Repository Policy

In alignment with our mission to promote the dissemination of research findings, we are pleased to announce the publisher archiving policy for the IBAD Journal of Social Sciences:

Publisher: Hayrullah Kahya
Journal Name: IBAD Journal of Social Sciences
e-ISSN: 2687-2811

1. Publisher Archiving Permission
The publisher allows authors to archive the final published version of their articles (publisher PDF) on personal websites (self-archiving) and/or in institutional repositories.

2. Authors’ Archiving Rights
- Authors are permitted to self-archive the published version of their articles in public and/or commercial subject-based repositories.
- Embargo period: None.
- Conditions: Proper citation of the published source must be provided, and a link to the journal homepage or the article’s DOI should be included.

3. Authors’ Article Sharing Rights
- Authors may download the final PDF version of their articles and share them with colleagues without any embargo period.

4. Versions Permitted for Archiving
The publisher allows the following versions of articles to be archived without embargo:
- Submitted Version (Preprint): The version initially submitted by the author.
- Accepted Version (Postprint): The version accepted after peer review.
- Published Version (Publisher PDF): The final published version.

Archiving Locations
- Institutional repositories
- Authors’ personal websites
- Public and/or commercial subject-based repositories (e.g., ResearchGate, Academia)
- Indexes such as Crossref and EBSCO

Open Access and Copyright Information
- Publication Type: Open Access. See
- Copyright Holder: Authors. See
- Embargo Period: None

Technical Information

Policy Conditions
Articles may be used in compliance with standard citation and attribution practices. Proper citation to the journal must be made, and the publisher’s version should be linked via DOI.

This policy reflects the IBAD Journal of Social Sciences' commitment to transparency and open access principles.


Last Update Time: 3/2/25, 7:35:52 PM