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Assessment of aroma profiles and mineral content of buffalo yogurt marketed in Cukurova region of Turkey

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 35 - 42, 25.12.2022


The purpose of this study was detection of some chemical compositions, mineral content and aroma profile of buffalo yogurt samples which were collected from Çukurova markets. For this aim, 20 buffalo yogurt samples marketed in Adana and Mersin provinces were analyzed. As a result of the chemical analysis, the average dry matter content of buffalo yogurts was 19.37%, fat content was 6.54%, protein content was 4.10% and ash content was 1.37%. Aroma profile was evaluated by GC/MS (Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry) using SPME (Solid-Phase Microextraction) technique. A total of 35 volatile compounds were detected including four aldehydes, four ketones, six acids, seven alcohols, four esters and ten miscellaneous compounds. Alcohols were the largest class of volatile compounds while acid and ketone groups were the major compounds in buffalo yogurt. The analysis of mineral content was performed by LA-ICP/MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometer) and AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometer). According to these analysis, the average Ca level was 900.52 mg/L, K level was 1678.18 mg/L, Mg level was 729.80 mg/L, Na level was 325.78 mg/L, Cu level was 0.28 ppm, Fe level was 7.60 ppm, Mn level was 0.39 ppm and Zn level was 24.64 ppm.

Destekleyen Kurum

Çukurova University BAP (Scientific Research Projects) Department

Proje Numarası



The authors wish to thank Cukurova University BAP (Scientific Research Projects) Department (Adana, Turkey) for financial support to project with the FBA-2019-11600 code and named with “Some Quality Properties of Buffalo Milk and Milk Products Produced in Çukurova Region”.


