The articles submitted to Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Business of Faculty are checked for similarity by the Editorial Board using internationally recognized plagiarism detection programs before publication. For this purpose, the similarity report of the articles should be generated by the author(s) using any of the plagiarism scanning programs (iThenticate, Turnitin) during the first submission to DergiPark, and at the final stage by the editor using iThenticate program after the refereeing process is completed.
The rules that are applied in the process of determining the rate of similarity are as follows:
(a) The overall similarity rate of the article should be 15% or less. At this stage, articles with an overall similarity rate above 15% are returned to the author without going through the referee process.
(b) Within the general similarity rate of the article, the matching rate with a single source should be less than 2% and should not include an overlap with more than 5 words.
(c) Bibliographic materials (bibliography, citations, etc.) are not included in the scan. In addition, the filtering option in the similarity rate program menu, excluding text sections with less than 5 words of overlap, should be included in the reporting.
(d) All author(s) who submit an article are deemed to have accepted the above-mentioned rules.