He was born in Enez- Edirne -Turkey at 1972.
He graduate from Ankara University Educational Science Faculty-1993
He got master degree from Ankara University- 1999
He got PhD from Ankara University - 2004
He studied at Western Michigan University-USA- 2007 / 2008
He became Asst. Prof. in Sakarya University-2005
He got Assoc. title from Hacettepe University- 2011
He became Assoc. Prof. Dr. at 2011
He appointed as Profesor at 2017.
He coordinated 3 EU projects (www.womenlead.sakarya.edu.tr, www.detice.sakarya.edu.tr,www.usdec2014.sakarya.edu.tr) and now he is coordinating EU Ka 203 project: www.beyondthelimitsproject.sakarya.edu.tr
He was the best Social Scientist in Sakarya Universty 2011
He got best performance awards in Sakarya Universty- 2012, 2013and 2014.
He is president of International Conferences on Lifelong Education and Leadership for ALL- ICLEL CONFERENCES (www.iclel.com) and he is Editor in Chief at IJLEL JOURNAL: www.dergipark.org.tr/pub/ijlel https://otitrek.sakarya.edu.tr/
He is also serving as Guest Editor the journals indexed in SSCI.
She is Assoc. Prof. Dr. in the Department of Educational Sciences at Sakarya University Education Faculty. She eraned her PhD and associate professor degrees in the field of Educational Administration and Supervision. Her academic interests consist of sustainable development and education, teacher training, organizational psychology, sustainability, organizational resilience, technology in administration, women leadership, work engagement, entrepreneurship, lifelong education, micro-credentials. She has got more than 100 publications such as articles, books, etc. Some of her courses at graduate and undergraduate level consist of Sustainability in Education, ICT in Education, School Development, Classroom Management, Comparative Education, Contemporary Approaches in Educational Management, etc. She has experiences as co-coordinator and researcher in seven European Projects on quality education, empowering prospective teachers, decreasing inequalities. She has been the coordinator in 10 international conferences, and also the editor of two journals. She has experiences in different managerial positions such as co-head of department, deputy manager of research center, co-coordinatorship on sustainability etc. She is also the coordinator of the first micro-credential program for HEI students in Turkey.
Assoc. Prof. İbrahim Limon currently works as an English teacher at Mithatpaşa Anatolian High School, Sakarya. He previously worked as a partime lecturer at Medipol University, Haliç University and Sakarya University. He graduated from Bosphorus University, Educational Faculty. He got his master's degree in Educational Administration and Supervision at Sakarya University and Phd degree in the same field at Abant İzzet Baysal University in 2019. His doctoral thesis was on teachers’ change fatigue, demoralization, and job performance. He published several articles in both national and international journals. Assoc. Prof. Limon developed and adapted scales into Turkish. He presented many papers at conferences and edited an international book in English. His research areas are school leadership, organizational behavior, and educational change. He is the language editor of an international journal and among the editorial team of national ones. Assoc. Prof. Limon is one of the organizing committee members of an international conference held in different countries for the past few years.
Assoc. Prof. İbrahim Limon currently works as an English teacher at Mithatpaşa Anatolian High School, Sakarya. He previously worked as a partime lecturer at Medipol University, Haliç University and Sakarya University. He graduated from Bosphorus University, Educational Faculty. He got his master's degree in Educational Administration and Supervision at Sakarya University and Phd degree in the same field at Abant İzzet Baysal University in 2019. His doctoral thesis was on teachers’ change fatigue, demoralization, and job performance. He published several articles in both national and international journals. Assoc. Prof. Limon developed and adapted scales into Turkish. He presented many papers at conferences and edited an international book in English. His research areas are school leadership, organizational behavior, and educational change. He is the language editor of an international journal and among the editorial team of national ones. Assoc. Prof. Limon is one of the organizing committee members of an international conference held in different countries for the past few years.
