Authors who will send their studies to Kocatepe Journal of Tourism Research must organize their studies according to the writing rules specified below before uploading their studies. The studies to be sent to the journal will be examined first in terms of subject and then writing rules, and failure to fulfil these requirements may result in the return of the study or an extension of the process. In this context, the authors who will send their studies to the journal must definitely examine the explanations provided on the pages of the journal's website, especially the "Ethical Principles and Publication Policy", "Copyright Notice/Commitment", "Open Access Policy", "Archiving and Storage Policy", and "Author Guide" in detail, which will contribute to the faster progress of the process. |
Authors who will submit their studies for both regular issues and special or additional issues of Kocatepe Journal of Tourism Research are required to download the "TITLE PAGE" and "FULL TEXT FILE" templates, prepare their studies on these files and upload them to the journal system. Authors' review of the "Article Submission Process" before uploading their studies to the system will contribute to the healthy execution of the process. |
INFORMATION ABOUT AUTHORS (COVER PAGE) Author information must be included on the first page of the article file. Name, surname, university/institution, faculty, city, country, e-mail and ORCID information of all authors of the article must be added. |
PAGE LAYOUT and GENERAL RULES File Type: Microsoft Word Margins: Top: 2.5 cm / Bottom: 2.5 cm / Left: 2.5 cm / Right: 2.5 cm Paragraph Indent: Left Indent: 0.5 cm [Only in the body of the article] Line Spacing: Single (1) Line Paragraph Spacing: Before: 6 pt / After: 6 pt Text Alignment: Justified Total Word Count: Minimum 6,000, maximum 12,000 words (including headings, abstracts, tables, figures and references) Fonts: Times New Roman / 11 point First Degree Headings: Times New Roman, First Letters Capital, 12 Point, Bold, Left Aligned Second Degree Headings: (Times New Roman, First Letters Capital, 12 Point, Italic, Aligned Left) Third Degree Headings: (Times New Roman, First Letter Capital, 12 Point, Italic, Aligned Left) |
INFORMATION ABOUT THE ABSTRACT SECTION The Turkish and English abstracts of the articles to be uploaded to Kocatepe Journal of Tourism Research must be prepared in a structured abstract format. The abstracts of studies prepared in Turkish must include the Turkish structured abstract first, and the English structured abstract first in the abstracts of studies prepared in English. Free support is provided by the journal editorship for preparing structured abstracts in Turkish for authors whose native language is not Turkish. The number of keywords to be included in the abstract must be at least 3 and at most 6. Turkish and English structured abstracts must be prepared in accordance with the following points. Abstract (Times New Roman, All Capital Letters, 12 Points, Bold, Aligned Left) Purpose: In this section, the question or problem the study seeks to answer must be clearly stated. The purpose of the research and why the study was conducted, which gap it fills or which problem it aims to solve must be briefly explained (Maximum 100 words). Method: This section summarizes how the research was conducted and provides information about the research method used, data collection tools, participants or sample. The general characteristics of the method must be stated as the basic elements that increase the reliability and validity of the research (Maximum 100 words). Findings: The main findings of the research must be presented objectively. In this section, only the results obtained are summarized and the findings are presented in a short and understandable way. The findings must be shared by avoiding interpretations (Maximum 200 words). Practical Implications: The benefits that the research brings to the field or practice must be stated in this section. It must be explained what contributions the results of the study make to practice and how they can help practitioners (Maximum 100 words). Originality (Scientific Contribution): This section must state what kind of innovations the study adds to the literature or what kind of a gap it fills in scientific terms. The scientific contribution of the study to the field must be defined by emphasizing the original aspects of the research and how it differs from other studies (Maximum 100 words). Keywords: Write at least 3 and at most 6 keywords. |
TITLES (In the studies, it is generally recommended that the following titles sholud be included in order). Turkish Title of the Article (Times New Roman, First Letters Capital, 12 Point, Bold, Centered) English Title of the Article (Times New Roman, First Letters Capital, 12 Point, Bold, Italic, Centered) Introduction (Times New Roman, Initials Capital Letter, 12 Point, Bold, Left Aligned) Texts must be written in Times New Roman font, 11 point size and 1.0 line spacing. Paragraph spacing must be 6 pt first, then 6 pt. Paragraph indentation must be 0.5 cm in from the left. Literature Review and Hypothesis(es) (Times New Roman, Initials Capital Letter, 12 Point, Bold, Left Aligned) Texts must be written in Times New Roman font, 11 point size and 1.0 line spacing. Paragraph spacing must be 6 pt first, then 6 pt. Paragraph indentation must be 0.5 cm in from the left. Subheading (Times New Roman, First Letters Capital, 12 Point, Italic, Left Aligned) Texts must be written in Times New Roman font, 11 point size and 1.0 line spacing. Paragraph spacing must be 6 pt first, then 6 pt. Paragraph indentation must be 0.5 cm in from the left. Subheading of subheading (Times New Roman, Only First Letter Capital, 12 Point, Italic, Left Aligned) Texts must be written in Times New Roman font, 11 point size and 1.0 line spacing. Paragraph spacing must be 6 pt first, then 6 pt. Paragraph indentation must be 0.5 cm in from the left. Method (Times New Roman, Initials Capital Letter, 12 Point, Bold, Left Aligned) Texts must be written in Times New Roman font, 11 points and 1.0 line spacing. Paragraph spacing must be 6 pt first, then 6 pt. Paragraph indentation must be 0.5 cm in from the left. Findings (Times New Roman, Initials Capital Letter, 12 Point, Bold, Left Aligned) Texts must be written in Times New Roman font, 11 points and 1.0 line spacing. Paragraph spacing must be 6 pt first, then 6 pt. Paragraph indentation must be 0.5 cm in from the left. Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations (Times New Roman, Initials Capital Letter, 12 Point, Bold, Left Aligned) Texts must be written in Times New Roman font, 11 points and 1.0 line spacing. Paragraph spacing must be 6 pt before, 6 pt after. Paragraph indentation must be 0.5 cm from the left. References (Times New Roman, First Letters Capital, 12 Point, Bold, Aligned Left) References must be written in Times New Roman font, 11 point and 1.0 line spacing. Paragraph spacing must be 6 pt before, 6 pt after. Second and subsequent lines of the references must be 0.5 cm indented (hanging). In the references section, all sources cited in the study must be listed accurately and completely. APA 7 in-text reference and reference system must be used in the article. |
ASPECTS TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN EDITING TABLES AND FIGURES - Table and figure titles must be short and understandable. Long and detailed titles must be avoided. The title of the table and figure must be written under the table and figure number. - All visuals other than the table, such as pictures, graphs, maps, must be given under the name of “Figure”. Different titles such as Picture 1, Photograph 1, Graph 1 must not be used. - Vertical lines must not be used in tables, and horizontal lines must be used as little as possible. - Single line spacing with 0pt before and after must be used in the table. The font size must be 11 points, but in cases where the table does not fit on the page, 10 points can be used. Again, in cases where it is necessary, the margins for tables can be reduced to 1cm on both sides. - Tables and figures must always be centered on the page, titles must be written immediately above the relevant element, as in the examples below, with all words (except conjunctions) starting with capital letters and in italics, and must not end with a period. The source of tables and figures must be written below, centered (See Table 1 and Figure 1). Table 1 Major Tourism Destinations and Visitor Data in Turkiye Source: Aksoy and Demir (2024) Figure 1 Food and Beverage Business Hierarchy Source: Altınay and Tunç (2024) |
CITATION GUIDE ACCORDING TO THE AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (APA) 7TH EDITION - In the APA style in-text citation format, the cited work is added to the sentence where that information is used. The purpose of the citation in this way is to help the reader identify or to reach the source in the reference list. - In citations related to articles with one or two authors, the surname(s) of all authors must be added. Sources with three or more authors must be indicated by adding the surname of the first author followed by ‘‘et al.’’. - In indirect citations made in the text, that is, in references used in parentheses, the & symbol must be used (and must not be used). - According to the APA style, citation is made by showing the surname(s) of the author(s) in parentheses along with the year of the study. In case of direct citation from a source, the page number must also be added. - According to APA 7, direct quotes between 1-39 words are considered short quotes and must be indicated in the text with double quotation marks (“…”) and normal font (without italics); in addition, the page number must be added at the end of the quote (Avan & Pelit, 2024, p. 35) or (Avan & Pelit, 2024, pp. 23-26). - According to APA 7, direct quotes of 40 words and above are classified as “long quotes”. Long quotes, unlike short quotes, must be written as a separate paragraph, without quotation marks and in normal font (without italics); all lines must start 1.25 cm from the right and left. - In APA 7, it is mandatory to write the DOI numbers of the studies. You can use the website to check whether the scientific articles/books etc. in your references have DOI numbers. Citing Secondary Sources: When an important source cannot be accessed or cannot be understood because it is in a different language, secondary sources can be cited from the obtained source. In this case, both the primary source and the secondary source are cited together; however, only the secondary source is included in the references. However, it is recommended that the use of secondary sources be avoided as much as possible and that each author accesses the primary source and verifies the information. Example: (Yaşa, 1980, cited in Katırcıoğlu et al., 2023). Citing More Than One Source in a Citation in APA Style: In APA style, when more than one source is cited in the same parentheses, the sources must be listed chronologically and each source must be separated by a semicolon. Example: (Pelit and Güçer, 2006; Sarı, 2007; Yıldız, 2011). Citing More Than One Study by the Same Author: Citation of more than one study by the same author published in the same year in the same parentheses is done by allocating letters in alphabetical order (a, b, c) after the author's surname in both in-text citations and reference lists. Example: (Pelit, 2024a, 2024b). For works by the same author but published in different years, publication years are added in chronological order and separated by commas. Example: (Avan, 2021, 2023). |
. KOJTOR is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License . KOJTOR adopts the principles published as open access by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) |