Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Research and Publication Ethics

IBAD Journal of Social Sciences adheres to national and international standards concerning research and publication ethics. It complies with the Press Law, the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works, and the Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive. Additionally, it embraces the International Ethical Publishing Principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). The *IBAD Journal of Social Sciences* is committed to publishing in accordance with universal publishing standards. It is a peer-reviewed journal. In works prepared within the framework of scientific principles, all components of the publication process—publishers, editors, authors, reviewers, and readers—must adhere to ethical guidelines. The journal's publication ethics and open access policy also require adherence to ethical principles throughout the publication process, in line with the guidelines and policies set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

IBAD Journal of Social Sciences rigorously checks whether ethical principles, especially plagiarism, are followed in the works submitted for evaluation. Articles undergo an automatic plagiarism check using the software during the initial review phase. If plagiarism is detected, the authors are immediately notified. Editors may request a recheck for similarity at any stage of the article evaluation or publication process. High similarity rates may result in the rejection of the article, either before or after acceptance. An acceptable similarity rate is generally below 25%. However, in special cases, the editorial board may allow up to 30%. In all cases, the similarity rate from a single source should not exceed 5%. The IBAD Journal of Social Sciences subjects each article to a similarity report via tools such as iThenticate, Turnitin, and before publication. The journal maintains a strict stance against plagiarism.

IBAD Journal of Social Sciences places great importance on intellectual property and aims to protect and promote the originality of authors' works. Articles that do not comply with ethical principles, particularly plagiarism, are considered contrary to quality, research, and innovation standards. Therefore, all authors submitting articles to the journal are expected to act in accordance with ethical standards and avoid any form of plagiarism. If plagiarism is suspected in an article, the Editors’ Board will review the work. After the review, the journal will contact the author(s) to request necessary actions. If no response is received from the author within 30 days, the journal will contact the author's affiliated institution to request an investigation into the claim. If data manipulation, distortion, or the use of fabricated data is detected in an article, the institution where the author works will be officially notified, and the article will be rejected. Our journal reserves the right to request output files related to analysis results from authors based on evaluations provided by the editor(s) and/or reviewers.

IBAD Journal of Social Sciences takes the following measures against published articles identified with plagiarism:
1. Immediately contacts the university to which the author(s) is affiliated and requests definitive action.
2. Removes the PDF copy of the article from the website and disables full-text access links. The phrase "Plagiarized Article" is added to the title of the article.
3. Deactivates the author's account and rejects all future article submissions for a period of 3 years.

For studies based on surveys and interviews, the following guidelines must be adhered to:
1) For research in all scientific fields that requires ethical approval, the ethics committee approval must be obtained, indicated in the article, and documented.
2) In research requiring ethics committee approval, information regarding the approval (committee name, date, and approval number) should be included in the methodology section, as well as on one of the first or last pages of the article. In case reports, information about the signed informed consent form should be provided in the article.

The journal may publish a special issue upon request by the Editorial Board once a year. The review process and rules for articles submitted for consideration in the special issue are the same as those for regular issues.

The Editorial Board may consider publishing a correction if minor errors that do not affect the findings, interpretations, or conclusions are identified in a published article. However, if there are serious errors or violations that invalidate the findings or conclusions, the article may be retracted. If there are suspicions that the authors have misused the research or publication, or if there is evidence showing the findings are unreliable, or if the institutions of the authors have failed to investigate the matter or if the investigation appears biased or inconclusive, the editors may consider publishing an expression of concern. In cases of correction, retraction, or expression of concern, actions will be taken in accordance with COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) guidelines.

IBAD Journal of Social Sciences is a non-profit publishing entity. Since its first issue,  IBAD Journal of Social Sciences has adhered to universal publishing standards. The Editorial Board of IBAD Journal of Social Sciences is composed of experts in their fields. The members of the Editorial Board are selected based on their expertise in various disciplines within the social sciences. The Editor-in-Chief may send articles to guest editors, who are faculty members not part of the Editorial Board, for review if the subject of the article requires it.