Rick Ginsberg, Ph.D., has served as Dean of the School of Education at the University of Kansas since August, 2005. He previously was Director of the School of Education at Colorado State University from 1995-2005. He currently serves as a co-chair of the Learn Coalition which promotes increased research funding for education, and co-chair of the Global Education Deans Forum, a group of Education Deans from research universities across the world who meet to learn, advocate, and work to transform education. He previously was on and served as chair of the Kansas Professional Standards Board, served on the Kansas Continuing Legal Education Commission, the Board of Directors and former chair of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), and on the Board of Directors of the Council for Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). He chaired the 2022-2023 KS Board of Regents Educator Work Force Task Force. In 2019 he co-chaired the Kansas Department of Education Blue Ribbon Task Force on Bullying. His research focuses on individual/organizational success and educational politics/reform. His most recent book, “Duck and Cover: Confronting and correcting dubious practices in education,” (Teachers College Press, 2023), examines education policies that persist and need to change, calling for reimagining education. Dr. Ginsberg was the 2019 co-recipient of Jerome Neuner Award for Excellence in Publication from the American Association of University Administrators. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in Administrative, Institutional, and Policy Studies in Education.
Dr habil. Garai-Fodor Mónika is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Keleti Károly at the University of Óbuda. He holds degrees in Economic Agricultural Engineer Marketing and in Economic Agricultural Engineer - Teacher of Economics.
In 2009, he received his PhD with summa cum laude distinction and in 2018 he successfully habilitated.
She has 18 years of experience in higher education and several years of management experience in marketing in business practice: she was the national communications director of Continental (2014-2018), she was the professional manager of the Professional Conference Organizing Ltd. (2014-2017) and she managed professional projects as a senior researcher at RadaR Research Ltd.
His main fields of teaching are marketing, consumer behaviour, marketing research, marketing communication, and his main research interests are value-based analysis of consumer and customer behaviour, generational marketing.
Prof.Dr.Bülent GÜVEN completed his undergraduate education at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Education as the first in the university and faculty. He completed his postgraduate education in the field of Educational Programs and Teaching under the Institute of Social Sciences of the same University in 1999. He completed his doctoral studies at Eskişehir Anadolu University in 2003. Prof.Dr. who started to work as a faculty member at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. Güven is still working as a faculty member at the same university. He has carried out observation, lecture and research collaborations in various universities in Turkey and abroad. Dr. Güven is also the EPDAD evaluator authorized by YÖK for the Accreditation of Faculties of Education. In addition to bringing Local Literacy Skills to international and national literature, he has written numerous articles, book chapters and papers presented in international and national congresses on Life Science, Social Studies Teaching, learning styles.
Chutinon Putthiwanit (劉明星) is an Assistant Professor at Kasetsart University, Sakon Nakhon Campus, Thailand. Putthiwanit is a PhD Candidate in Management Science from Turiba University, Latvia; MBA in International Business from Providence University, Republic of China; and BS in Applied Statistics from Assumption University, Thailand. He also was an exchange student at Goethe-Gymnasium, Germany by the support of AFS and Stiftung Mercator. He is a member of Thailand’s Association of Researchers. He has taught partial courses at Providence University, Republic of China; Turiba University, Latvia; and Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania; and has been invited speaker. He has published research papers in refereed journals and in conferences (one paper in Asian World Trade Organization Network Conference). His case study research published by the National Institute of Development Administration. He can be contacted at Chutinon.p@ku.th.
-Born at OPorto, Paranhos, 1960.11.15
-Academic and professional degrees
2008: Doctorate (PhD) in Education Sciences, speciality of Philosophy of Education, by Coimbra University.
Thesis title: Education and media culture: Analysis of un-educative practices (published by Âncora/CEI)
Directors: João José S.M.Boavida, António Simões; Committee: Angel Garcia del Dujo, Manuel Pinto, Maria das Dores Formosinho, Manuel Alte da Veiga, João Boavida, António Simões, Ana Paula Relvas
Classification: Praise and Distinction
1998-1996: Attendance of the curricular part of the Doctoral Programme in “Comunicación y Pluralismo”, Salamanca Pontifical University; seventeen subjects: 31 ECTS;
1998: Specialized Trainer for Educational Technology and Communication (B15), Specialized Didactics (Philosophy – C05) by the Portuguese Scientific-pedagogical Council for In-service Training.
1996: Master in Education Sciences, by Coimbra University
Thesis title: Advertising’s (un)educative value (published IUC)
Director: João José S.M.Boavida
Committee: Maria das Dores Formosinho Sanches Simões, António Moderno, João José S.M.Boavida
Classification: Very Good
1995: Specialized trainer for Practical and Pedagogical Research and Specialized Didactics (Philosophy) by the Portuguese Scientific-pedagogical Council for In-service Training;
1991: Graduation in Teaching of Philosophy, Coimbra University.