  • ABOU JAOUDE, D., A. OLABI, N.E.O. NAJM, A. MALEK, C. SAADEH, E. BAYDOUN, and I. TOUFEILI. (2010). Chemical composition, mineral content and cholesterol levels of some regular and reduced-fat white brined cheeses and strained yogurt (Labneh). Dairy Sci. Technol., 90:699–706.
  • AKGÜN, A., F. YAZICI, and H.A. GULEC. (2016). Effect of reduced fat content on the physicochemical and microbiological properties of buffalo milk yoghurt. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 74:521-527.
  • BEZERRA, M.F., D.F.S. SOUZA, and R.T. PCORREIA. (2012). Acidification kinetics, physicochemical properties and sensory attributes of yoghurts prepared from mixtures of goat and buffalo milks. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 65(3):437-443.
  • BILGIN, B. and B. KAPTAN. (2016). A study on microbiological and physicochemical properties of homemade and small scale dairy plant buffalo milk yoghurts. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Allied Sciences, 5(3):29-36.
  • CANO-SANCHO, G., G. PERELLÓ, M. NADAL, and J.L. DOMINGO. (2015). Comparison of the nutritional composition and the concentrations of various contaminants in branded and private label yogurts. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 42: 71–77.
  • CAPCAROVA, M., L. HARANGOZO, T. TOTH, L. SCHWARCZOVA, A. BOBKOVA, R. STAWARZ, A. GUIDI, and P. MASSANYI. (2017). Detection of selected trace elements in yogurt components. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 52(12):858-863.
  • CHENG, H. (2010). Volatile flavor compounds in yogurt: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 50(10):938–950.
  • CURTI, C.A., P.M. VIDAL, R.N. CURTI and A.N. RAMON. (2017). Chemical characterization, texture and consumer acceptability of yogurts supplemented with quinoa flour. Food Science and Technology, 37(4): 627-631.
  • COSTA, M.F., T.C. PIMENTEL, J.T. GUIMARAES, C.F. BALTHAZAR, R.S. ROCHA, R.N. CAVALCANTI, E.A. ESMERINO, M.Q. FREITAS, R.S.L. RAICES, M.C. SILVA, and A.G. CRUZ. (2019). Impact of prebiotics on the rheological characteristics and volatile compounds of Greek yogurt. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 105:371–376.
  • DAN, T., H. CHEN, T. LI, J. TIAN, W. REN, H. ZHANG, and T. SUN. (2019). Influence of Lactobacillus plantarum P-8 on fermented milk flavor and storage stability. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:3133.
  • EL-SHIBINY, S., M. A. M. ABD EL-GAWAD, F. M. ASSEM, and S. M. EL-SAYED. (2018). The use of nano-sized eggshell powder for calcium fortification of cow’s and buffalo’s milk yogurts. Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. Aliment., 17(1), 37–49.
  • EMIRMUSTAFAOĞLU, A., H. COŞKUN, and G. GÜLER. (2020). Some chemical, physical, microbiological and sensorial properties of traditional water buffalo yogurts produced in Turkey. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 19(1):83-91.
  • ERKAYA, T., and M. ŞENGÜL. (2011). Comparison of volatile compounds in yoghurts made from cows’, buffaloes’, ewes’ and goats’ milks. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 64(2):240-246.
  • ERKAYA, T., M. ŞENGÜL. (2012). A comparative study on some quality properties and mineral contents of yoghurts produced from different type of milks. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 18 (2): 323-329.
  • FANG, X., L.W. GUO, H. CHEN, W.C. KE, W. GUO, X.S. GUO, Y. ZHANG. (2020). Characteristics of volatile flavor components in traditional fermented yak milk produced in different ecoregions of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. J. Dairy Sci., 103:191–200.
  • GHONEEM, G., M. ISMAIL, N. EL-BORAEY, M. TABEKHA, and H. ELASHREY. (2018). Optimal combination of soy, buffalo, and cow’s milk in bioyogurt for optimal chemical, nutritional, and health benefits. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 37(1):8-16.
  • GÜLER, Z. (2007). Levels of 24 minerals in local goat milk, its strained yoghurt and salted yoghurt (tuzlu yoğurt). Small Ruminant Research, 71:130–137.
  • GÜLER, Z., and H. ŞANAL. (2009). The essential mineral concentration of Torba yoghurts and their wheys compared with yoghurt made with cows’, ewes’ and goats’ milks. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 60(2): 153-164.
  • GÜZELER, N., Ç. ÖZBEK, and M. KALENDER. (2019). Some quality parameters of buffalo milk and dairy products produced in Cukurova region. Fifth International Mediterranean Congress on Natural Sciences, Health Sciences and Engineering (MENSEC V), Budapest, Hungary, September 10-12, p.201-220.
  • HOHN, A. (1999). Formamide. Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed.). Kirk-Othmer Concise Encylclopedia of Chemical Technology (4th pres.). New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. ss. 943–944. ISBN 978-0471419617.
