Author Guide

Authors who will send their studies for the regular issues, special or additional issues of Kocatepe Journal of Tourism Research must carefully review the "Authorship Rules", "Ethical Principles and Publication Policy", "Copyright Notice/Commitment", "Open Access Policy", "Archiving and Storage Policy" and other pages on the journal's website before uploading their studies, as well as the explanations provided below, which will contribute to a healthier and faster progress of the process.
1. All studies uploaded to Kocatepe Journal of Tourism Research must be uploaded to the journal electronically through the journal system, via the "Submit Article" page on the journal's website. Authors' review of the "Article Submission Process" before uploading their studies to the system will contribute to the smooth running of the process.
2. Studies written in Turkish and English are accepted for publication in Kocatepe Journal of Tourism Research. Accordingly, studies to be sent for both regular and special or additional issues of the journal must be prepared in accordance with the writing rules and the writing template provided on the "Writing Rules" page of the journal. For studies sent in Turkish, the Turkish Language Association's Current Turkish Dictionary and/or Great Turkish Dictionary and the Turkish Spelling and Orthography Guide should be used for spelling and punctuation rules. For studies sent in English, the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, and Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary can be used.
3. When uploading a study to the journal, the study file must be in "Word" format and the "Title Page", which includes all information about the authors, must be uploaded separately from the text file. In addition, personal information about the authors (name-surname, title, institution information, e-mail addresses and Orcid ( numbers) must be added one by one through the system.
4. By submitting a study to the journal, authors undertake that their work is original and complies with ethical standards, that the sources used are cited fully, and that there is no similarity with other articles published or in the publication phase. In this context, authors must run their work through a plagiarism detection software (ithenticate, turnitin,, etc.) and upload the plagiarism report to the journal system. When obtaining a plagiarism report, the references must be disabled and the total similarity rate in the relevant report must be at most 20%.
5. In matters related to artificial intelligence, it is recommended that the authors examine in detail COPE's perspective on artificial intelligence tools, which is also stated in the journal's Ethical Principles and Publication Policy page, and the "Ethical Guide for the Productive Use of Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Research and Publication Activities of Higher Education Institutions" published by the Council of Higher Education (2024), and the principles developed on the subject by various other international organizations (Elsevier, ICMJE, WAME).
6. Submitting the same work to more than one journal at the same time constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable. In general, an author must not submit a previously published article for consideration in another journal.
7. In studies requiring ethics committee approval, ethics committee approval must be obtained and this approval (committee name, date and issue number) must be stated in the study and also uploaded to the journal system.
8. Any change in the authorship list will not be accepted unless a clear reason is given to the editor. When a change in the authorship list is required, a clear reason for the change and written approval (a signed letter) must be given to the journal editor.
9. Authors must make the necessary corrections in line with the correction requests from the referees and upload the revised file to the journal system. In this context, the "Edition Notification Form", which includes the edits made by the author(s) regarding the referee opinions, must be filled out and uploaded to the journal system as an additional file.
10. All authors are responsible for declaring any financial sources or conflicts of interest that could influence the results or interpretations of their work.

Last Update Time: 2/20/25, 4:59:21 PM
. KOJTOR is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
. KOJTOR adopts the principles published as open access by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)