1989: Graduation in Philosophy, Oporto University.
-Academic career
At Coimbra University
Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
Auxiliary Professor since 9.2.2015
At Guarda Polytechnic Institute (IPG), Portugal
Coordinator Professor since 2013.08.01 up to 8.2.2015; Scientific area of Education Sciences, speciality Philosophy of Education;
Adjunct Professor (tenure) since 2000.11.29 up to 2013.08.01; Scientific area of Education Sciences, speciality of Educational Psychology and/or Pedagogical Psychology; provisional appointment between 1997.11.29 and 2000.11.28; Scientific area of Education Sciences, speciality of Educational Psychology and/or Pedagogical Psychology;
Assistant (2nd triennium) between 1994.10.14 and 1997.11.28; (1st triennium) between 1991.10.14 and 1994.10.13; Scientific area of Education Sciences, Teacher Education
-At other Higher Education Institutions
Invited Lecturer (November, 2015), Liepaja University, Latvia, PhD Course on Pedagogy
Invited lecturer (2009-2010), Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Master Course on Psychology of Education, Education Social Psychology;
Invited lecturer (2009-2010), Universidade de Coimbra, Master Course on Education and the Knowledge Society, Knowledge Society Multidisciplinary analysis I;
Invited lecturer (2009-2010), Universidade de Coimbra, Master Course on Education and the Knowledge Society, Knowledge Society Multidisciplinary analysis II;
Invited lecturer (2008-2009), Universidade Lusíada, Post-graduation course on Education, Inclusion and Special Needs, Science Research Methodology;
Invited lecturer (2008-2009), Universidade de Coimbra, Master Course on Education and the Knowledge Society, Themes and Problematics of Contemporary Education;
1989: Award Eng.º António de Almeida for the best graduation in Philosophy by Porto University.
- Scholar and management activities
Director; School of Education, Communication and Sports of Guarda Polytechnic (IPG); 8/10/2010 up to January 2014; 19/2/2009-7/10/2010
Member; Council for Evaluation and Quality IPG; 30/09/2009 up to up to January 2014
Coordinator; Library of IPG; 14/04/2009 up to January 2014
Member; Board Coordination IPG; 19/02/2009; Up to January 2014
Member; Coordinating Council for the Evaluation of IPG; 19/02/2009 up to January 2014
Vice-President; Scientific Council ESEG; 2000-2002
Secretary; Scientific Council ESEG; 2000/02-2000/11
Member; Advisory Board ESECD IPG; 1996-1997
Member; Assembly of Representatives ESEG IPG; 1995-1997
Member; General Assembly of the IPG; 1995-1997
Director; Master Course of Basic Education 1st 2nd Cycles Teaching – ESECD-IPG; 04/11/2010 up to January 2014
Coordinator; Education Sciences Disciplinary Area; 2009-2012
Director; Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences ESEG-IPG; 2007-2009; 2004-2007
Departmental Coordinator; ERASMUS mobilities; 2007-2009
Coordinator; Graduation Course of Basic Education 1st Cycle Teachers – ESEG-IPG; 2004-2009
Pedagogical Coordinator; Courses of Higher Specialized Studies – ESEG-IPG; 1999-2001
Pedagogical Coordinator; Complementary Training Courses for Early Childhood Educators and Basic Education 1st Cycle Teachers – ESEG-IPG; 1999-2000
Coordinator; Bachelor Course of Communication and Public Relations – ESEG-IP; 1995-1997; 1993-1995
Member; Scientific Council of ESEG/ Conselho Técnico-Científico da ESECD; 1997/12 up to February 2014
Member; Scientific Council of UDI; Formação; up to February 2014
Member; Permanent Board of UDI; Formação; up to February 2014
Member; Pedagogical Council of ESEG; 2002-2005; 1996-998
I am a associate professor in education working in a college under University of Calcutta for the last 23 years with 49 publications international and national. I have a PhD in Psychology and my PhD thesis has been published by Lambert Publishers, Germany.
