Main Sections of an Article
The article title must be precise, short, understandable, and reflect the article's content. The title must consist of a
maximum of 15 words. The title of the article must be written in Turkish and English languages. In addition, the short title of the article must be written in the places shown in the
ISTJ Article Writing Template.
Author Ranking in Studies with Two or More Authors
Authors must be listed in order from most to least contributing. If a change in the order needs to be made later, the approval of all other authors must be obtained, and this approval must be notified to the ISTJ Editor in writing.
Turkish and English abstracts of the article must be at least 200, at most 300 words and structured as follows: purpose, method, primary findings, and recommendations.
In the introduction section, the information obtained from the article's literature review must be written along with its references, adding subheadings if necessary. This section mentions the importance of the subject, previous studies, hypothesis, and purpose of the study. The primary purpose of the research, as well as other purposes, if any, must be explained. Sources directly related to the study must be cited, but the data or results of the study must not be mentioned here. At the end of the introduction section, the purpose of the study and research questions must be written.
The method section must include data sources, study participants, scales, interviews and evaluations, basic measurements, and statistical procedures.
In this section, the main findings must be fully supported by statistical data. They must be explained visually with appropriate figures, tables, or pictures. The essential findings of the article must be presented in a reasonable order with tables and figures. Instead of writing all the information in tables and figures, only the most important points must be emphasized.
Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations
This section presents the data resulting from the research on the study by comparing or supporting them with similar or close research findings. A quality discussion, conclusion, and recommendations section must ensure a better understanding of the research results, develop practical, evidence-based recommendations for practice, and contribute to creating a reliable resource.
In the discussion section, findings and results that support or do not support the study's hypothesis must be discussed. In addition, the findings and results must be compared with the data obtained from the study and similar studies, and the differences must be explained. New, important aspects of the study and results must be considered. Repetition of information must be avoided.
In the conclusion section, study's main results must be briefly summarized and compared with other related studies. Study's limitations must be stated, and possible implications of the findings for future research and practice must be mentioned. Aims of study and results must be linked, and unqualified statements and inferences not supported by the data must be avoided. New hypotheses must be explained and described in detail when necessary.
In the recommendations section, support must be taken from the concrete data revealed in study. Abstract suggestions must be avoided. Each recommendation must have a research outcome on which it is based.
Ethical StatementIn the ethical statement section, authors must state they have followed all ethical rules while conducting the study. If artificial intelligence technologies had been used in preparing the study, it must be clearly stated which functions of these technologies have been used, at which stages of the research, and to what extent. If the article is presented as a part of a master's thesis, doctoral thesis, or a different comprehensive research/project, the title of the relevant thesis/research/project must also be stated. It must be stated whether article has previously been submitted to congresses, symposiums, etc.
(see ISTJ Article Writing Template page 9-10-11). The ISTJ Ethical Statement Form signed by authors must be added to the
ISTJ process file.
Click for the ISTJ Ethical Statement Form.
Ethics Committee ApprovalThe ethics committee approval section must provide necessary information regarding the ethics committee's decision on the article (e.g., the date and number of the document and the university to which the ethics committee is affiliated). The original document must be added to the
ISTJ process file
(see ISTJ Article Writing Template page 11).If the ethics committee approval is not required for the article, the reason for this must be clearly stated in this section. In addition, the author must
sign the ISTJ Statement of No Need for Ethics Committee Approval Form, which confirms that the article does not require the ethics committee approval.
Click for the ISTJ Statement of No Need for Ethics Committee Approval Form.Conflict of Interest StatementIn the conflict of interest section, authors must state that they do not have any conflict of interest among themselves. However, it must be stated in this section that there is no situation affecting the objectivity of the author(s) in favor of or against any person or institution
(see ISTJ Article Writing Template page 11). The ISTJ Conflict of Interest Statement Form signed by author(s) must be added to the
ISTJ process file.
Click for the ISTJ Conflict of Interest Statement Form.Author Contribution StatementIn an article with more than one author, all the authors must transparently state the extent of their support for the article
(see ISTJ Article Writing Template page 12). The ISTJ Author Contribution Statement Form signed by authors must be added to the
ISTJ process file.
Click for the ISTJ Author Contribution Statement Form.Statement of Support and AcknowledgmentIn the Support and Acknowledgment section, if the article is supported by an institution (BAP Project, TÜBİTAK Project, etc.), the project's name, project number, and completion date must be written. If the article does not contain any support or acknowledgment institution, person, etc., "We do not express any support or acknowledgment for our research." must be written
(see ISTJ Article Writing Template page 13).
Similarity Report
All the responsibility for similarity belongs to the authors. The similarity rate is expected to be less than 15%. However, the main criterion in the similarity rate is that authors know the rules of citation and comply with these rules. Even if the similarity rate is 1%, plagiarism may occur if the rules do not obey the citation. rules Therefore, the citation rules must be known by authors and applied carefully
(click to learn about APA 7 citing references).
