Writing Rules

Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Faculty of Business Writing Rules

Studies that do not comply with the writing rules, stylistic features, citation, and bibliography rules below will not be included in the evaluation process. Thank you for your understanding and attention.


  • The studies submitted to our journal must not have been previously published anywhere and/or sent to another place for publication at the time they are submitted to our journal.
  • Plagiarism Report of the study (using iThenticate or Turnitin programs) must be uploaded to the system in pdf format.
  • Ethics Committee Permission/Report should be uploaded to the system in pdf format for necessary studies.
  • Author Form and Copyright Transfer Form on the page of the journal must be ink signed by each author and uploaded to the system in pdf format.
  • Studies submitted to the journal can be written in Turkish or English.
  • Title Page and Main Manuscript must be uploaded to the system in Word format.
  • Title Page should be filled.
  • Author(s) should not write any information or statements that may reveal the identity of the author anywhere in the main text, except for the cover page.
  • In the Main Text (Anonymous); The title of the study should be included first, followed by the Turkish abstract, the English title and abstract. On the other hand, studies prepared in English should include the English title and abstract first, and then the Turkish title and abstract. The last page of the Turkish-language manuscript should include an Extended English Abstract of 700 to 1000 words.
  • Abstract should briefly include the purpose, scope, methodology, findings, and conclusion of the study. The length of the Turkish and English abstract should be between 150-250 words.
  • Just below the Turkish and English abstract, there should be at least 3 and at most 5 keywords and JEL classification codes reflecting the content of the study.
  • Footnote method should be used in the entire study text, not the endnote.
  • No spaces should be added before and after the paragraph in the entire study text.


Submitted papers must include the following sections:

1- Title Page

  • The Title Page provided on the webpage of the journal must be filled.

2- Main Manuscript- Anonymous

If the study is written in Turkish;

  • Turkish Title
  • Turkish Abstract (150-250 words + keywords + JEL codes)
  • English Title and Abstract (150-250 words + keywords + JEL codes)
  • Introduction Section
  • Other Sections (Literature Search, Data, Methodology, Results, etc., which may vary according to the study)
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendices (if any)
  • Extended Abstract: The last page of the Turkish-language manuscript should include an Extended English Abstract of 700 to 1000 words, including “Introduction, Conceptual/Theoretical Framework, Method, Findings and Conclusion” sections. An Extended Abstract is not required for full-text studies in English. Although the subheadings in the extended abstract vary according to the type of study, the purpose, problem, method, findings and conclusions of the study should be clearly included. 

If the work is written in English;

  • English Title
  • English Abstract (150-250 words + keywords + JEL codes)
  • Turkish Title and Abstract (150-250 words + keywords + JEL codes)
  • Introduction Section
  • Other Sections (Literature Search, Data, Methodology, Results, etc., which may vary according to the study)
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendices (if any)


Paper Size and Page Margins:

The study should be prepared in A4 standard (21 x 29.7 cm). There should be 4 cm from the top, 3 cm from the bottom, 3 cm from the right and 3 cm from the left at the margins of the page. If there are footnotes, they should be kept within these limits. A distance of 1.5 cm should be left for the header and footer in the study. The main text, including the cover page, figures, tables, references, notes, appendices, and abstracts, should not exceed 25 pages in total.

Font Format and Size:

  • All text should be written in “Times News Roman” font, 11 font size, with 1.15 spacing and justified.
  • In the study, the abstract-keywords-JEL codes section should be written in “Times News Roman” font, 10 font size, 1 spacing, and justified.
  • Footnotes in the study should be written in 10 font size, Times News Roman font, and 1 spacing.
  • Page numbers should be in the lower right corner of the page and should be written in Times News Roman 11 font size.

Line Spacing and Layout:

Paragraph indents should be 1 cm from the left. No blank lines should be left between paragraphs; however, 1 line space should be left before the main headings. There is no need to leave additional space between the main heading and other headings and the text (except for 1.15 spacing). Subheadings cannot be written as the last line of the page. If at least 2 lines cannot fit under the subtitle, the title should start on the next page. The first line of a paragraph cannot be written as the last line of the page and the last line as the first line of the page.

Numbering of Headings:

Main Chapter titles are as 1., 2., 3., …; the first sub-headings are 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., …; the second sub-headings are 1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3., …; the third subheadings,,, … should be numbered following the same format in the fourth and fifth subheadings. No more subtitles should be used unless necessary. Only 1 line space should be left before the main headings, no additional space should be left between the headings and the text.

  • Main section titles are left justified (indent 0 cm), 11 font size, all capital letters and bold,
  • First degree titles are left justified (indent 0 cm), 11 font size, only the initials are capitalized and bold,
  • Second, third, and more advanced titles should be written in 11 font size, capital letters only, and bold (indent 0.5 cm), starting from the left.
  • Left indent should be 0 cm for main chapter headings and first-degree headings, and 0.5 cm left indent for all other subheadings.





3.1. Methodology

    3.1.1. Panel Unit Root Tests

    3.1.2. Dynamic Panel Data Estimator

3.2. Data



Format of Charts and Tables:

  • Figures and visuals in the studies are as “Chart 1, Chart 2, Chart 3, …”; tables and diagrams should be named as “Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, …”.
  • Write the names of the charts and tables on the related chart and table, justified to the left, in bold letters, of which the initial letters are capital and 11 font size. No additional space should be left between the chart and table title and the chart and table. Text, numbers, and other items in charts and tables can be written in the range of 7-11 font size, depending on the need.
  • Statistical significance levels should be indicated by the use of a superscript *.
  • Tables, formulas, or figures presented in the text should not be in picture format. 


      Table 1: Unemployment Rates

      Chart 1: Change of Inflation in Turkey by Years

  • Sources and references related to the chart and table should be written just below the related chart and table in left-justified, 10 font size, italic and bold.


     Source: World Bank, 2020.

     Source: Kuzmenko and Roienko, 2017: 3.

  • Notes and annotations related to charts and tables should be written just below the table and chart, justified to the left, following the heading “Notes:” in 10 font size and 1 spacing.
  • If both notes and references are to be given, the reference should be given first and then the notes section.


  • APA 7 (2020) (American Psychological Association 7th Edition) notation should be used for in-text citation and end-of-text references in all studies of the journal.
  • Footnote or endnote methods should not be used for citations.
  • Footnotes can be used only if explanatory information is needed in the text. Footnotes used in this way should be written in Times News Roman, 10 font size, 1.0 spacing, justified.
  • Direct quotation should be presented in the following format: maximum 4 lines, italic, Times News Roman font, 10 font size, indented 1 cm from right and left.
  • It should be ensured that every citation made in the text is included in the references, and every study in the references is included in the text.
  • It should be checked whether the sources in the text and in the references are consistent in terms of author names and dates.
  • For in-text citation and references under APA 7, click: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines and https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples/

Before submitting your study to the journal, you can check the list below for the documents to be uploaded:

 Title Page (Containing the name and surname of the Author(s))

 Main Text (Anonymous)

 Plagiarism Report

 Copyright Transfer Form

 Author Form

 Ethics Committee Permission/Report (for required studies)   

Last Update Time: 3/4/25, 1:26:42 PM

Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Faculty of Business
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