Institute of Social Sciences, Buca, İzmir, Türkiye, 1992-1993, 2022-continues. Dissertation writing stage, expected completion date: November 2025
Master 2: MPA, Master of Public Administration / MPA in PA, University of Texas at Arlington, School of Urban and Public Affairs, Texas, USA, 1994-1996
Master 1: M.A. with Thesis Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi / University, Institute of Social Sciences, Buca, İzmir, Türkiye, 1990-1992
Undergraduate 3: Russian Language and Literature, Russian Language Preparation School, Ankara Üniversitesi / University, Distance Education (Uzaktan Eğitim). Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Fakültesi, Ankara. 2022-2023.
Undergraduate, English Language and Literature Pamukkale Üniversitesi / University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi), Pamukkale, Denizli, Türkiye, 2018-2023
Undergraduate, 4 year degree, B.A. in Public Administration Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi / University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi) Alsancak/Konak and Buca, İzmir 1983-1987.
2-year College Degree: Justice (Adalet) (AÖF), Anadolu Üniversitesi, Open Education Faculty, Tepebaşı, Eskişehir, Türkiye. 2015-2018
High School (3 years), Literature (Edebiyat) Branch, İzmir Karataş Lisesi, Karataş Semti, Konak, İzmir, Türkiye. 1980-1983
Middle School, (3 years), İzmir Güzelbahçe Ortaokulu, Güzelbahçe [Konak], İzmir, Türkiye, 1977-1980
Elementary School (5 years) İzmir Vali Kazım Dirik İlkokulu, Güzelbahçe [Konak], İzmir 1973-1977
• Prof. Malakeh Z Malak. She has PhD degree in Community Health Nursing. She is working at the Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan in Amman City in Jordan where she is working as a researcher instead of an academic position as an professor. She is an Editorial Board Member for many journals including the Journal of Nursing Management, BMC Nursing, BMC Pychology, the Journal of Modern Nursing Practice and Research, the Journal of Nursing Care & Reports, The JYR (The Journal for Young Researchers), the International Journal of Clinical Nursing & Care, Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Health, Journal of Advances in Midwifery and Nursing Practices, Syntax Journal of Health Care and Nursing, Women, Mother, and Child Healthcare Innovations journal, Applied Psychiatry, Journal of Applied Life Sciences International, SM Addiction Research & Therapy, Journal of Biogeneric Science and Research, Global Journal of Health Science and Nursing, Integrative Journal of Global Health, Journal of Pharmaceutical, Medical and Health Sciences (UPI-JPMHS), and Asian Journal of Research and Reports in Hepatology She is a reviewer of many Journals. She published many articles and she is working on other studies. She is a member of the Council of Asian Science Editors (CASE), the International Health Literacy Association (AHLA), and the American Psychological Association International Affiliate Membership. She is a supervisor on doctorate and master students. She is an active member of community services and national organizations. She obtained many awards and certificates as the best women researcher Award in International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine on 11 & 12-Apr-2020. Also, she has supervised on many doctorate dissertations and master theses in Jordan and outside Jordan. She published more than 100 papers, one textbook, and five chapters in books. Also, she participated in many conferences and workshops for professional development.