Linda Pavitola is a professor of the Centre of Pedagogy and Social Work and currently holding the position of Vice Director of Science at Liepaja University. I am an expert of Scientific Council of Latvia in Educational Science and focus on research in the field of education, development of teacher training programmes and teaching at bachelor, master and doctoral level. I am interested in transformative educational experiences and believe that research outcomes are significant at personal and professional levels and needed both for researchers and for larger communities. I am currently the researcher in the Fundamental and Applied Research Project “Transformation of the Value of Education for the Cultural and Economic Growth of the Social Community” and HORIZON Europe Framework Programme HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01 “Virtual Innovative Learning Laboratories for Global Engineering Education (VILLAGE)”. Linda Pavitola is the Board member of the ETEN - Teacher Education Network in Europe (https://etenjournal.com/about-eten/the-board/).
Dr. Stephen Harmon serves as the Executive Director of the Center for 21st Century Universities (C21U), Associate Dean of Research in the College of Lifetime Learning, as a Professor in the Georgia Tech College of Design, and as Managing Director of GT Atrium, LLC. In these roles, he leads the invention, prototyping, validation, and implementation efforts associated with educational innovation and with strategic planning for the future of higher education.
His previous position was Professor and Chair of the Learning Technologies Division in the College of Education and Human Development at Georgia State University. He is a member of the executive committee of the National AI Institute for Adult Learning and Online Education; a member of the leadership council of the Digital Credentials Consortium; and a member of the 1EdTech Higher Education Institutional Leadership Board.
After majoring in English literature at Furman University, Dr. Harmon moved to Upper Egypt to teach fourth-grade English for two years. While traveling through the Middle East and Africa, he realized the tremendous need, and scarce resources, for education and training in developing countries. He returned to the U.S. and earned a masters and doctorate in instructional technology, with a cognate in global policy studies, from the University of Georgia.
Dr. Harmon’s research centers on educational uses of emerging technologies and has, for the last few years, focused on the changing dynamics of higher education, particularly with respect to AI and Lifetime Learning. He is a past president of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology, an international professional association of thousands of educators and others whose activities are directed toward improving instruction through technology. Dr. Harmon has over 200 professional publications and presentations and is past recipient of Georgia State University’s Innovative Instruction Award. He was a commencement speaker at Georgia Southern University and was a recipient of the 2022 University Professional Continuing Education Associate Research & Scholarship Award, the 2024 1EdTech Power Learner Potential Award, and the2025 UPCEA Research and Scholarship Association Award.
Associate Prof. Dr. Mirzana Pašić Kodrić is a Bosnian-Herzegovinian literature historian, literary critic and writer. She teaches literature at the University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Education and Bosnian language as a second /foreign language at the International University of Sarajevo. She is Head of the Department of Elementary Class Education, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Education. For several years she taught Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Language and Culture at the University of Arizona (USA), where she was the director of the Sarajevo Summer School of Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Language and Culture.
She is the author of many international literary and research books and she is interested in children’s literature, cultural studies, travelogues and travel literature, and intercultural and gender aspects in literature. Her poetry is translated into English, Turkish, Arabic… and as a writer she received many international literary awards.
Mirzana Pašić Kodrić is a member of the BiH Association of Writers, Croatian writers club Kultura Snova, Zagreb, World Literature India, etc.
Professor in Education Sciences, Leading Researcher.
Born in 1986, I began my academic career in 2013 as a research assistant. In 2016, I defended my doctoral dissertation titled "Promoting Civic Engagement Among Youth in the Pedagogical Process." My passion for education and research led me to a professorship in Education Sciences, specializing in School Pedagogy, in 2020. In 2022, I was appointed as a leading researcher in the field.
Over the past six years, I have authored 35 publications, contributing significantly to the academic community. I also have extensive experience in reviewing scholarly works and teaching courses in an international environment, further enhancing my expertise and global perspective on education.
In addition to my academic work, I serve as the Director of Liepājas Dzintara Secondary School, where I combine leadership with my commitment to educational excellence.
My professional qualifications include being a History and Social Science teacher, which complements my broader focus on educational theory and practice.
José Gijón Puerta is Associate Professor in the Department of Didactics and School Organization at the University of Granada.