  • IDF, (2005), Yogurt -- determination of total solids content, (Reference method). ISO 13580:2005 (IDF 151:2005), International Organization for Standardization.
  • IDF, (2014), Milk and milk products. determination of nitrogen content. Part 1: Kjeldahl principle and crude protein calculation, ISO 8968-1:2014 (IDF 20-1:2014). International Organization for Standardization.
  • ISLETEN, M. and Y. KARAGUL-YUCEER. (2008). Effects of functional dairy based proteins on nonfat yogurt quality. Journal of Food Quality, 31:265–280.
  • KAVAZ YÜKSEL, A. and İ. BAKIRCI. (2015). An investigation of the volatile compound profiles of probiotic yogurts produced using different inulin and demineralised whey powder combinations. Food Sci. Biotechnol., 24(3): 807-816.
  • KHALIFA, M.I., and A.M. ZAKARIA. (2019). Physiochemical, sensory characteristics and acceptability of a new set yogurt developed from camel and goat milk mixed with buffalo milk. Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 7(3): 172-177.
  • KHAN, N., J.Y. CHOI, E.Y. NHO, I.M. HWANG, G. HABTE, M.A. KHAN, K.S. PARK, and K.S. KIM. (2014). Determination of mineral elements in milk products by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. Analytical Letters, 4(79):1606-1613.
  • KURT, A., S. ÇAKMAKÇI, and A. ÇAĞLAR. (2007), Süt ve Mamülleri Muayene ve Analiz Metotları Rehberi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları, No: 252/D, p.254.
  • LUIS, G., C. RUBIO, C. REVERT, A. ESPINOSA, D. GONZÁLEZ-WELLER, A.J. GUTIÉRREZ, and A. HARDISSON. (2015). Dietary intake of metals from yogurts analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 39: 48–54.
  • NAVARRO-ALARCÓN, M., C. CABRERA-VIQUE, M.D. RUIZ-LÓPEZ, M. OLALLA, R. ARTACHO, R. GIMÉNEZ, V. QUINTANA, and T. BERGILLOS. (2011). Levels of Se, Zn, Mg and Ca in commercial goat and cow milk fermented products: Relationship with their chemical composition and probiotic starter culture. Food Chemistry, 129: 1126–1131.
  • NGUYEN, H.T.H., L. ONG, S.E. KENTISH, and S.L. GRAS. (2015). Homogenisation improves the microstructure, syneresis and rheological properties of buffalo yoghurt. International Dairy Journal, 46:78-87.
  • PASZCZYK, B., E., TOŃSKA, and J. ŁUCZYŃSKA. (2019). Health-promoting value of cow, sheep and goat milk and yogurts. Mljekarstvo, 69 (3): 182-192.
  • PIMENTEL, L.S., J. MORAES, A.S. LUNA, D.B. BARROS, T.C. PIMENTEL, J.T. GUIMARÃES, H.L.A. SILVA, C.F. BALTHAZAR, E.A. ESMERINO, M.Q. FREITAS, C.S. RANADHEERA, M.C. SILVA, S.L. QUITÉRIO, R.S.L. and RAICES, A.G. CRUZ. (2018). Brazilian infant dairy foods: mineral content and daily intake contribution. British Food Journal, 120(10):2454-2465.
  • RYSSTAD, G., R.K. ABRAHAMSEN. (1987). Formation of volatile aroma compounds and carbon dioxide in yogurt starter grown in cows' and goats' milk. Journal of Dairy Research, 54(2):257-266.
  • SIDIRA, M., V. SANTARMAKI, M. KIOURTZIDIS, A.A. ARGYRI, O.S. PAPADOPOULOU, N. CHORIANOPOULOS, and Y. KOURKOUTAS. (2017). Evaluation of immobilized Lactobacillus plantarum 2035 on whey protein as adjunct probiotic culture in yoghurt production. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 75: 137–146.
  • SOUZA, T.S.P., A.S. LUNA, D.B. BARROS, T.C. PIMENTEL, E.P.R. PEREIRA, J.T. GUIMARÃES, E.A. ESMERINO, M.Q. FREITAS, R.G.B. COSTA, M.C. SILVA, S.L. QUITÉRIO, R.S.L. RAICES, A.G. CRUZ. (2019). Yogurt and whey beverages available in Brazilian market: Mineral and trace contents, daily intake and statistical differentiation. Food Research International, 119:709–714.
  • SU, N., L. REN, H. YE, Y. SUI, J. LI, M. YE. (2017). Antioxidant activity and flavor compounds of hickory yogurt. International Journal of Food Properties, 20(8):1894-1903.
  • TIAN, H., Y. SHI, Y. ZHANG, H. YU, H. MU, C. CHEN. (2019). Screening of aroma‐producing lactic acid bacteria and their application in improving the aromatic profile of yogurt. J Food Biochem., 43:e12837.
  • TSE, (2002). TS 1018/T2, Raw Cow Milk Standard, Turkish Standardization Institute, Ankara, p.14.
  • TÜİK, (2020). Turkish Statistical Institute, Regional Statistics,, Access date: 13.05.2020.
  • WALSH, A. M., F. CRISPIE, K. KILCAWLEY, O. O’SULLIVAN, M. G. O’SULLIVAN, M. J. CLAESSON, and P. D. COTTER. (2016). Microbial succession and flavor production in the fermented dairy beverage kefir. Msystems, 1(5):e00052–e116.
  • YADAV, V., V.K. GUPTA, and G.S. MEENA. (2018). Effect of culture levels, ultrafiltered retentate addition, total solid levels and heat treatments on quality improvement of buffalo milk plain set yoghurt. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(5):1648–1655.
  • ZHAO, L., R., FENG, F., REN, and X. MAO. (2018). Addition of buttermilk improves the flavor and volatile compound profiles of low-fat yogurt. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 98:9–17.