Editorial Responsibilities
• The Editorial Board is responsible for all aspects of every manuscript submitted to the journal, including all stages after publication, and the board is fully aware of this responsibility. This duty requires decision-making based solely on public interest, without consideration for personal gain, and calls for independent judgment. The relationship between the publisher and the Editorial Board is based on the principle of independence, ensuring that editorial decisions are made without influence from the publisher or any other individuals or organizations.
• The Editorial Board of the journal is committed to continuously improving the journal and enhancing its publication quality.
• The Editorial Board of the journal ensures the development and implementation of the journal's policies, including those on publication, blind peer review, evaluation processes, and ethical guidelines.
• The Editorial Board of the journal protects the copyright of authors whose articles have been published in the journal.
• The Editorial Board of the journal is responsible for taking measures against issues related to intellectual property rights, unscientific or unethical conduct, plagiarism, and citation manipulation during the publication and editorial processes.
• The Editorial Board of the journal maintains records of every manuscript and correspondence related to the journal, preserving these records electronically or in print, either via the journal’s platform or its own resources.
• The Editors of the journal strive to meet the informational needs of reviewers, authors, researchers, practitioners, and readers, providing feedback when necessary, and adhere to transparency in cases requiring clarification or corrections during the publication process.
• The Editors of the journal ensure that articles are original, contribute to the academic field, and provide value to readers, researchers, and practitioners.
• When deciding whether to publish an article, the Editors consider the article’s originality, its contribution to the field, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the expression, and the alignment with the journal's aims and scope.
• The Editors of the journal perform an initial evaluation of submitted manuscripts unless there are significant issues, consider positive reviewer recommendations, and, unless there are substantial reasons, refrain from altering decisions made by previous editors.
• The Editors of the journal implement policies related to blind peer review and the evaluation process, keeping the identities of reviewers confidential, and ensuring impartial and timely evaluations for each manuscript.
• The Editors of the journal assign manuscripts to the appropriate subject-area editors and reviewers, ensuring evaluations are impartial and independent.
• The Editors of the journal take into account potential conflicts of interest among editors, reviewers, and authors to ensure impartial evaluations of manuscripts.
• The Editors of the journal actively seek to expand and regularly update the pool of reviewers to ensure diversity and expertise.
• The Editors of the journal prevent unprofessional or scientifically unsound evaluations in adherence to academic codes of conduct.
• The Editors of the journal ensure that publication processes are carried out in accordance with the journal’s policies and guidelines, informing those involved in the process about developments in publication policies and providing training when necessary.
• The Editors of the journal maintain effective communication with all participants in the publication process and organize regular meetings.
• The Editors of the journal ensure the protection of personal data in reviewed manuscripts and maintain the confidentiality of individual data for authors, reviewers, and readers.
• The Editors of the journal ensure the protection of human and animal rights in articles, insist on documenting participants' informed consent, and reject articles that lack ethical approval or participant permissions in experimental research.
• The Editors of the journal take preventive measures against abuse of power. In case of complaints about abuse of authority, they conduct an objective investigation and share findings.
• The Editors of the journal ensure the correction of any errors, inconsistencies, or misguidance found in published articles.
• The Editors of the journal protect the intellectual property rights of published articles and defend the rights of authors and the journal in cases of infringement. They also take measures to ensure the content of published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications by conducting originality and similarity checks.
• The Editors of the journal consider consistent criticism of published articles and grant authors the right to respond to critiques.
• The Editors of the journal take into account studies with negative results.
• The Editors of the journal review complaints submitted to the journal and provide necessary clarifications.

Ethical Responsibilities for Reviewers
In the article evaluation process of the journal, a double-blind peer review principle is applied, meaning that the reviewer(s) do not know the identity of the author(s), and the authors do not know the identity of the reviewer(s). Reviewers are not allowed to communicate directly with the authors. Any requests for corrections or notes on the manuscript are transmitted to the authors through the editor(s) via the journal's management system.
Reviewers for the journal should bear the following ethical responsibilities when evaluating submitted manuscripts:
• Reviewers should only accept to evaluate articles that fall within their area of expertise.
• Reviewers should conduct their evaluations with impartiality and confidentiality. In accordance with this principle, they must destroy the manuscripts after the review process and should only use them once published. Nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political views, and commercial interests should not influence the impartiality of the evaluation.
• Reviewers should inform the editors and decline to review a manuscript if they realize there is a conflict of interest.
• Reviewers must conduct the review in a constructive manner, following academic conventions, and avoid making personal comments that are insulting or hostile.
• Reviewers should complete the evaluation of a manuscript within the given time frame once they accept to review it.

Ethical Responsibilities for Authors
The manuscript must have a complete list of references, and plagiarism or falsification of data should be avoided. Authors should not attempt to publish the same research in multiple journals and must adhere to scientific research and publication ethics. They must avoid any unethical behavior as outlined in the Council of Higher Education's (YÖK) Guidelines on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics. See:

