Aim & Scope

Kocatepe Journal of Tourism Research (KOJTOR) is a refereed journal that aims to contribute to the development of the scientific and applied fields of tourism in line with current developments by publishing scientific studies related to the field of tourism. In this context, the journal adopts a publication policy that aims to highlight current studies in the field of tourism.

Kocatepe Journal of Tourism Research mainly focuses on studies related to tourism and its sub-fields. In addition, studies related to topics that are directly or indirectly related to the field of tourism are also accepted to the journal. In this context, Kocatepe Journal of Tourism Research focuses on new trends and developments in the field of tourism and due to its interdisciplinary nature, it also includes studies examining the effects of developments in other fields on the field of tourism. In line with this scope, the journal accepts studies written in Turkish or English in the form of research articles, compilations/literature reviews and bibliographies.

Period Months
March September
Last Update Time: 2/14/25, 1:44:28 PM
. KOJTOR is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
. KOJTOR adopts the principles published as open access by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)