Çukurova bölgesinde satışa sunulan manda yoğurdunun aroma profilleri ve mineral içeriğinin değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 35 - 42, 25.12.2022


Bu araştırmada, Çukurova piyasasından toplanan manda yoğurdu örneklerinin kimyasal bileşimleri, mineral içerikleri ve aroma profillerinin belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla Adana ve Mersin illerinde pazarlanan 20 adet manda yoğurdu örneği analiz edilmiştir. Kimyasal analiz sonucunda manda yoğurtlarının ortalama kuru madde içeriği %19,37, yağ içeriği %6,54, protein içeriği %4,10 ve kül içeriği %1,37 olarak bulunmuştur. Aroma profili, SPME (Katı Faz Mikroekstraksiyon) tekniği kullanılarak GC/MS (Gaz Kromatografisi/Kütle Spektrometrisi) ile değerlendirilmiş ve sonuç olarak; dört aldehit, dört keton, altı asit, yedi alkol, dört ester ve on çeşitli bileşikler olmak üzere toplam 35 adet uçucu bileşik tespit edilmiştir. Alkollerin uçucu bileşiklerin içerisinde en büyük sınıfı temsil ettiği belirlenmiş ve manda yoğurdundaki ana bileşiklerin asit ve keton gruplarından oluştuğu gözlenmiştir. Mineral analizi, LA-ICP/MS (Endüktif Olarak Birleştirilmiş Plazma/Kütle Spektrometresi) ve AAS (Atomik Absorpsiyon Spektrometresi) ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Mineral analizine göre ortalama Ca düzeyi 900,52 mg/L, K düzeyi 1678,18 mg/L, Mg düzeyi 729,80 mg/L, Na düzeyi 325,78 mg/L, Cu düzeyi 0,28 ppm, Fe düzeyi 7,60 ppm, Mn seviyesi 0,39 ppm ve Zn seviyesi 24,64 ppm olarak bulunmuştur.