The ethical responsibilities of authors submitting manuscripts to the journal include:
• Authors should not submit the same article simultaneously to more than one journal or submit articles that have been previously published elsewhere.
• Authors should submit original or review articles.
• Authors should correctly cite the sources they have used during the writing process in accordance with ethical guidelines.
• Authors should not list individuals who did not contribute to the manuscript as authors, and they should not request changes to the order of authors, add or remove authors after submission.
• Authors should disclose any conflicts of interest regarding the manuscript to the editors.
• Authors should provide any requested information or raw data concerning the manuscript during the review process to the editors.
• Authors must provide documentation that confirms they have obtained permission for the use of data, research analyses, or approval from participants in their research.
• Authors must contact the editor if they identify any errors in the manuscript during the evaluation, early view, or online publication stages, in order to correct or withdraw the article.
• Authors must provide proof of ethical approval for research involving experiments, surveys, scales, interviews, observations, or focus groups that require ethical approval. This approval, along with the name of the ethics committee, decision date, and number, should be included on the first and last pages of the manuscript and in the methods section. Additionally, for case reports, information about obtaining informed consent should be included.
• Authors must provide evidence in the manuscript that they have adhered to ethical principles during the data collection process, such as obtaining permission to use scales, surveys, photographs, etc. Research and publication ethics, as well as copyright regulations for intellectual and artistic works, should be followed, and if the research was conducted with human or animal subjects, the relevant guidelines and standards should be cited.
• Ethical approval is not required for review articles, but if no ethical committee approval is needed, this should be noted in the manuscript.

Reporting Ethical Violations to the Editor
In IBAD Journal of Social Sciences, if any unethical behavior is observed by editors, reviewers, or authors during the evaluation process or if any unethical situation is encountered in early stages or in a published article, we encourage you to report it to This will help enhance the quality of our publication. Readers who detect significant errors or inaccuracies in a published article or have any concerns regarding editorial content (such as plagiarism or duplicate publications) can report the issue by emailing We view complaints as an opportunity for growth and welcome your feedback. Our goal is to respond promptly and constructively. Ethical complaints related to published articles will be investigated, even if a significant amount of time has passed since the publication date. The author will be contacted, and information regarding the complaint or allegations will be provided. If a violation of ethical standards is identified during the investigation, a correction note will be published addressing any publication error, inconsistency, or misleading information.

Publication Policy
The journal's publication policy is determined by the Editorial Board. Submitted articles to the IBAD Journal of Social Sciences are first reviewed by the Editorial Board for compliance with the journal’s principles. Articles that do not align with the journal's scope or fail to meet the required format or content standards for scientific writing are rejected or may be asked for revisions before the peer-review process begins. The processes of manuscripts that pass the preliminary review are managed by the Editor-in-Chief. See: Peer-Review Process. The most important criteria in evaluating submitted manuscripts are academic impartiality and scientific quality. The IBAD Journal follows a double-blind peer review process. After the peer review process is completed, articles are published without delay, in the number deemed appropriate by the editorial board. Each published article is assigned a DOI number and made available in early view on the journal's website with volume and page numbers. The managing editor and editorial board handle all processes transparently from a central platform. Authors submitting work to the IBAD Journal of Social Sciences consider the critiques and suggestions from reviewers and the editorial board. If there are disagreements, authors have the right to appeal, providing justifications for their objections. After an article is accepted, it is reviewed by language editors, and necessary revisions are made. Articles approved for publication are formatted and prepared for publication. The final proofreading is done by the chief editor before being released. Review reports are stored digitally in the Dergipark system. Authors submitting to the IBAD Journal of Social Sciences accept the peer review conditions and process of the journal.

The editorial board has the right to make changes to the submitted articles that do not alter the essence of the content.
If deemed appropriate by the Editorial Board, a guest handling editor may also be assigned.
An author may submit one article at a time, including co-authorship.
An author can have at most one article published in a single issue. The researcher may submit another article for the subsequent issue after their article is published. 
Editorial board members can also submit articles to the journal, but no specific tasks are assigned to them during the process. To ensure impartiality, the proportion of published research articles where at least one author is an editor, board member, or reviewer should not exceed 25% in any two consecutive issues.
The journal is published biannually, in August and December. However, articles that complete the peer review process may be uploaded in early view or under upcoming issues on the journal’s website before the official publication.

Dergi erişim ve lisansı: Açık Erişim (Open Access) CC-BY 4.0 Bk. Telif Hakkı Politikası ve Açık Erişim
Değerlendirme Süreci: Bk. Değerlendirme Süreci
Dergi Ücret Politikası: Bk. Dergi Ücret Politikası

Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses in the IBAD Journal of Social Sciences will only be used for the journal’s stated purposes and will not be disclosed to third parties or used for any other purposes.

Note: This page's content and format were informed by the publication process pages of the Eskiyeni and Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal, as well as the International Journal of Social and Educational Sciences.

Last Update Time: 1/12/25, 2:19:22 PM

The articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY). It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the necessary permissions for any materials used in the article. The scientific and legal accountability of the articles rests with the authors.