Peer-Review Policy

The manuscripts submitted to Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Faculty of Business are first pre-checked by the Journal Editorial Secretariat. At this stage, the conformity of the article with the publication principles, the conformity of the content with the scope of the journal, the conformity with the journal’s writing rules, the similarity rate are evaluated. Moreover, whether the necessary forms and reports related to the submission are uploaded to the system is also checked at this stage. The checked manuscript is forwarded to the editor for pre-checking again. If the manuscript does not comply with the purpose, scope and publication ethics of the journal, it is rejected. Depending on the subject, members of the editorial board may be consulted for eligibility in order to obtain further scientific evaluation of the manuscript.
The studies that are deemed worthy of peer review are assigned to at least two blind reviewers specialized in the relevant field selected by the journal editor to carry out the scientific evaluation process. In the process, a double-blind peer review system is adopted and the identities of the reviewers and authors are kept confidential. The reviewers should advise the editor to “accept the manuscript as it is”, “minor or major revisions required” or “reject”. In case of disagreement among the reviewers, the manuscript may be sent to more reviewers for further review. The journal editor makes the final evaluation based on the information received from the referees and forwards the referee reports to the author(s). The manuscript can be accepted for publication only after the necessary revisions are made by the author(s). The evaluation process starts again for the manuscripts for which revisions are requested at the final evaluation stage. The total time targeted for the evaluation process is 75 days.
When deemed necessary, the editor of the journal may consult the Scientific Committee of the Journal in line with the referee evaluation results on the publication of a study submitted to the journal.

Considerations in the evaluation process:

• The studies submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or accepted for publication
• The original contribution of the study to the relevant field, the extent to which this contribution is expressed and justified in the study
• The presentation of the research question and the purpose of the study, how it is justified, whether the study forms an integrity in line with this purpose
• The suitability of the theoretical framework of the study to the scientific study systematic, the extent to which it focuses on the objectives of the study, the extent to which the basic concepts, variables, processes and causal relationships are explained, the extent to which it supports the basic assumptions and hypotheses of the study, if any
• How the assumptions and hypotheses of the study, if any, are put forward, whether they are clearly stated, whether they are appropriate to the objectives of the study, whether they are supported by sufficient and strong arguments
• The extent to which the study benefits from the relevant literature, uses the resources that can be defined as primary sources on the subject appropriately, and whether it contains the necessary discussions adequately
• If any research is conducted to support the basic assumptions/hypotheses of the study, whether this research is sufficiently explained and whether the methodology used is appropriate for testing the objectives, basic assumptions and hypotheses, if any
• Whether the findings of the study are adequately explained, to what extent the findings and their reflections are discussed, to what extent the main limitations of the study are addressed, whether scientific and practical implications are made in line with the findings of the study
• Whether the study is prepared in a systematic manner in accordance with the scientific study systematic
• The adequacy of the summary of the study, the extent to which it includes elements such as purpose, basic assumptions, method, findings, results, etc., whether it gives enough information about the whole study, the clarity and simplicity of the language used
• Compliance of the study with scientific writing rules
• Consistency of the title with content of the article
• Comprehensibility of the language used in the writing and its compliance with the spelling rules in the relevant language
• Comprehensibility of the tables and figures used and their suitability for the objectives of the study

Last Update Time: 3/2/25, 5:43:41 PM

Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Faculty of Business
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