Proje Numarası



  • ABOU JAOUDE, D., A. OLABI, N.E.O. NAJM, A. MALEK, C. SAADEH, E. BAYDOUN, and I. TOUFEILI. (2010). Chemical composition, mineral content and cholesterol levels of some regular and reduced-fat white brined cheeses and strained yogurt (Labneh). Dairy Sci. Technol., 90:699–706.
  • AKGÜN, A., F. YAZICI, and H.A. GULEC. (2016). Effect of reduced fat content on the physicochemical and microbiological properties of buffalo milk yoghurt. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 74:521-527.
  • BEZERRA, M.F., D.F.S. SOUZA, and R.T. PCORREIA. (2012). Acidification kinetics, physicochemical properties and sensory attributes of yoghurts prepared from mixtures of goat and buffalo milks. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 65(3):437-443.
  • BILGIN, B. and B. KAPTAN. (2016). A study on microbiological and physicochemical properties of homemade and small scale dairy plant buffalo milk yoghurts. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Allied Sciences, 5(3):29-36.
  • CANO-SANCHO, G., G. PERELLÓ, M. NADAL, and J.L. DOMINGO. (2015). Comparison of the nutritional composition and the concentrations of various contaminants in branded and private label yogurts. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 42: 71–77.
  • CAPCAROVA, M., L. HARANGOZO, T. TOTH, L. SCHWARCZOVA, A. BOBKOVA, R. STAWARZ, A. GUIDI, and P. MASSANYI. (2017). Detection of selected trace elements in yogurt components. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 52(12):858-863.
  • CHENG, H. (2010). Volatile flavor compounds in yogurt: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 50(10):938–950.
  • CURTI, C.A., P.M. VIDAL, R.N. CURTI and A.N. RAMON. (2017). Chemical characterization, texture and consumer acceptability of yogurts supplemented with quinoa flour. Food Science and Technology, 37(4): 627-631.
  • COSTA, M.F., T.C. PIMENTEL, J.T. GUIMARAES, C.F. BALTHAZAR, R.S. ROCHA, R.N. CAVALCANTI, E.A. ESMERINO, M.Q. FREITAS, R.S.L. RAICES, M.C. SILVA, and A.G. CRUZ. (2019). Impact of prebiotics on the rheological characteristics and volatile compounds of Greek yogurt. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 105:371–376.
  • DAN, T., H. CHEN, T. LI, J. TIAN, W. REN, H. ZHANG, and T. SUN. (2019). Influence of Lactobacillus plantarum P-8 on fermented milk flavor and storage stability. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:3133.
  • EL-SHIBINY, S., M. A. M. ABD EL-GAWAD, F. M. ASSEM, and S. M. EL-SAYED. (2018). The use of nano-sized eggshell powder for calcium fortification of cow’s and buffalo’s milk yogurts. Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. Aliment., 17(1), 37–49.
  • EMIRMUSTAFAOĞLU, A., H. COŞKUN, and G. GÜLER. (2020). Some chemical, physical, microbiological and sensorial properties of traditional water buffalo yogurts produced in Turkey. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 19(1):83-91.
  • ERKAYA, T., and M. ŞENGÜL. (2011). Comparison of volatile compounds in yoghurts made from cows’, buffaloes’, ewes’ and goats’ milks. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 64(2):240-246.
  • ERKAYA, T., M. ŞENGÜL. (2012). A comparative study on some quality properties and mineral contents of yoghurts produced from different type of milks. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 18 (2): 323-329.
  • FANG, X., L.W. GUO, H. CHEN, W.C. KE, W. GUO, X.S. GUO, Y. ZHANG. (2020). Characteristics of volatile flavor components in traditional fermented yak milk produced in different ecoregions of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. J. Dairy Sci., 103:191–200.
  • GHONEEM, G., M. ISMAIL, N. EL-BORAEY, M. TABEKHA, and H. ELASHREY. (2018). Optimal combination of soy, buffalo, and cow’s milk in bioyogurt for optimal chemical, nutritional, and health benefits. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 37(1):8-16.
  • GÜLER, Z. (2007). Levels of 24 minerals in local goat milk, its strained yoghurt and salted yoghurt (tuzlu yoğurt). Small Ruminant Research, 71:130–137.
  • GÜLER, Z., and H. ŞANAL. (2009). The essential mineral concentration of Torba yoghurts and their wheys compared with yoghurt made with cows’, ewes’ and goats’ milks. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 60(2): 153-164.
  • GÜZELER, N., Ç. ÖZBEK, and M. KALENDER. (2019). Some quality parameters of buffalo milk and dairy products produced in Cukurova region. Fifth International Mediterranean Congress on Natural Sciences, Health Sciences and Engineering (MENSEC V), Budapest, Hungary, September 10-12, p.201-220.
  • HOHN, A. (1999). Formamide. Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed.). Kirk-Othmer Concise Encylclopedia of Chemical Technology (4th pres.). New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. ss. 943–944. ISBN 978-0471419617.