He has a degree in Biology, a master's degree in Paleoanthropology-Human Evolution and a PhD in Pedagogy. He is member of the research group at the University of Granada Laboratory for Cognition, Health, Training and Interaction among Humans, Animals and Machines. He also currently directs the R+D+i Project National Research Plan Code PID2021-128774OB-I00 «Effects of the application of a dog-assisted activities program (AAP) on academic stress levels in university students»
Assoc. Prof. İbrahim Limon currently works as an English teacher at Mithatpaşa Anatolian High School, Sakarya. He previously worked as a partime lecturer at Medipol University, Haliç University and Sakarya University. He graduated from Bosphorus University, Educational Faculty. He got his master's degree in Educational Administration and Supervision at Sakarya University and Phd degree in the same field at Abant İzzet Baysal University in 2019. His doctoral thesis was on teachers’ change fatigue, demoralization, and job performance. He published several articles in both national and international journals. Assoc. Prof. Limon developed and adapted scales into Turkish. He presented many papers at conferences and edited an international book in English. His research areas are school leadership, organizational behavior, and educational change. He is the language editor of an international journal and among the editorial team of national ones. Assoc. Prof. Limon is one of the organizing committee members of an international conference held in different countries for the past few years.
Eugene Kennedy is a professor of Educational Research in the School of Education at Louisiana State University. His areas of specialization are applied statistics and educational accountability.
She is Assoc. Prof. Dr. in the Department of Educational Sciences at Sakarya University Education Faculty. She eraned her PhD and associate professor degrees in the field of Educational Administration and Supervision. Her academic interests consist of sustainable development and education, teacher training, organizational psychology, sustainability, organizational resilience, technology in administration, women leadership, work engagement, entrepreneurship, lifelong education, micro-credentials. She has got more than 100 publications such as articles, books, etc. Some of her courses at graduate and undergraduate level consist of Sustainability in Education, ICT in Education, School Development, Classroom Management, Comparative Education, Contemporary Approaches in Educational Management, etc. She has experiences as co-coordinator and researcher in seven European Projects on quality education, empowering prospective teachers, decreasing inequalities. She has been the coordinator in 10 international conferences, and also the editor of two journals. She has experiences in different managerial positions such as co-head of department, deputy manager of research center, co-coordinatorship on sustainability etc. She is also the coordinator of the first micro-credential program for HEI students in Turkey.
Emilio J. Lizarte Simón is an Associate Professor in the Department of Didactics and School Organization at the University of Granada. He has a degree in Pedagogy and a doctorate in Educational Science. He is a researcher specialized in Vocational Education and Training (VET) and dropouts in higher education. He is also the director of the research group at the University of Granada Laboratory for Cognition, Health, Training, and Interaction among Humans, Animals, and Machines. He also directs the PPJIA2020-14 research project on early leaving in vocational training in Higher Education (VET).
Meriem Khaled Gijón is an Associate Lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organization at the University of Granada.
She has a degree in Law, a master's degree in Forensic Physical Anthropology, and a doctorate in Educational Sciences.
She is a researcher specialized in teaching skills in penitentiary environments and in qualitative analysis.
She is also co-chair of the RDC Enabling Teachers for Entrepreneurship Education, ATEE, Brussels.
Sandra Raquel Gonçalves Fernandes - PhD in Education Sciences, specialization in Curriculum Development, at the University of Minho. Graduate degree in Education, by the same University. She is Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology and Education at Universidade Portucalense, Porto, Portugal. She is the Head of the Pedagogic Innovation Office (Gabinete de Inovação Pedagógica - GIP) at Universidade Portucalense, an institutional structure aimed to promote the quality of teaching and learning through pedagogical training and teacher professional development. She is the coordinator of the new Masters in Innovation in Education, created in 2023. She coordinated the Masters in Education Administration and Management, from 2015 to 2023. She is an integrated member of Portucalense Institute of Psychology (I2P) at Portucalense University and an external collaborating member of the Research Center on Child Studies (CIEC) at the University of Minho. She is member of several national and international research projects, with public funding. She is an Associate Editor of the Journal Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice and member of the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Education and Education Sciences (MDPI). She is a founding member and vice president of the Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE) Association. Her research interests include Teacher Education, Higher Education, Curriculum Development, Education Administration and Management, Teacher Performance Assessment, Active Learning, Project-based Learning (PBL), Engineering Education, among others.