IBAD Journal of Social Sciences (e-ISSN 2687-2811) is a peer-reviewed academic online journal that publishes scholarly articles in the fields of social and human sciences. It aims to explore and analyze the social and cultural characteristics of Turks and Turkiye, as well as their historical and contemporary realities, while offering solutions to related issues. The journal welcomes a wide range of theoretical, methodological, quantitative, and qualitative research that contributes to the existing literature. It particularly encourages studies that address fundamental issues, emerging ideas, or significant social challenges, regardless of discipline. Additionally, interdisciplinary perspectives are highly valued, especially when they advance the humanities, behavioral sciences, or social sciences. See
Aim & Scope. The journal publishes original research articles, review papers, scientific translations, and book reviews. It operates under a double-blind peer review model, (see
Peer-review Process).
The journal was first published in 2016 under the name
Journal of International Scientific Researches (IBAD) (e-ISSN 2536-4642). Since 2019, it has continued its publication under the name
IBAD Journal of Social Sciences (e-ISSN 2687-2811). Between 2016 and 2019, it released eight issues, publishing two issues per year. After rebranding in 2019, it published two special issues: October 2019 Special Issue and the 100th Anniversary of the National Struggle Special Issue in 2020. The journal published three issues per year in 2020 and 2021 but has been releasing two issues per year since 2022.
Manuscripts Not Accepted for Review
Studies that do not align with the journal's aims and scope are not considered for publication.
Publication Frequency
The journal is published twice a year, in August and December. Special issues may be published upon the decision of the Editorial Board. The topics covered in special issues are determined by the Editorial Board, considering current academic discussions.
Language Policy
IBAD Journal of Social Sciences accepts submissions only in Turkish and/or English. Manuscripts submitted in languages other than Turkish or English will be rejected without entering the editorial process.
Journal Sections
IBAD Journal of Social Sciences accepts submissions in the following sections:
- Peer-Reviewed Articles (Subject to Peer Review): research articles and review papers.
-Translations and Book Reviews (Evaluated by the Editorial Board): Translations of academic articles and book reviews.
Impact Value
Striving to enhance its academic quality, the journal has consistently worked to increase its Impact Factor. According to SOBIAD data, the journal's Impact Factor has shown significant growth:
- 2019: 0.132
- 2020: 0.187
- 2021: 0.474
- 2022: 0.750
- 2023: 1.007
As of 2023, the journal ranked 2nd among 520 social science journals.
Furthermore, According to the WoS database, IBAD Journal of Social Sciences has received citations for nearly 162 articles, including some with over 15 citations. In the Scopus database, this number rises to approximately 280 articles. Moreover, the journal has achieved a remarkable increase in citations, surpassing 1,100 according to Crossref data.
Publication Support
The journal organizes or supports academic conferences, symposiums, workshops, etc., both nationally and internationally. Since 2016, the journal has provided publication support for various national and international scientific congresses held in locations such as Madrid (Spain), Istanbul (Turkey), Skopje (North Macedonia), and Uppsala (Sweden).
Short Name of the Journal
In academic literature, the journal is cited using abbreviations such as IBAD, IBAD Sos Bil Der, IBAD J Soc Sci, and Ulus Bil Aras Der. However, the
Editorial Board recommends using only IBAD as official abbreviations.
Old Name of the Journal
Journal of International Scientific Researches (IBAD) (e-ISSN 2536-4642).
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses in the IBAD Journal of Social Sciences will only be used for the journal’s stated purposes and will not be disclosed to third parties or used for any other purposes.
Sponsorship and Advertising Policy
IBAD Journal of Social Sciences does not accept any form of sponsorship or advertising. However, scientific and educational events may be announced on its website in line with its academic objectives.
Open Access Policy
IBAD Journal of Social Sciences adopts the principle that providing free access to scientific research will enhance the global sharing of knowledge and therefore offers immediate open access to its content. Access to the journal is free. Since the first issue of the journal, all published articles have been open access. The journal follows the Budapest Open Access Initiative. For detailed information, see [http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/list_signatures/](http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/list_signatures/). For the Turkish translation of the Budapest Open Access Initiative, see [http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/boai-10-translations/turkish-translation](http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/boai-10-translations/turkish-translation).