  • IDF, (2005), Yogurt -- determination of total solids content, (Reference method). ISO 13580:2005 (IDF 151:2005), International Organization for Standardization.
  • IDF, (2014), Milk and milk products. determination of nitrogen content. Part 1: Kjeldahl principle and crude protein calculation, ISO 8968-1:2014 (IDF 20-1:2014). International Organization for Standardization.
  • ISLETEN, M. and Y. KARAGUL-YUCEER. (2008). Effects of functional dairy based proteins on nonfat yogurt quality. Journal of Food Quality, 31:265–280.
  • KAVAZ YÜKSEL, A. and İ. BAKIRCI. (2015). An investigation of the volatile compound profiles of probiotic yogurts produced using different inulin and demineralised whey powder combinations. Food Sci. Biotechnol., 24(3): 807-816.
  • KHALIFA, M.I., and A.M. ZAKARIA. (2019). Physiochemical, sensory characteristics and acceptability of a new set yogurt developed from camel and goat milk mixed with buffalo milk. Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 7(3): 172-177.
  • KHAN, N., J.Y. CHOI, E.Y. NHO, I.M. HWANG, G. HABTE, M.A. KHAN, K.S. PARK, and K.S. KIM. (2014). Determination of mineral elements in milk products by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. Analytical Letters, 4(79):1606-1613.
  • KURT, A., S. ÇAKMAKÇI, and A. ÇAĞLAR. (2007), Süt ve Mamülleri Muayene ve Analiz Metotları Rehberi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları, No: 252/D, p.254.
  • LUIS, G., C. RUBIO, C. REVERT, A. ESPINOSA, D. GONZÁLEZ-WELLER, A.J. GUTIÉRREZ, and A. HARDISSON. (2015). Dietary intake of metals from yogurts analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 39: 48–54.
  • NAVARRO-ALARCÓN, M., C. CABRERA-VIQUE, M.D. RUIZ-LÓPEZ, M. OLALLA, R. ARTACHO, R. GIMÉNEZ, V. QUINTANA, and T. BERGILLOS. (2011). Levels of Se, Zn, Mg and Ca in commercial goat and cow milk fermented products: Relationship with their chemical composition and probiotic starter culture. Food Chemistry, 129: 1126–1131.
  • NGUYEN, H.T.H., L. ONG, S.E. KENTISH, and S.L. GRAS. (2015). Homogenisation improves the microstructure, syneresis and rheological properties of buffalo yoghurt. International Dairy Journal, 46:78-87.
  • PASZCZYK, B., E., TOŃSKA, and J. ŁUCZYŃSKA. (2019). Health-promoting value of cow, sheep and goat milk and yogurts. Mljekarstvo, 69 (3): 182-192.
  • PIMENTEL, L.S., J. MORAES, A.S. LUNA, D.B. BARROS, T.C. PIMENTEL, J.T. GUIMARÃES, H.L.A. SILVA, C.F. BALTHAZAR, E.A. ESMERINO, M.Q. FREITAS, C.S. RANADHEERA, M.C. SILVA, S.L. QUITÉRIO, R.S.L. and RAICES, A.G. CRUZ. (2018). Brazilian infant dairy foods: mineral content and daily intake contribution. British Food Journal, 120(10):2454-2465.
  • RYSSTAD, G., R.K. ABRAHAMSEN. (1987). Formation of volatile aroma compounds and carbon dioxide in yogurt starter grown in cows' and goats' milk. Journal of Dairy Research, 54(2):257-266.
  • SIDIRA, M., V. SANTARMAKI, M. KIOURTZIDIS, A.A. ARGYRI, O.S. PAPADOPOULOU, N. CHORIANOPOULOS, and Y. KOURKOUTAS. (2017). Evaluation of immobilized Lactobacillus plantarum 2035 on whey protein as adjunct probiotic culture in yoghurt production. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 75: 137–146.
  • SOUZA, T.S.P., A.S. LUNA, D.B. BARROS, T.C. PIMENTEL, E.P.R. PEREIRA, J.T. GUIMARÃES, E.A. ESMERINO, M.Q. FREITAS, R.G.B. COSTA, M.C. SILVA, S.L. QUITÉRIO, R.S.L. RAICES, A.G. CRUZ. (2019). Yogurt and whey beverages available in Brazilian market: Mineral and trace contents, daily intake and statistical differentiation. Food Research International, 119:709–714.
  • SU, N., L. REN, H. YE, Y. SUI, J. LI, M. YE. (2017). Antioxidant activity and flavor compounds of hickory yogurt. International Journal of Food Properties, 20(8):1894-1903.
  • TIAN, H., Y. SHI, Y. ZHANG, H. YU, H. MU, C. CHEN. (2019). Screening of aroma‐producing lactic acid bacteria and their application in improving the aromatic profile of yogurt. J Food Biochem., 43:e12837.
  • TSE, (2002). TS 1018/T2, Raw Cow Milk Standard, Turkish Standardization Institute, Ankara, p.14.
  • TÜİK, (2020). Turkish Statistical Institute, Regional Statistics,, Access date: 13.05.2020.
  • WALSH, A. M., F. CRISPIE, K. KILCAWLEY, O. O’SULLIVAN, M. G. O’SULLIVAN, M. J. CLAESSON, and P. D. COTTER. (2016). Microbial succession and flavor production in the fermented dairy beverage kefir. Msystems, 1(5):e00052–e116.
  • YADAV, V., V.K. GUPTA, and G.S. MEENA. (2018). Effect of culture levels, ultrafiltered retentate addition, total solid levels and heat treatments on quality improvement of buffalo milk plain set yoghurt. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(5):1648–1655.
  • ZHAO, L., R., FENG, F., REN, and X. MAO. (2018). Addition of buttermilk improves the flavor and volatile compound profiles of low-fat yogurt. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 98:9–17.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nuray Güzeler 0000-0001-5246-2491

