The duties and responsibilities given below for the Editor, Assistant Editor, Field Editor, Language Editor, Writing Editor, Layout Editor, Publication Board and Advisory Board have been created based on the Kocatepe Journal of Tourism Research Directive, which was approved by the Senate of Afyon Kocatepe University.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Editor
1. The editor manages all processes from the acceptance of the submitted studies to the journal to the publication of the journal.
2. Conducts activities to strengthen the scientific infrastructure of the journal and increase its recognition.
3. Conducts the necessary work for the acceptance of the journal to national and international indexes.
4. Takes into account the feedback from readers and researchers about the studies and takes the necessary actions.
5. Includes the studies in the evaluation process regardless of the ethnic origin, gender, nationality, religious belief and political views of the authors.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Assistant Editor
1. Assists the editor in the processes from the acceptance of the submitted studies to the journal to the publication of the journal.
2. Assists the editor in strengthening the scientific infrastructure of the journal and carrying out the necessary work for acceptance to national and international indexes.
3. Responsible for carrying out the duties assigned by the editor regarding the journal.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Field Editor
1. Evaluates the scope, subject and content of the work sent to the journal, which is pre-reviewed by the journal secretariat and editor/editor assistant, and forwarded to him/her by the editor, and ensures the operation of the process by deciding whether to send it to referees.
2. Makes referee recommendations for studies deemed appropriate to be sent to referees.
3. Provides opinions to the editor regarding the classification of studies whose referee evaluation is positive according to their field.
4. Provides opinions to the editor in determining and developing the fields within the scope of the journal.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Language Editor
1. Examines the studies submitted to the journal within his/her language field in terms of relevant grammar rules (meaning, expression, spelling, typos, etc.) and submits his/her opinions to the editor so that corrections can be made when necessary.
2. Examines the conformity of the studies to the academic terminology of the language in which they are written.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Writing Editor
1. Examines the writing rules of the studies submitted to the journal.
2. Checks whether all the files requested for the study have been uploaded to the system completely.
3. Provides the editor with an opinion on whether the evaluation process must be initiated for the study.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Layout Editor
1. Examines the accepted works submitted to the journal in terms of spelling rules and makes the necessary arrangements.
2. Examines the accepted works submitted to the journal in terms of page layout and makes the necessary arrangements.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
1. When necessary, they provide an opinion to the editor during the publication phase of the journal issue that is ready for publication.
2. When necessary, they provide an opinion to the editor regarding the type and number of studies to be accepted to the journal and the increase in the number of national or international indexes in which the journal is scanned.
3. When necessary, they provide an opinion to the editor regarding the publication of a special/supplementary issue.
4. When necessary, they provide an opinion on how many articles will be published in one issue of the journal.
5. To conduct studies to increase the number of national and international indexes in which the journal is scanned.
6. To conduct studies to determine and develop the areas within the scope of the journal.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Advisory Board
1. They provide opinions to the editor and/or field editor on strengthening the scientific infrastructure of the journal and determining the referees for the studies sent to the journal.
2. They provide opinions to the editor on increasing the number of national and international indexes in which the journal is scanned.
3. They provide opinions to the editor on determining and developing the fields within the scope of the journal.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Journal Secretariat
1. Assists the editor in the preliminary review, classification of the articles sent to the journal, and making the completed works ready for printing and/or publication.
2. Performs the updates on the journal's website, transfers the articles in the journal to the internet, organizes them, and fulfils the duties assigned by the editor in all processes related to the journal.
3. Follows the processes related to the classification and archiving of all correspondence related to the journal, including correspondence with referees.
4. Performs other duties assigned by the editor and assistant editor regarding the journal.
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