The artificial intelligence policy has been prepared to notify the ethical and responsible use of artificial intelligence technologies in the writing and analysing of academic articles. This policy, which is based on the protection of data privacy, academic honesty, and ethical principles, aims to increase the reliability of scientific studies' outputs and ensure that the rights of individuals and communities are respected.
Istanbul Education Journal (ISTJ) has created this policy to determine the basic ethical principles that authors must comply with regarding using artificial intelligence in scientific research and publication processes. The policy explains seven basic principles that should be taken into account regarding the application of artificial intelligence technologies:
1. Transparency
Researchers must clearly declare which functions of artificial intelligence tools are used, at which research stages, and to what extent. They must also specify in detail the versions and technical specifications of the artificial intelligence software used.
2. Honesty
It is essential that scientific studies are for the benefit of humanity, that the information produced is free of bias and deliberate errors, and that scientific information is used in a way that will benefit all of humanity.
3. Care
All individuals and institutions producing scientific knowledge must be aware of the responsibility they assume during the research process and display the ethical sensitivity and seriousness required by this responsibility. This principle also applies to the use of artificial intelligence tools.
4. Justice and respect
All stakeholders in the scientific research process, individuals or communities providing data, other living beings, and the environment must be treated fairly and respectfully. It is critical that this principle is not neglected when using artificial intelligence.
5. Protection of confidentiality and privacy
Data confidentiality has both ethical and legal dimensions. The privacy of individuals providing data must be protected, the autonomy of individuals regarding the use of data must be respected, and the legally required informed consent process must be carried out meticulously. Necessary measures must be taken to prevent violations during the data collection, storage and transfer process, and these stages must be supported by ethics committee approval. In studies requiring ethics committee approval, detailed information must be provided to the relevant committee about the artificial intelligence technologies to be used.
6. Accountability and taking responsibility
The researcher must assume responsibility for using the results produced by artificial intelligence technologies and be accountable for these results. Testing the impartiality, reliability, and accuracy of the relevant outputs is among the researcher's legal and ethical responsibilities.
7. Citation of sources
The use of artificial intelligence tools must not be included in the references but must be clearly stated in the ethical statement section. This is a critical requirement for the study's transparency and accountability.