Çağla Özbek 0000-0002-3577-1599

Murat Kalender 0000-0002-1934-9101

Proje Numarası FBA-2019-11600
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Güzeler, N., Özbek, Ç., & Kalender, M. (2022). Assessment of aroma profiles and mineral content of buffalo yogurt marketed in Cukurova region of Turkey. Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy, 1(1), 35-42.
AMA Güzeler N, Özbek Ç, Kalender M. Assessment of aroma profiles and mineral content of buffalo yogurt marketed in Cukurova region of Turkey. JFNG. Aralık 2022;1(1):35-42.
Chicago Güzeler, Nuray, Çağla Özbek, ve Murat Kalender. “Assessment of Aroma Profiles and Mineral Content of Buffalo Yogurt Marketed in Cukurova Region of Turkey”. Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy 1, sy. 1 (Aralık 2022): 35-42.
EndNote Güzeler N, Özbek Ç, Kalender M (01 Aralık 2022) Assessment of aroma profiles and mineral content of buffalo yogurt marketed in Cukurova region of Turkey. Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy 1 1 35–42.
IEEE N. Güzeler, Ç. Özbek, ve M. Kalender, “Assessment of aroma profiles and mineral content of buffalo yogurt marketed in Cukurova region of Turkey”, JFNG, c. 1, sy. 1, ss. 35–42, 2022.
ISNAD Güzeler, Nuray vd. “Assessment of Aroma Profiles and Mineral Content of Buffalo Yogurt Marketed in Cukurova Region of Turkey”. Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy 1/1 (Aralık 2022), 35-42.
JAMA Güzeler N, Özbek Ç, Kalender M. Assessment of aroma profiles and mineral content of buffalo yogurt marketed in Cukurova region of Turkey. JFNG. 2022;1:35–42.
MLA Güzeler, Nuray vd. “Assessment of Aroma Profiles and Mineral Content of Buffalo Yogurt Marketed in Cukurova Region of Turkey”. Toros University Journal of Food, Nutrition and Gastronomy, c. 1, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 35-42.
Vancouver Güzeler N, Özbek Ç, Kalender M. Assessment of aroma profiles and mineral content of buffalo yogurt marketed in Cukurova region of Turkey. JFNG. 2022;1(1):35-42.