Within the scope of the cooperation among
DergiPark, and, a similarity report can be obtained free of charge for article applications. Accordingly, a similarity report is prepared, and authors are notified of the result by e-mail. The submission process is completed when the report's result is announced.
Article Types
Research Article
Original research articles are qualified and up-to-date, meet the criteria for contribution to the field, present critical scientific results, and report research.
Review Article
A review article is a type of article that provides a summary, analysis and critical evaluation of existing information in the scientific literature. In such articles, previous research on a specific topic is collated and the results, methodologies, contributions and limitations of these studies are discussed. The objective of a review article is to present the current state of knowledge in a given field, identify gaps in existing knowledge, and provide guidance for future research.
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
It is an article in which the statistical analysis and synthesis of the findings are obtained by combining the results of studies carried out by independent and different researchers on a subject.
It is a type of writing in which an attempt is made to examine the issue in question in full detail to clarify any person, work, place, or historical event.
Book Review
It is the analysis and review of a book. The weaknesses and strengths of the book under the review must be revealed. The subject must be current, and the author reviewing the book must be an expert on the subject.
Article Formatting
2.The abstract must be 9 font size, the titles must be 13-12-11 font size depending on the title type, the references must be 9 font size, the main text must be 11 font size, and the fonts must be Segoe UI only in the entire article.
3.Author names and information must not be included in the article uploaded to
ISTJ adds author names and information after the article is accepted by the referees.
The Turkish abstract of an article in
always on the first page, and
the English abstract is
always on the second page. The Turkish title must be written in the Öz and the English title must be written in the Abstract.
5.Page layout: Custom page sizes, Width:17 cm, Height:24 cm
6.Margins: Right and Left: 1.5 cm, Bottom and Top: 2 cm
7.Line spacing: Full Value: 12 pt; Range: 0pt first; Then 7.1pt
8.Main text font and font size: Segoe UI,11 font size
9.Reference font and font size: Segoe UI, 9 font size
10.Titles: The main title of article must be Segoe UI, 13 font size, bold, and centered, the first letters of all the words must be capitalized and consist of a maximum of 15 words. The first-level titles must be unnumbered, 13 font size, bold, and the first letters of all the words must be capitalized and centered. The second-level titles must be unnumbered, 12 font size, bold, with the first letters of all the words must be capitalized and aligned to the left. The third-level titles must be written in 11 font size, left-aligned, with only the first letter of the first word must be capitalized and bold. The fourth level titles must be written in 11 font size, left-aligned, with only the first letter of the first word must be capitalized and bold.
Author names and information sections must remain blank. These sections will be added to the article by ISTJ after it is accepted by the referees.
Turkish/English citation information sections must remain blank. These sections will be added to the article by
ISTJ after it is accepted by the referees.
13.Abstract must be written with [½ indent], Segoe UI, 9 font size and justified. Abstract must be written between 180-300 words. Article must contain abstracts in Turkish and English. Turkish abstract must always be on page 1, and English abstract must be on page 2. The Turkish title must be written in the Öz section, and the English title in the Abstract section.
14.Keywords 4 or 5 words, paragraph indentation [½ indent], font Segoe UI, 9 point, italic, only the first letter of the first keyword capitalized (except for proper nouns), and keyword order should be from general to specific.
15.The main text of the article must be written in Segoe UI, 11 font size, and the files must be prepared in Microsoft Office and the file format must be .doc or .docx extension. The first paragraphs after the titles must not be indented, while all the other paragraph headings must always be left with a ½ indent at the beginning.
16.Table numbers must be Segoe UI, 10 font size, left-aligned, italic, bold, and above the tables. Table titles must be Segoe UI, 10 font size, left-aligned, with only the first letter of the first word capitalized, italic, regular, and above the tables. Each table must be numbered starting from "1" and consecutively in the format "Table 1. ...", "Table 2. ...". Information inside the table must be Segoe UI, 9 font size, left aligned, italic. The vertical lines must not be used in the tables if possible. Table names must be placed below table number. If possible, there must be no more than 4 lines in the tables. Texts in the tables' content can be reduced to 8 font size. The paragraphs describing the tables must be in ½ indent and within 7.1nk of the tables.
17.Figure numbers must be Segoe UI, 10 font size, centered, italic, bold and placed below the figure. Figure titles must be Segoe UI, 10 font size, centered, only the first letter must be capitalized, italic and below the figures. Each figure must be numbered starting from "1" and consecutively in the format "Figure 1. ...", "Figure 2. ...". Figure names must appear next to the figure numbers. The paragraphs describing the figures must be indented ½ and within 7.1nk of the figures.
18.Pictures must be high resolution (300 dpi), bright and clear. Other cases are similar to the rules given for tables and figures.
Writing the references according to APA 7: Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. All the sources used in the article must be stated in the text. The references must be added to the end of article. The references must comply with
APA 7, one of the international reference formats
(click to learn more about APA 7 references). The references must be listed alphabetically based on authors' surnames.